eXeLearning The eXe project developed a freely available Open Source authoring application to assist teachers and academics in the publishing of web content without the need to become proficient in HTML or XML markup. Resources authored in eXe can be exported in IMS Content Package, SCORM 1.2, or IMS Common Cartridge formats or as simple self-contained web pages. eXe grew out of the New Zealand Government Tertiary Education Commission's eCollaboration Fund and was led by the University of Auckland, The Auckland University of Technology, and Tairawhiti Polytechnic. It was later supported by CORE Education, a New Zealand-based not-for-profit educational research and development organisation. eXe was named a finalist in the New Zealand round of the IMS Global Learning Impact Awards 2008 and went on to claim a Leadership Award at the international judging. There are now several projects inspired by eXe around the world.
How To Integrate Multimedia For Effective Learning Sharebar Integrating the multimedia assets of a course can raise a host of issues. In my world, this can be as simple as explaining to a client why screens of text with an out-of-sync voice over will not be effective—to more complex issues, such as determining whether an animation will promote greater comprehension than a series of stills. Although we know it can be advantageous to present content through multiple forms of media, the big question is how to integrate the mediums. When deciding on these issues, I use two principles from cognitive science as guidelines that I think you’ll find helpful too. Split-attention Effect Separating a visual from text can be cognitively demanding. The split-attention effect occurs when a person is required to process two or more varied sources of information simultaneously, either of which can’t be understood in isolation. See the example showing the effects of secondhand smoke, produced by the Centers for Disease Control, on the right. The Fixes
Xerte Welcome to The Xerte Project! The Xerte Project is an initiative to provide high quality free software to educators all over the world, and to build a global community of users and developers around our tools. The project began in 2004 at the University of Nottingham, when work began to create a Flash-based runtime engine that would help the in-house multimedia development team speed up the development of interactive learning materials, and provide a platform for re-using good solutions to common problems that developers were typically solving every time they began a new project. Accessibility, in particular, can be a difficult issue for content developers, and an early goal was to provide the very best support for high levels of native accessibility. To begin with, the tools were aimed at technical users: essentially the engine provided a library of useful classes that developers could access by writing XML to structure content, and writing code to develop interactivity. Core Values
Zunal Khan Academy Changing the way you learn Hot Potatoes News - 2022-03-11 The downloads for Hot Potatoes version 6 have all been removed. This is because that version has an obsolete facility for uploading files to the old hotpotatoes.net service, which no longer exists, and we would like to encourage all users to move to version 7 as soon as possible.A minor update to Hot Potatoes (version has been released. This removes references to the HTML non-breaking-space entity which is no longer defined in HTML5. What is Hot Potatoes? The Hot Potatoes suite includes six applications, enabling you to create interactive multiple-choice, short-answer, jumbled-sentence, crossword, matching/ordering and gap-fill exercises for the World Wide Web. Downloads Download Hot Potatoes for Windows from here: Hot Potatoes 7.0 installer (Hot Potatoes version for Windows 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 as well as Linux under Wine). When you first start up Hot Potatoes, it will ask you for your user name.
Composica - E-Learning Authoring Tools LearningApps - interactive and multimedia learning blocks Giochi oggetti nascosti - Game -Game.it Per i Rangers, i curiosi e avventurosi, abbiamo preparato un gioco online gratuito Trova oggetti. Sapete già come giocarle – nel lavoro gli elementi che sono necessari per passare al livello successivo specificato. Ognuno ha il suo divertimento retroscena, e può essere rubare gioielli, la scomparsa di una persona cara, un incantesimo, siti archeologici o semplicemente la raccolta di prodotti per creare alcuni piatti. Chiunque può diventare un detective, ma l'unica buona. Giochi gratis online Ricerca di elementi sono utili perché insegnano l'osservazione, la concentrazione, la perseveranza.
Draw your own tangram - Providing teachers and pupils with tangram activities Step 1 : Draw a 4 or 8 inch square with your felt-tip pen. Step 2 : You need to draw a grid of smaller squares onto your current square . So get your pencil out and draw a 1 inch grid in the 4 inch square (if you chose an 8 inch square then draw a 2 inch grid). Step 3 : You now need to draw the lines that will mark out the edges of each tangram piece . These should be drawn darker than your grid lines. Step 4 : Create another triangle in the top left corner. Step 5 : Draw a diagonal line from the bottom right corner of the grid through the centre of your first line and stop at your second line . Step 6 : Your fourth line will join your first and second line together. You should be able to see that you have drawn four clearly defined triangles and one square . Step 7 : Your last line should be drawn from the point where your second and third lines meet (also the middle of your second line). Step 8 : Rub out your lightly marked grid.