PixelsDaily | Free PSDs & Resources for Designers Free Vector Downloads - Free Vector Images,Free Vector Art 20 CV templates bundle, including editable sources. (PSD files) In the world of design, you’d be amazed by the amount of people that have a nicely done curriculum. If you haven’t considered having yours yet, you should have in mind that this could be a great tool to get your work to be seen indirectly by any passerby. Even though creating one seems pretty simple, you don’t always get the result you’re looking for in the end. CV Template 1 CV Template 2 CV Template 3 CV Template 4 CV Template 5 CV Template 6 CV Template 7 CV Template 8 CV Template 9 CV Template 10 CV Template 11 CV Template 12 CV Template 13 CV Template 14 CV Template 15 CV Template 16 CV Template 17 CV Template 18 CV Template 19 CV Template 20 Remember that best way to say thanks is by giving us a comment! Read Carefully, Specially: Hotmail / MSN / OutLook users, please check your spam/junk folder to get our msgs and mark us as safe senders (see how) to be sure you can get all our freebies. Download free 5 Templates included. Some other freebies:
Free download 40 Free Resources Every Designer Should Know Ever wondered where designers get their resources to help them succeed with a project? Here is a list of great resources including sites, PSD. files, actions, UI elements, mock ups et cetera and best of all, they are totally free and available for you to download. Just click on the title or image and it will bring you to the resource. Bookmark this post so that you can always look back at this great list that can help you succeed. Icons for your website, an iPhone mock up or PSD’s for your landing page, Fribbble is the place to be. Many of us struggle when posting a project at Behance. Another great site to get free PSD files, blurred background or UI elements. Struggling to get the perfect colour combination? A great site where you can download free stock images. In need of some high quality patterns? Lets you design a website, for free, without code. Guides can be a pain in the ass when it comes down to web design, here is a simple solution for you! Love this site!
Free PSDs & Resources for Web Designers by Orman Clark Brilliant Sports vector icon collection Brilliant Vector includes full editables FLA and SWF vector files, Those icons can be fully edited and scaled to any size using Macromedia Flash, more than 1000 x 1000 pixels with no loss in quality; this makes them ideal not only for applications but also for your business card, presentations, documents, catalogs and much more. You can also combine them, change color or edit so that they fit to your desired look or specific software. This stock, featuring sports, is perfect for all kind of applications and interfaces. It contains icons that represent most aspects of each sport, making sure you'll find exactly what you need. In this stock you'll not only find activities such as football, basketball, car racing and volleyball but also it's principal elements such as a football ball, a tennis court and uniforms among others. Sizes: (This stock includes scalable and editable FLA and SWF vector files, which can be resized to any size you want.) Buy now Sample PDF
A Collection of Useful Web Design Wireframing Resources In the initial stages of a project, when ideas aren’t quite fully formed, it’s good practice to wireframe the layout of your mobile app or web project by stripping away all design elements and flourishes to help define and better communicate the information hierarchy of the layout and plan for functionality and user flow. Whether you create them using a whiteboard, pencil and paper, web-based tools, or using a graphic application, effective wireframing and planning play a critical role in the success of your product. While most wireframing tools are readily and freely available (pen, paper, markers…), you may have to pay to use some web-based tools, and if you know where to look, you can also grab some free, templates for graphic applications like Photoshop, Illustrator or Sketch. Lucky for you know where to look, as you have landed on this page! Material Design Wireframe Kits Material Design Wireframe Kit (Sketch). Material Design Mobile Wireframe Templates (PSD). iOS Wireframe Kits
QVectors Paid License information By buying this license you are granted a Lifetime License to use this design on your projects. You will be allowed to use it for commercial, personal and educational projects without having to give attribution. Where can I use this design? Promotional use: You can make usage of this design in any print or electronic media, including websites, packaging and advertising without crediting attribution or copyright. Merchandise use: Physical products where the image is the main reason why the product will be purchased. Template use: You can use it for digital templates including websites, brochures, etc, intended to be sold online on-demand as long as it is not sold “as is” and is solely used as a graphic resource to create a new design/layout/template which differs significatively from the original design. Logo use: Can be used to create a logo as a part of it. Editorial use: You can use the graphic on books, magazines, newspapers, etc.
10 tools and platforms changing the web design landscape It's that time again! Voting is now open in the 16th annual net awards and the leading lights of the web world are waiting to see whether they win one of the most sought-after prizes in the web design world. There are 20 categories this year, including Game Changer of the Year. Below is the shortlist based on nominations from the public and in no particular order. Don't miss this You can also check out the nominees in the other 19 categories on the net awards site. 01. Build, ship and run any app, anywhere. 02. Sketch gives you the power, flexibility and speed you always wanted in a lightweight and easy-to-use package. 03. Slack is a platform for team communication: everything in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. 04. Babel will turn your ES6+ code into ES5 friendly code, so you can start using it right now without waiting for browser support. 05. A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. 06. 07. The package manager for JavaScript. 09. 10. The net awards