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18 of the Best Free Portfolio Website Templates – UK Web Hosting – Uk Web Design Blog If you’re a designer or photographer who wants to create a website to help you share your work online, then you need to check out these free portfolio website templates! I’ve found several portfolio website templates in a range of colours and styles, and they’re all perfect for showcasing designs or photographs. Portfolio 3 This free portfolio website template features a wooden background, a dark colour scheme, cross-browser compatibility, and more. Portfolio 6 This free portfolio website template includes a blue colour scheme, an ocean inspired illustration, and more. Digital Art Photo This free portfolio website template offers a clean design, a red, black, white and grey colour scheme, top and bottom menus, and more. Foto Folio This free portfolio website template comes with a dark colour scheme, a featured image, a minimal design, and more. 227 Portfolio This free portfolio website template has a green and white colour scheme, a clean design, and more. darkGALLERY Design Portfolio Personal 1
Banque d'images en univers social Bienvenue à la banque d’images en univers social du Service national du RÉCIT de l’univers social! Vous êtes entièrement libre de consulter, d'enrichir ou encore mieux, d'utiliser, selon la licence indiquée, les images que vous trouverez dans la banque. Vous pouvez chercher des images en parcourant les différents albums ou en naviguant parmi les mots clés représentant les sociétés du primaire ou les réalités sociales et géographiques du secondaire telles que spécifiées par le MELS. Vous ne trouvez pas ce que vous cherchez? Stockvault.net - Free Stock Photos and Free Images 10 sites d’images gratuites et libres Vous avez besoin de photos libres de droits pour une présentation, un site web ? J’ai peut-être la solution pour vous. Afin d’embellir un document, rien de tel qu’une belle image. Sur Internet, il est facile de trouver des photos/illustrations. Top 10 Photogen fait partie des sites que j’affectionne. openphoto est un joli site avec une très belle bibliothèque d’images. Image*After est un excellent site dont le design n’impressionne pas. PD Photo est un excellent site qui référence de nombreuses photos. Unprofound est un site contenant pas mal de photos gratuites. Morguefile est un grand classique. Pixel Perfect Digital dispose d’une belle collection d’images et d’illustrations. Free Photos Bank offre une large gamme de photos libres (personnes, animaux, paysages). FreeDigitalPhotos est très bien réalisé avec de nombreuses images. Flickr est certainement le plus grand site de partage de photo sur le web. Oui, un petit onzième pour la route… Conclusion
100 inspirational quotes to celebrate 100 blog posts 100 quotes - to inspire, challenge, encourage, remind, enlighten, reassure, soothe, and delight. In celebration of 100 blog posts at Always Well Within! Many thanks to my wonderful readers and subscribers. It’s such a privilege and a joy to write for you. Please enjoy this feast of wisdom! “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou“If you have much, give of your wealth; if you have little, give of your heart.” “It’s a terrible thing to see and have no vision.” - Helen Keller“You will succeed if you persevere; and you will find joy in overcoming obstacles. - Helen Keller“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller“We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.” - Helen Keller“We do not write in order to be understood; we write in order to understand.” - C.S. You might also like: 101 Inspirational Quotes to Light Up Your Life
Best Free Textures and Patterns of 2010 It’s no secret that we love textures and patterns here at WDL. They’re great for easily adding lots of interest and depth to a design, whether it be a huge background pattern or just some subtle textures here and there. So to continue our “Best of 2010″ series, this week we’re covering textures and patterns. We’ve seen a lot of them this year, but some really stood out. So here’s our picks for best textures and patterns of 2010. Textures 07 – Stock Pack Patterns .36 (25 patterns) Dirty Paper Textures Patterns .38 (25 patterns) Inspiration Flow Vintage Grunge Free Vector Seamless Backgrounds (6 patterns) Colorful Grunge Vintage Wallpaper Textures Seamless Paper Patterns (6 patterns) Textures 06 – Stock Pack About the Author Henry Jones is a web developer, designer, and entrepreneur with over 14 years of experience. Related Posts 489 shares Best Free Icon Sets of 2010 This year is coming to an end, so we’ve been looking back and showing you our picks for the best freebies and resources of 2010.