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Healthy Cookie Dough Dip... the famous recipe!

Healthy Cookie Dough Dip... the famous recipe!
If you received an email from Pinterest saying I didn’t want you to pin my recipes, this is NOT true! I am so sorry for this and have no idea why they would send such messages out! Please accept my apologies… I’m so honored when people pin things from my site or follow my Chocolate Covered Katie Pinterest Board. Healthy Cookie Dough Dip… it’s like an unbaked form of those popular White Bean Chickpea Blondies. I don’t know about you, but when I make the blondies, quite a bit of the raw dough gets consumed in the process! So I figured, why bother baking them at all? But will “normal” people like it? Often, I’m unsure if a recipe with which I am in love will be a hit with the general population of people who aren’t used to healthy food. The following is directly from my About Chocolate Covered Katie page. I refuse to believe one must give up delicious food in order to be healthy… Healthy food can taste incredible when it’s prepared the right way. Something amazing happened… Ingredients Related:  Mat: Bakning

- Idag tänkte jag kika in här för att dela med mig av mitt bidrag till vårt påskbord i helgen. Eller alltså, vi har inget påskbord för Viktor måste jobba och det är då inga släktingar som kommit hit för att fira med oss :'( Så att styra upp ett helt bord med mat som tillhör det traditionella påskfirandet känns lite onödigt, men man måste ju ändå få gå loss och äta något riktigt gott tycker jag. I den här lilla familjeduon är det jag som gärna dukar fram fika under alla veckans sju dagar medan Viktor inte alls gillar det lika mycket som jag. Men den här gången blev det lite ombytta roller då jag snubblade över receptet på rawbollar med mango hos Charlotte och blev så sugen på att göra egna. Detta innebär alltså att mitt påskgodis i år består av fem helt naturliga produkter medan Viktor valde något som bland annat innehåller nutella, oreos, daim, twix och chokladägg. Haha så sjukt att det ens finns en kaka med alla de ingredienserna! Rawbollar ca 20 bollar 100 g naturella cashewnötter kokos

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies *If you are visiting this post for the first time, you may wish to visit my “Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies Take Two” post- a more recent post where I share (what I think is) a better version of these brownies! These are good too- but I took the comments suggested in this post and created a new recipe based on feedback. Okay, Cookie Dough Lovers. I first saw these in a bakery in Maine a few years back. I’d say I had some major success with this recipe. These are easiest to eat when placed in little cupcake wrappers. Print Recipe Save Recipe Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies Yield: 32 browniesPrep Time: 30 min + cooling timeCook Time: 25 min Ingredients:BROWNIE:4 ounces unsweetened chocolate, finely chopped1 cup salted butter, melted2 cups light brown sugar, packed4 large eggs2 teaspoons vanilla extract1 cup all-purpose flour1/2 cup mini- chocolate chipsCOOKIE DOUGH (EGG FREE!)

Coconut Whipped Cream « Nutty Kitchen We love our whipped cream in coffee, on berries for dessert, really on any of our primal desserts. But it’s nice to have an alternative to dairy and for our Paleo friends. Henry thought it would be good to have some cold coconut milk and stuck a can into the fridge for a couple of hours. When he opened it he noticed that it had gotten very thick on top, so he scooped it out and noticed that it had separated from the coconut water. So he added a little cinnamon and a little organic vanilla extract to the thick coconut and whipped it up. To our happy surprise it got thick and creamy immediately, and Oh Wow!!! So since then we’ve been enjoying our morning cup of coffee with a spoon full. So here are a couple of pictures for you – try it, it is so incredibly easy and completely gluten and dairy-free. Step 1: Take a “full fat” can of Organic Coconut Milk and place it in the fridge for some time or best over night Refrigerated Coconut Milk being scooped out by Henry Coconut Water Like this:

Thousand Layers Spiral Mooncake | The Waitakere Redneck's Kitchen My last trial of this mooncake was back in 2006. Yes, it took me a good 2 years to get over the 'trauma' and give this another go. Not a mooncake for the fainthearted to attempt. Apparently the secret to getting the mooncake to bloom like a snail shell....' The traditional filling for this is yam but there is nothing to stop you from putting your own spin into this by using a lotus or bean paste or whatever takes your fancy. Makes 6 mooncakes IngredientsWater dough75g plain flour20g shortening10g (fine) sugar35g water + 2-3 drops white vinegar Oil Dough65g plain flour40g shortening Method1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Note :These mooncake cannot be kept for long and should be eaten within 2-3 days. Tip :1.

5 alternativ för ett MYCKET nyttigare påskägg Det finns många alternativ för den som vill ge sina barn ett påskägg de inte behöver ha dåligt samvete för. Här är fem enkla recept på nyttigare påskgodis. Ett påskägg behöver inte vara sprängfyllt av onyttigt och onaturligt godis. Det kan även fyllas med bokmärken, små figurer eller roliga pysselgrejer. Till exempel. Låt fantasin flöda och hjälp dina barn – och därmed kommande generationer – till en lite nyttigare påsktradition. Läs också: 9 mer hälsosamma alternativ till vitt socker 5 förslag på nyttigare påskgodis: 1. Sockerfri variant på marsipan som passar bra för att göra egna marsipanägg, kulor eller varför inte försöka forma en kyckling?! Ett hett tips är att hälla i en gnutta gurkmeja, vilket ger en fin gul färg helt naturligt. 2. Dessa fruktremmar är perfekta för både barn och vuxna. 3. Ett mer naturligt alternativ till godis – och en fröjd för både öga och gom. 4. Små goda munsbitar – det räcker med ett par stycken i påskägget så blir ditt barn nöjt. 5. Av Isabelle Hedander

just helen | Cake Batter Krispie Treats I’ll have to say that I don’t usually try a recipe as soon as I find one, but I was baking things for the school play treat table and came across this recipe. It sounded easy and yummy…and cute! I found the recipe here. Cake Batter Krispie Treats 3 Tablespoons butter 1 – 10 oz. bag miniature marshmallows 1/3 cup white cake mix – not prepared, just the dry mix 1 – 1.5 oz. container of sprinkles (Jimmies) – these are mixed colors, but you could use what ever kind you like 6 cups Rice Krispies Put parchment paper inside a 9″ x 13″ pan; set aside. I wanted the Krispie Treats to be tall, so I pressed it into just half the pan…you could use a smaller pan, if you like. I like the round shape and the fact that these are cake batter (like cupcakes, get it?) These are really yummy.

Maple Baked Pears The aroma of baking sweet pears filling your home is very welcoming. The subtle maple flavor in this recipe suits baked Bosc pears perfectly. INGREDIENTS 4 to 5 medium firm pears, preferably Bosc 1/4 cup maple syrup Cinnamon 1/4 cup finely chopped walnuts Low-fat vanilla frozen yogurt, optional 1. 2. 3. 4. 4 servings Variation: Omit the walnuts; sprinkle the pears with about 1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips once out of the oven. MORE THANKSGIVING IDEAS • Baked Squash Savory Stuffing • Curried Pumpkin Soup • Pumpking Pie with Pecan Crust • Thanksgiving Decorating with Nature • Spicy Sweet Potato Patties Adapted from The Vegetarian 5-Ingredient Gourmet, by Nava Atlas. S'mores Bites - Two Ways With a Kiss… or with a Rolo, take your pick! Seriously, dessert doesn’t get any easier than this! For best results just be sure to eat them right after toasting to get that gooey, toasted, authentic S’mores goodness. Ingredients 6 graham cracker sheets*, or 12 Saltine or Ritz Crackers 6 large marshmallows 12 Hershey's Kisses or Rolos, unwrapped Directions Break graham cracker sheets in half, then cut each half into a circle using a 2 1/4" circle fondant cutter or metal cookie cutter (if using Saltine or Ritz Crackers no cutting needed). Notes *I used a package of graham crackers that had been open for a couple of days, I don't know if this will make a difference to help with easier cutting and less breakage or not.

Italienska Mandelkakor - Mitt Kök Fika är en närmast helig ritual för många av oss i Sverige, och precis som ordet “lagom” är det ett fenomen som inte riktigt går att översätta på engelska. ”Coffee break” är ju inte alls samma sak tycker jag. För mig är det ingen riktig fika utan kakor och sötebröd, gärna ett urval av olika sorter och allra helst hembakat. Dessa italienska mandelkakor hör kanske inte hemma på det traditionella fikafatet, men de passar alldeles utmärkt att doppa i en kopp kaffe eller té! Denna typ av mandelkakor är traditionella småkakor från Italien, och jag har gjort min egen lilla ägg- och mjölkfria version av dem, mums… Italienska Mandelkakor 1 dl mjölkfritt smör 1 dl florsocker 1 dl malda mandlar (alt. mandelmjöl) 2 dl vetemjöl ½ krm salt 1 dl florsocker till garnering 1 tsk bittermandelarom 1 ½ tsk vaniljsocker 1. Foto: Nathan

No-Bake Vegan Chocolate Tart I have enjoyed long spells of eating only raw, vegan food–and as vibrant and energetic as I felt, I also felt like I was spending seriously long amounts of time making raw food seem like cooked food. Desserts especially were a challenge, what with all of the dehydrating of things and young coconut meat-getting, they sometimes took days to prepare. I wanted to post a vegan chocolate cake recipe today, and thought, given the head-swirling heat we’re having in the northeast, that a no-bake version would be fitting. The question was: Could I find one that people would actually have the time to make? Crust 2 cups organic chocolate cookie crumbs (see recipe below for how to make raw ones, or use store bought conventional ones) 1/4 cup coconut oil Make the Crust 1. Make the Filling 1. For Raw Vegan Cookie Crumbs To keep this recipe raw, you’ll need to make these raw cookie crumbs which require the use of a dehydrator. 1. 2. 3. 4.
