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International Conflict Transformation, Resolution, Peacebuilding

International Conflict Transformation, Resolution, Peacebuilding

Global Voices - Global Voices | Strengthening Governance Through Participation Common goods 07/04/2014 - Discover what we can learn from different ways of bringing people together to make sense of issues and develop solutions that they can take forward. 06/04/2014 - We're developing a Transeuropa Village with Tate Britain, Millbank Estate TMO and Chelsea College of Art & Design for Europe Day. We're looking for how you'd like to use the space! ... 04/04/2014 - European Alternatives, Tate Britain, Millbank Estate TMO and Chelsea College of Art & Design are working together to celebrate Europe Day on the 9-10 May 2014 at our "Transeuropa ... 02/04/2014 - If politicians want to try and understand how people live, they need to really step out on the streets and not try and reach out to to Mr & Mrs Average. How does politics engage with voters for the ...

letstalkamerica COMUNICACIÓN PARA LA PAZ EN EL SECTOR DE LAS ONGs CATALANAS. (Ana Fernández Viso) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) y ha cursado estudios de postgrado enComunicación y Desarrollo Local en la Universidad de Sevilla y en Participación y DesarrolloSostenible en la UAB. Cuenta con un Máster en Comunicación para el Desarrollo por laUniversidad de Malmö. Montse Santolino Prieto ( Periodista especializada en comunicación y educación para el desarrollo. Es licenciada en Cienciasde la Información por la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) y Postgrado en Cooperación yDesarrollo por la Universitat de Barcelona (UB). Actualmente dirige el Área de Comunicación yPublicaciones de la Federación Catalana de ONGD-FCONGD, donde es responsable, además, delprograma de formación en comunicación para las ONGD federadas. Master Internacional de Paz, Conflictos y Desarrollo -Cátedra UNESCO deFilosofía por la Paz de la Universitat Jaume I de Castelló, Master en Mediación Intermediterránea de la UAB y posgrado La Comunicación de los Conflictos y la Paz de la UAB).

TFF - Transnational Fondation for Peace and Future Research Shortage of Resources for Renewable Energy. UK Government Report Calls for “Strategic Metals” Plan. Not only are supplies of oil and natural gas under imminent threat of failing to meet demand for them, but so is a whole range of precious metals, along with indium, gallium and germanium and other vital elements such as phosphorus and helium, as is discussed throughout this Commentary. A report1 from the Science and Technology Committee, advised by the Royal Society of Chemistry, warns that if the U.K. does not secure supplies of strategic metals, its economic growth will be severely jeopardized. Of particular concern are indium, used in touch screens and liquid crystal displays, and rare earth elements (REEs) particularly neodymium and dysprosium, used to fabricate highly efficient magnets for electric cars and wind turbines. Endangered Elements: Threat to Green Energy. Peak Oil - Peak Minerals. The above analyses rest upon the case that the determined "peaks" represent actual global production maxima. Table 1. Table 2.

Mary Jacksteit: The Buffalo Case: Pro-Life and Pro-Choice Can Work Together On May 17, 2009 at Notre Dame, President Obama voiced optimism that pro-life and pro-choice partisans can advocate for their causes with passion and conviction without demonizing their opponents, and that they can work together on shared goals such as preventing unintended pregnancies. Fourteen days later, the murder of an abortion provider, Dr. George Tiller, in a Wichita, Kansas church, demonstrates that it will take more than Presidential vision to remove terrorism and violence from the abortion controversy. As the President's speech implied, it is one thing to advocate for civility and cooperation, but realizing them will require hard work, commitment, and willingness to learn from past tragedies. In 1993 I was co-director of the Network for Life and Choice, a new project of the Washington, DC-based Search for Common Ground. In October of that year, Buffalo abortion provider, Dr. That was just the beginning.

MEDIA SERVICE America — A Failed State? by Johan Galtung, 7 Apr 2014 - TRANSCEND Media Service Depends, of course, on the criteria. A state has an inside towards its citizens, and an outside toward the state system. US Efforts to Curb Freedom of Speech on Israel and Palestine are of Grave Concern by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Laureate – TRANSCEND Media Service I am writing today to express grave concern about a wave of legislative measures in the United States aimed at punishing and intimidating those who speak their conscience and challenge the human rights violations endured by the Palestinian people. Peace Pilgrimage to Syria and Iran by The Peace People – TRANSCEND Media Service Peace People, N. Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald via Video at Amnesty Event by Karl Plume, Reuters - TRANSCEND Media Service Germany Opens Hearings on U.S. by Anthony Faiola – The Washington Post The Secret Is Out: U.S. by Sarah Gray – Salon For two years USAID- U.S. by Glenn Greenwald – The Intercept Dr. Rev. U.S.

Debategraph <-- Outline view Paul Hawken describes the challenge of sustainability and activist movements that he sees converging into an unnamed and shapeless 'movement' in his book Blessed Unrest: " ... as yet there has been no coming together of organizations in a united front that can counter the massive scale and power of the global corporations and lobbyists that protect the status quo. ...The as yet undelivered promise of this movement is a network of organizations that offer solutions to disantangle what appear to be insoluble dilemmas: poverty, global climate change, terrorism, ecological degradation, polarization of income, loss of culture, and many more. The world seems to be looking for the big solution, which is itself part of the problem, since the most effective solutions are both local and systemic. Although the groups in the movement are autonomous, the coming together of different organizations to address an array of issues can effectively become a systemic approach.

Simon Fraser University | Study + Practice of Dialogue Chief Robert Joseph Tribute Video Simon Fraser University's Centre for Dialogue presents a tribute video for Chief Robert Joseph. Chief Joseph is the recipient of SFU's 2014 Jack P. More information about the award: Video Credits: Produced by SFU Creative Services and Simon Fraser University's Centre for Dialogue.
