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30 interactive Google Slides activities for classroom excitement Google Slides isn’t just for delivering presentations to an audience. Here are 30 activities that bring interactive learning to students. So often, people think of presentation slides as just that: a visual aid for delivering a presentation in front of an audience. But these slide apps (like Google Slides and PowerPoint in Office 365) really are powerful tools for delivering interactive user experiences. They can also create visually stimulating products to deliver a message and valuable content. By thinking outside the box with Google Slides, PowerPoint, and other similar tools, teachers can create unique learning experiences for students. We originally curated 8 interactive Google Slides activities in this post but have found so many amazing ideas since then we knew we need to update! Below you will find our original 8 ideas plus 22 (yes 22!) 1. I created a PDF ebook to help you create PDF ebooks. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Want to see an example? . 9. 10. Resources: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

13 herramientas de gamificación para divertir a tus alumnos ¿Qué tipo de juegos podemos utilizar para gamificar nuestra formación online? Ya en otras ocasiones hemos tratado en este blog la importancia de la gamificación en la formación online. Esta palabra es bastante popular en listas de tendencias de e-learning por su vertiginosa evolución y también en listas de retos de esta modalidad formativa, ya que aunque aumenta su uso, aún no podemos decir que se haya aprovechado todo el potencial de la gamificación en los cursos online. Lecturas recomendadas: Qué es la gamificación y cuales son sus objetivos Para los que desconocen el tema, les diremos que la gamificación (otras veces llamada ludificación) es el empleo de videojuegos y aplicaciones lúdicas dentro de un programa formativo con el fin de potenciar la motivación, concentración y fidelización del alumnado. La gamificación enfocada a los empleados ¿Qué tipo de juegos podemos utilizar para gamificar nuestra formación online? Flashcards Brainscape. Preguntas y respuestas Recompensas Retos

Logiciel de Cartes Mentales - Brainstorming en ligne ClassroomScreen Länkskafferiet - Skolämnen På denna webbplats bidrar användarna själva med ljudinspelningar för att träna olika språk. Du kan alltså även själv bidra med egna ljudinspelningar. Det finns hörövningar på 13 olika språk, bland annat engelska, franska, tyska, italienska, portugisiska, ryska, kinesiska och spanska. Sidan drivs av Group of Pedagogical Experiments vid Académie of Versailles. LearningApps - interactive and multimedia learning blocks

Free Tools Search this site Free Tools For Scavenger Hunts, Escape Classrooms & Breakouts by Arjana Blazic Here's a list of tools that can be used to create scavenger & treasure hunts, escape classrooms and breakouts. No registration is required for the following tools: MapFling Zeemaps WriteURL Scrumbl AWW App CoSketch Typography Editor Pixlr Jigsaw Planet Daily Jigsaw Puzzle Hangman Discovery Education Puzzlemaker Crossword Puzzle Maker by ReadWriteThink Cryptoclub Rebus Generator Codemoji by Mozzila Fake Concert Ticket Generator Fake Store Receipts Fake Airline Tickes (also here: Return flights) Fake iphone Messages Fake Newspaper Articles Fake Breaking News Fake Twitter and Facebook Upside Down Text (or here: Upside Down Text) Different Text Forms (waves, spiral, heart, eye chart) Mirror words Snote Manidfic Bounce Szoter Speakpipe Vocaroo Web QR - for creating and scanning QR codes QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator by ClassTools A 3D Virtual Museum Exhibition by ClassTools Artsteps Thinkport Thinglink Edpuzzle

AnswerGarden » ...- Plant a Question, Grow Answers! Generate a live word cloud with your audience. Topic (required) Type the topic of your new AnswerGarden. This can be a question or a topic, such as: "What do you think of my website?" More options (optional) For your convenience, you can change the following settings for your new AnswerGarden. If you're using AnswerGarden in the classroom, we recommend that you provide a password, so that you can moderate the contents during the session. AnswerGarden Mode In Classroom Mode respondents can submit an unlimited number of answers, but may only submit each answer once. Answer Length You can set the answer length to 20 or 40 characters. Admin Password You can enter a password that enables you to edit this AnswerGarden (such as the topic, unwanted answers and mode) afterwards. Show password Reminder Email Enter an email address and you'll receive an email containing the AnswerGarden link and admin password. It's ok to send me very occasional news about AnswerGarden. Spam Filter Case Example: Hello and hello are grouped as hello.

Reading: Skimming and scanning - BBC Teach
