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Richard Byrne

Richard Byrne

Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. The Teacher's A-Z Guide To Important Education Resources The 12 Technologies Forever Changing School Libraries 5.66K Views 0 Likes For students at the K-12 or university level, the school library can be the most important stop on a research journey, whether it's the first destination or the last. In order to keep up with modern challenges, some of the most innovative campus media centers in the U.S. are looking for ways to use technology to make the learning process smoother—both in person and remotely. 5 MOOCs Teachers Should Take As Students 6.80K Views 0 Likes MOOCs may or may not save higher education, and if they save it they may further widen the gap between elite and lesser-known schools.

Web 2.0 Teaching Tools - 5 Steps to Help Students Connect with Real Audiences 0 Comments March 27, 2012 By: Lisa Nielsen Mar 27 Written by: 3/27/2012 2:53 AM ShareThis In my work to support innovative learning in schools, I often find young people, given the opportunity to use technology and the web, are doing great work and are excited about publishing their work for the world to see. Sometimes when I bring this up in school an educator will proudly explain how student work is published on YouTube or SchoolTube and posted on the classroom or school website. For example, at a recent school visit students were excited about creating PSAs about issues they were passionate about. Research Start with a basic Google search to see who is writing about your topic. This missing piece to learning can be addressed by taking these five steps. Disclaimer: The information shared here is strictly that of the author and does not reflect the opinions or endorsement of her employer.

eduCanon Library Of Congress Unveils Massive Common Core Resource Center The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is here and teachers are trying to figure out how to best integrate it into their tried-and-true lessons. They’re struggling to integrate technology to best augment CCSS. They are in desperate need of classroom materials that they can trust. Like a superhero, the U.S. Common Core Resources You can now do a ‘ Search By Standards ‘ query which lets you do exactly that. Find Library of Congress lesson plans and more that meet Common Core standards, state content standards, and the standards of national organizations. Professional Development Tools There are professional development tools that are sorted by grade level, ease of use, and written in plain English. Classroom Materials Created by teachers for teachers, these ready-to-use materials provide easy ways to incorporate the Library’s unparalleled primary sources into instruction. Lesson Plans – Teacher-created lesson plans using Library of Congress primary sources. Learn More

101 Web 2.0 Teaching Tools Online tools and resources have made it easier for teachers to instruct students, and for students to collaborate with those teachers and with other students and parents. These “Web 2.0” teaching tools aren’t magical, but they may seem to defy definition at times since they save time, help you to stay organized, and often take up little space on a computer. Some of these applications are Web-based, which means that they can be accessed from any computer. The following list is filled with tools that will make a teacher’s, or those enrolled in the best online education programs, life easier. The categories are listed in alphabetical order and the links to each tool are also listed alphabetically within those categories. Aggregators The following list includes free tools that you can use to stay on top of current events, including headlines and blogs. Aggie: Aggie is an open source news aggregator that’s also a desktop application. Bookmark Managers Classroom Tools Collaboration E-learning

- 10 Technology Skills Every Educator Should Have 0 Comments June 13, 2012 By: David Andrade Jun 13 Written by: 6/13/2012 6:43 AM ShareThis This past January I wrote "10 Tech Skills Every Student Should Have" and I have decided to modify it for the "10 Tech Skills Every Educator Should Have". Overall, educators need to understand some basics about technology and that it is not a be-all-end-all solution to everything in a classroom. The How's, Why's and Value of Educational Technology 1. Tips on Better Searches (from Google) Infographic on Better Searches Common Craft Video on Web Search Strategies UPDATED thanks to a great comment below. 2. Evernote for Education - take notes, clip from the web, upload files, and much more Google for Education - Docs, calendar, tasks, email, and much more 3. Free Tech Tips and Help TechEase - technology tips Online Tech Tips - hardware, software, and more Tech Support help 4. Why do schools still pay so much for software? DonorsChoose - get materials for your classroom project funded 5. 6. Netiquette - Wikipedia 7.

The 20 Best Pinterest Boards About Education Technology Pinterest is quickly becoming one of the biggest sources inspiration and innovation when it comes to cooking, design, and education. That’s right, education is a prominent fixture on Pinterest now and that, of course, means that education technology plays a starring role. In an effort to help curate the massive amount of Pinterest boards about education technology, you can use the following list as a jumping off point to start your Pinterest journey. The following boards are curated by teachers, admins, and other education enthusiasts. You’ll likely find some new blogs, tools, and ideas among them. Don’t forget to check out the Edudemic Pinterest board where you can keep track of all the stuff we’re up to. Patricia Brown : Patricia showcases a myriad of videos, articles, tutorials, and lots of other resources all about education technology. We want to see what YOU are pinning!

- Bringing Your Textbook to Life! 15+ Tips & Resources 0 Comments September 3, 2012 By: Shelly Terrell Sep 3 Written by: 9/3/2012 6:33 AM ShareThis "Technology is just a tool. Your textbook is just another tool in your teacher's kit of ways to engage learners. Tips and Resources The following are a few ideas to get you started in bringing your textbook to life: #1 TOC (Table of Contents) – What do you know? List the chapter titles on the board Under each title, students write down anything they know about the topic even if it doesn’t show up in the chapter Students stay around the board and guess who wrote what The student who wrote the info talks more about it This will get your students to tie prior learning to new learning they encounter for those chapters! Alternatively: Students can write information on a Post-it note Pass the note to another learner who guesses what chapter the information would relate to #2 Post links to web 2.0 sticky board sites like Linoit, Wallwisher, and Pindax or have students create a Pinterest board #9 Play Games

20 Innovative Education Technology Pinterest Boards Pinterest and education go hand in hand. If you haven’t started using the popular social bookmarking site, you may want to give it a try during your break this week. What better time to discover new and exciting resources from teachers, admins, and students around the world? See Also: The 20 Best Pinterest Boards About Education Technology We try to keep a regular flow of Pinterest boards on Edudemic. Below is a list of all the education technology boards submitted to Edudemic over the past few months. Want to add your Pinterest board to the list? Don’t forget to check out the Edudemic Pinterest boards where you can keep track of all the stuff we’re up to. The 20+ Education Technology Pinterest Boards I thought it might be fun to take a screenshot of what some of the boards look like at the time of this writing. (Click the title or image to view that particular Pinterest board) F-I-T In Class Stanford EdTech Maintained by the Office of Innovation & Technology. Alan Natachu Fiske Class

Big ideas and ed tech trends from ISTE 2013 I’m home and getting settled back in after the biggest ed tech conference of the year: ISTE, which was held this year in San Antonio, Texas, and attracted over 20,000 participants. I’ve already shared my notes on the inspiring ideas shared in the first Ignite session at ISTE and my summary from a session on integrating technology with limited classroom resources. This will be the last of the ISTE posts, so I’m going to cram in my big takeaways from the conference as well as a few random thoughts about how the event worked this year. Here we go! Everyone loves Instagram. They’re not necessarily using it as a professional tool, but as a way to quickly share what’s happening with those in their personal learning network and “real life” friends and family. Pinterest is gaining popularity as a way to collect and share resources. Google Glass has the biggest “wow” factor amongst the ed tech crowd since the first iPhone. The commercialization of education is far too prominent at ISTE.

Ouch. The opening sentence on this page makes my teeth hurt. Needs editing! by rdrewd Apr 10
