Standard Grade Bitesize History - Causes of the February Revolution 1917 : Revision V. I. Lenin: The Tasks of the Proletariat in the Present Revolution (a.k.a. the April Theses) The Tasks of the Proletariat in the Present Revolution [a.k.a. The April Theses] Published: April 7, 1917 in Pravda No. 26. This article contains Lenin’s famous April Theses read by him at two meetings of the All-Russia Conference of Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies, on April 4, 1917. [Introduction] I did not arrive in Petrograd until the night of April 3, and therefore at the meeting on April 4, I could, of course, deliver the report on the tasks of the revolutionary proletariat only on my own behalf, and with reservations as to insufficient preparation. The only thing I could do to make things easier for myself—and for honest opponents—was to prepare the theses in writing. I publish these personal theses of mine with only the briefest explanatory notes, which were developed in far greater detail in the report. The most widespread campaign for this view must be organised in the army at the front. Fraternisation. Abolition of the police, the army and the bureaucracy.[1] 10. Mr. Notes
Russia_ Revision If you click on the yellow pointers, you will reveal all the facts that you ought to remember.Try to remember BEFORE you click! The Russian Revolution CAUSES OF THE MARCH [FEBRUARY] REVOLUTION OF 1917 [Why Was There A Revolution In February]? Weakness of Russia (7 things) Size Peasants Poverty Corrupt autocracy Okhrana Censorship = lack of support. War (4 things) army badly led army poorly equipped huge defeats at (2 battles): Tannenberg Masurian Lakes = anger and unrest. Lenin's Russia ESTABLISHING COMMUNIST RULE [Great Big Changes Create Terrible War] Government changes (3 things) election Nov. 1917 results: Bolshevik=175 seats, Social Revolutionaries = 370 seats Lenin did (3 things): closed Assembly killed objectors ruled by decree. Stalin's Russia The STRUGGLE FOR POWER AFTER LENIN DIED IN 1924 [Stalin Takes Power] Secretary as General Secretary of Com.
Stalin: Man or Monster? :: Russian Russia History Stalin: Man or Monster? Do these sources give similar or different impressions of Stalin? These sources give different impressions of Stalin, however there are some similarities. Source A is a cartoon published in Paris in the 1930´s. It shows Stalin and the results of his policies according to the artist. This source is very famous and was drawn by an exiled Russian, therefore the artist could be bitter and biased against Stalin and his policies. Source B is an official Soviet painting of Stalin with workers at a hydroelectric power station in the 1930´s. Source C is a photograph of Stalin congratulating wives of army officers. The sources give very different impressions of Stalin. Source A shows Stalin to be a monster responsible for the death of millions of people. Source B shows Stalin to be a great man who made Russian industry prosper. However the source does not show the negative side of Stalin´s industrialization. However, sources B and C are similar in some ways.
ALSO VISIT: Marxist Internet Subject Archive Famous Quotes Famous quotes from Hegel, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Mao and other communists with links to the context on the Marxists Internet Archive. The only source on the internet of genuine, sourced Marxist quotations. In addition, you get a randomly selected “Quote-of-the-Day” from one of the collections, for you to ponder. Selected Marxist Writers The works of 18 pre-World War Marxists, who together provide a broad base of Marxist thinking shared across most of the differing currents of communism of the present time: Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, Paul Lafargue, Karl Kautsky, George Plekhanov, Clara Zetkin, Daniel De Leon, Vladimir Lenin, Nikolai Bukharin, Leon Trotsky, Alexandra Kollontai, James Connolly, Rosa Luxemburg, José Carlos Mariátegui, Antonio Gramsci, M.
The Russian Revolution (1917–1918): Key People & Terms People Alexander I The Russian tsar, or emperor, whose death in 1825 prompted a mild secession crisis that created an appearance of weakness in the Russian monarchy. A group of 3,000 soldiers who termed themselves Decembrists took advantage of the chaos to demand reforms, such as a written constitution for Russia. Later revolutionaries such as Lenin saw the Decembrists as heroes. Alexander II The Tsar who formally abolished serfdom in 1861, freeing Russia’s serfs from indentured servitude to their landowners. Alexander III The son of and successor to the assassinated Tsar Alexander II. Felix Dzerzhinsky A Polish-born revolutionary who joined the Bolshevik Party after getting out of prison in 1917. Lev Kamenev (a.k.a. A prominent member of the Bolshevik Party who initially resisted Lenin’s call to hold a revolution sooner rather than later. Alexander Kerensky A member of the Socialist Revolutionary Party and an active participant in both the provisional government and the Petrograd Soviet.
Revision:USSR After Lenin 1924-1941 TSR Wiki > Study Help > Subjects and Revision > Revision Notes > History > USSR After Lenin 1924-1941 When, in 1961, the body of Josef Stalin was removed from the mausoleum on Red Square where it had lain beside that of Lenin since the dictator’s death eight years earlier and unceremoniously re-interred in a plain grave below the Kremlin wall, the poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko wrote: “I appeal to our government, And I say to them: Double or triple the guard Beside his grave, So that he will not rise again, And with him - the past.” Stalin had ruled the Soviet Union unchallenged for almost 30 years. Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, better known as Stalin (“man of steel”) - the “wonderful Georgian”, as Lenin once called him - was one of the few senior Bolsheviks whose background was genuinely proletarian and who was not a cosmopolitan intellectual. In 1922, Lenin appointed him as General Secretary of the Communist Party with a brief to discipline and curb dissident factions. Be calm! Comments
Revision:Leninism vs Stalinism Lenin used Terror freely – created the Cheka and uses it against class enemies & Krondstadters, used class warfare against m/c 1917-18, famine and food requisitioning under War Communism 1921 Congress advocated War Communism anyway. Collectivisation merely puts into effect what Lenin intended – both men have a Communist intention Religion – both violent atheists and hate orthodox Church, both use propaganda against it. Also use active persecution – 1922 execute 8000 churchgoers including Metropolitan of Petrograd & personally approves shooting of priests. Similarly, under Stalin from 1928 the 25000ers attack Church - kill all but 12 Bishops by 1939 Differences Stalin used Terror against own party and against Politburo whereas Lenin did not – marks new phase in Terror By 1921 Lenin says peasants to be left alone and 1924 War Communism ended. Comments These notes are aimed at A Level history students. Originally written by mellow-yellow on TSR Forums.
Revision:Stalin's Cult of Personality After Lenin's death in 1924, Stalin assumes a modest image. He wants to appear as a hardworking man of moderation. He takes on the mantle of Lenin's disciple and servant of the party Tsaritsyn is renamed Stalingrad in his honour in 1925 1929-1933 Cult underway The length of applause for Lenin gets longer By 1931, huge portraits of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin appear on special occasions such as celebrations of the October revolution. Few individual portraits of Stalin 1933-1939 Cult fully established Stalin's image used to reassure people that they have a strong leader to help then through the great disruption of the 1st 5 years planned the confusion of the purges Paintings poems and sculptures promote Stalin's cult. socialist realist art glorifies Stalin's role as a leader. Post 1945 height of the cult Stalin's image is everywhere. his power cemented by his success as war leader. Comments These notes are aimed at A Level history Unit 6. Originally written by jessu on TSR Forums.
Civil War, Lenin and Rise of Stalin home | 1901-WW2 Index CIVIL WAR, LENIN and RISE of STALIN (1 of 10) In mid-July, 1918, the Bolsheviks feared that advancing Czechs and Slovaks, who had been prisoners of war, would soon overrun the town of Tobolsk, where the tsar and his family were being held. So the Bolsheviks moved the royal family westward into the Ural Mountains, near the town of Ekaterinburg. After the attempt on Lenin's life in August 1918, the Bolsheviks struck against their real and imagined enemies. The Bolsheviks drafted people into their armies, and Trotsky welded the new Red army into a disciplined fighting force. Many of the officers in the anti-Bolshevik armies favored monarchy and the sanctity of ownership of property. Trotsky's Red Army had various advantages over the anti-Bolshevik armies. The first major threat to the Bolsheviks came from Siberia, in the mid-year of 1919, by an army led by Alexander Kolchak, a former admiral in the tsar's navy. Moscow still lacked a settlement with Poland. Sources
The Fall of the Soviet Union" The Cold War ultimately brought the Soviet Union down, but it took nearly half a century to accomplish this goal. In 1945, around the end of WWII, the Soviet Union and United States waged this war of threatening words and fear. The Cold War was a top concern on the international affairs front. These two powerhouses disagreed over political, cultural and economic differences. In the 1950s, the Soviet Union and the United States engaged in the space race. The tension between the United States and the Soviet Union wasn't just restricted to the nuclear arms race and space race. The Soviet Union's arms race, space race and continued support of the communist regime (all of which cost a lot of money) resulted in a stagnant economy with virtually no growth. He worked with President Ronald Reagan and the United States government to come to terms with the arms and policy disagreements that had escalated over the years. In 1990, Russia elected Boris Yeltsin to the presidency.
History of the Jews in Russia The vast territories of the Russian Empire at one time hosted the largest population of Jews in the world.[4] Within these territories the Jewish community flourished and developed many of modern Judaism's most distinctive theological and cultural traditions, while also facing periods of antisemitic discriminatory policies and persecutions. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, many Soviet Jews took the opportunity of liberalized emigration policies, with over half their population leaving, most for Israel, the United States, Germany, Canada, and Australia. Despite this emigration, the Jews residing in Russia and the nations of the former Soviet Union still constitute one of the largest Jewish populations in Europe. Early history[edit] Kievan Rus'[edit] In the 11th and 12th centuries, Jews appear to have occupied a separate quarter in Kiev, known as the Jewish town (Old Ruthenian Жидове, Zhidove, i.e. Tsardom of Russia[edit] Russian Empire[edit] Victim of fanaticism. Mass emigration[edit]
The Russian Revolution of 1905 Was No Revolution At All :: Russian Russia History The Russian Revolution of 1905 Was No Revolution At All The revolution of 1905, in Russia, was not a complete revolution at all. To be able to respond to this statement accurately, it is firstly advisable, to look at what a revolution is. It is then best to observe what the Russian society was like before 1905, during 1905 and after 1905, to establish whether or not, a complete revolution had in fact taken place in the so called 'revolution of 1905'. To identify what to look for in the Russian revolution of 1905, and to discover if it were or were not a genuine revolution, it is firstly important to define the true meaning of the word 'revolution'. In 'The Macquarie Dictionary' the word 'revolution' means," a complete overthrow of an established government or political system." From each of these different dictionaries; the modern dictionary, to the early 1900's dictionary, the meaning of the word revolution has been essentially the same. A number of events then proceeded to take place.