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Herramientas para webmasters

Herramientas para webmasters

List of Chromium Command Line Switches How to use a command line switch? The Chromium Team has made a page on which they briefly explain how to use these switches. Conditions These are rather technical. While most are pretty self-explanatory, keep in mind that any condition means that a switch isn't always available. The constant OS_WIN must be defined.

SXSW 2011: The internet is over If my grandchildren ever ask me where I was when I realised the internet was over – they won't, of course, because they'll be too busy playing with the teleportation console – I'll be able to be quite specific: I was in a Mexican restaurant opposite a cemetery in Austin, Texas, halfway through eating a taco. It was the end of day two of South by Southwest Interactive, the world's highest-profile gathering of geeks and the venture capitalists who love them, and I'd been pursuing a policy of asking those I met, perhaps a little too aggressively, what it was exactly that they did. What is "user experience", really? What the hell is "the gamification of healthcare"? Or "geofencing"? Or "design thinking"? The content strategist across the table took a sip of his orange-coloured cocktail. This, for outsiders, is the fundamental obstacle to understanding where technology culture is heading: increasingly, it's about everything. Web 3.0 The game layer The dictator's dilemma Biomimicry comes of age

Unicode character table Про Юникод. Юникод (англ. Unicode) - это стандарт кодирования символов, представляющий знаки многих письменных языков. Кодирование – это сопоставление элементам текста (буквам, цифрам, знакам препинания) последовательности длиной в один или несколько символов другого алфавита. Про символы Юникода. Все символы в Юникоде имеют свой номер и HTML-код. Что есть в Юникоде и чего нет. Юникод включает большинство современных письменностей: латинскую, кириллицу, греческую, грузинскую и т.д. Консорциум Юникода не придумывает новые буквы и знаки. Товарные знаки кодируются только в порядке исключения. Analyseur de pages Web - Alyze
