Math Trainer - Times Tables
Get in some serious math training. Responds to your answers, so it trains your weaknesses. Train yourself to remember, don't count (the cutoff time helps with this) New Version! Features of the Math Trainer Cutoff Time The Cutoff Time is there to help you! It means you only have a few seconds to answer each question. At first it seems hard, but as you start to remember you get better and better. (Without the cutoff time you can count to get each answer and never truly learn your tables.) Choose 4 seconds for best effect. Timing You can make good progress by having 3 sessions of 5 minutes every day.
Hundreds of Science Fair Projects For Students
The Science Spot
DISCOVERY: A Simulation of Early American Colonization - Interact Simulations
Divided into separate "colonies," teams of students face problems typical of life in 17th-century America and try to ensure the success of their settlements. After deciding on cargo and using map skills to cross the sea and select their sites, students—playing such roles as colony leaders, bankers, mappers, traders, and recorders—are pressed to make decisions concerning the division of labor, the role of government, and defense against possible Indian attack. Interaction among the colonies results in trading, alliances, and sometimes conflict, while Fate Cards affect each colony's success or failure. View an excerpt from the Discovery student guide (pdf format; will open in a separate window)View an excerpt from the Discovery teacher's guide containing the table of contents and overview (pdf format; will open in a separate window) Common Core correlations
The World Factbook
People from nearly every country share information with CIA, and new individuals contact us daily. If you have information you think might interest CIA due to our foreign intelligence collection mission, there are many ways to reach us. If you know of an imminent threat to a location inside the U.S., immediately contact your local law enforcement or FBI Field Office. For threats outside the U.S., contact CIA or go to a U.S. In addition to the options below, individuals contact CIA in a variety of creative ways. If you feel it is safe, consider providing these details with your submission: Your full name Biographic details, such as a photograph of yourself, and a copy of the biographic page of your passport How you got the information you want to share with CIA How to contact you, including your home address and phone number We cannot guarantee a response to every message. Internet: Send a message here. Mail: Inside the U.S., send mail to the following address:
American Experience . WGBH
PREMIERES JANUARY 23 at 9/8 C Nazi Town, USA The untold story of Nazi sympathizers on American soil Watch Trailer Film The Boys of '36 The story of nine working-class young men from the University of Washington who took the rowing world and America by storm when they captured the gold medal at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin.