PYPL PopularitY of Programming Language index The TIOBE Index is a lagging indicator. It counts the number of web pages with the language name. has over 20 million pages on the web, [s] while has only 11 million. [s] This explains why Objective-C has a high TIOBE ranking. But who is reading those Objective-C web pages ? Hardly anyone, according to Google Trends data. is searched 30 times less than .
How to Prevent Email Injection in Your PHP Mail Form Scripts Code your PHP scripts to prevent this security vulnerability by Christopher Heng, Nowadays, many websites no longer post their webmasters' email addresses, preferring instead to put up a contact or feedback form. How Does Email Form Hijacking Work? A PHP script that sends email, as mentioned in my PHP tutorial, typically calls on the mail() function to deliver the email. mail( "", "Feedback Form Results", $message, "From: $email" ); The code above sends the message to, which is presumably the webmaster's address. If the script takes no effort to sanitize the $email variable before calling mail(), it is possible for a spammer to inject additional headers into the email messages by placing lines like the following into the $email variable. CC:,, How to Avoid Email Injection and Mail Form Script Hijacking
Index | TIOBE - The Software Quality Company Home » TIOBE Index October Headline: Rust is slowly but steadily approaching the TIOBE index top 10 In today's world, the amount of available data of whatever kind is increasing rapidly, and the demand to harvest this data is increasing accordingly. Hence, there is now a need for programming languages that are good in data manipulation, number crunching and being fast. King of all, Python, is easy to learn and secure, but not fast. The cry for fast, data crunching languages is also visible elsewhere in the TIOBE index. The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. Other programming languages The complete top 50 of programming languages is listed below. The Next 50 Programming Languages Very Long Term History Bugs & Change Requests
Mobile Apps: HTML5 vs Native Last week, Facebook transitioned its iOS app to be fully native. This has triggered another round of debate over the merits of native apps vs. HTML5. I am motivated to contribute my thoughts on this issue. Public discourse on this topic tends toward the extremes. Marc Andreessen, an influential bishop of the web, has said: "The application model of the future is the web application model. It seems like most people look at this situation and see black or white. The question The main question in play here is: How thick should clients be? Let me define my terms: I define the Client as the thing which is used by exactly one user, which interacts directly with that user, and which is probably physically close to that person. There are two main variables in decisions about the thickness of clients: And, there are two laws which apply: As the quality of the pipe goes up, the client can get thinner. The Extremes If the Pipe quality were perfect, the client could be "wafer thin". This issue is not new
Les salaires des développeurs en 2015 (Baromètre AFUP - Human Coders) Nous sommes très heureux d’avoir collaboré avec l’AFUP pour l’édition 2015 du baromètre des salaires des développeurs. C’est la troisième édition de ce baromètre. Cette étude a pour but de donner une vision représentative et précise du marché des développeurs en France. Le marché des développeurs parait souvent mystérieux, cette étude sur les salaires répondra sans aucun doute à nombreuses de vos questions : Combien gagne un développeur junior ? Sans plus attendre, voici une infographie compilant les statistiques les plus significatives sur le marché des développeurs. Infographie sur les salaires des développeurs Voici le code à insérer dans votre page pour partager cette infographie : Statistiques sur les salaires des développeurs Nous allons à présent commenter chacune des parties. Différence de salaires hommes/femmes Ça s’améliore, mais c’est toujours pas ça. La société évolue. Satisfaction du salaire chez les développeurs Salaire des développeurs en fonction de leur expérience Type de contrat
How to Use the Sticky Footer HTML & CSS Code Be sure to read the Known Issues at the bottom of this page. It will help prevent a lot of mistakes that can take hours to debug. Introduction There are many sticky footer methods to be found in Google. Ryan Fait's solution is well known, and it works, but it requires an extra <div> with no content in it to provide an extra "push". The Sticky Footer solution presented here is based upon the information found in the Exploring Footers article from A List Apart as well as expands upon the work of Cameron Adams and this piece at In an early version it applied a clear fix hack to keep the footer in place in Google Chrome and other browsers where the footer would float up when you resized the window. The HTML Code Below is the basic structure of the HTML code. You would place your content elements inside the main <div>. A header could be placed inside the wrap but above the main like this; The CSS Code Below is the CSS code that makes your sticky footers actually stick to the bottom.
Antipattern Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. En génie logiciel, les anti-patrons ou antipattern sont des erreurs courantes de conception des logiciels. Leur nom vient du fait que ces erreurs sont apparues dès les phases de conception du logiciel, notamment par l'absence ou la mauvaise utilisation de patrons de conception, appelés design pattern en anglais. Les anti-patrons se caractérisent souvent par une lenteur excessive du logiciel, des coûts de réalisation ou de maintenance élevés, des comportements anormaux et la présence de bugs. Il existe également les GreyPatterns (dont le bénéfice ou les inconvénients ne sont pas clairement établis). Anti-patrons de développement[modifier | modifier le code] Abstraction inverse[modifier | modifier le code] Exemple : avoir un objet qui ne fait que des calculs en virgule flottante, et être obligé d'utiliser cet objet pour faire du calcul avec des entiers. Action à distance[modifier | modifier le code] Ancre de bateau[modifier | modifier le code]
A CSS Sticky Footer A CSS Sticky Footer that just works We've all tried to use a CSS Sticky Footer one time or another, but they never seem to come out right, do they? Well, the days of a hard to understand CSS Sticky Footer are thankfully over. With just a few simple CSS classes with minimal extra HTML markup, I've fashioned a CSS Sticky Footer that even beginners can get a handle on. It's been tested in IE 5 and up, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. Usage of the CSS Sticky Footer Great! Absolutely. View the CSS or learn about using it NEW: HTML5 Sticky Footer EditorConfig Introduction to the HTML5 Web Workers: the JavaScript multithreading approach - David Rousset An HTML5 application is obviously written using JavaScript. But compared to other kind of development environments (like native one), JavaScript historically suffers from an important limitation: all its execution process remains inside a unique thread. This could be pretty annoying with today multi-cores processors like the i5/i7 containing up to 8 logical CPUs and even with the latest ARM mobile processors being dual or even quad-cores. Hopefully, we’re going to see that HTML5 offers to the web a way to better handle these new marvelous processors to help you embrace a new generation of web applications. Pour ceux qui pratiquent la langue de Molière, vous trouverez une version française ici : Introduction aux Web Workers d’HTML5 : le multithreading version JavaScript Before the workers… This JavaScript limitation implies that a long running processing will freeze the main window. Hopefully, up to now, those problems were rarely occuring for 2 main reasons: My 1st Web Worker <! <!