presents our new infographic Photos Are Still King on Facebook Most of the content brands post to Facebook includes photos - 75% of all content in a one-month period, to be exact. We examined a large collection of Facebook posts made by over 30,000 brands in order to find which type of post scored the best engagement. Why Brands Need to Monitor Social Media 24/7 For brands, a social media presence is a necessity these days. Finding The Right Engagement Rate for your… Not all brands are created equal, and neither are the definitions of social media success. 5 Reasons Your Product Documentation Is a Marketing Asset Mike Puterbaugh is the VP of marketing at MindTouch, the leader in social knowledge bases, product help and enterprise collaboration. You can follow him on Twitter at @mputerbaugh23. As a CMO, it’s important to understand what clever technology developers and open source leaders have known for years: Great product documentation isn’t loathsome — it’s marketing, and darn good marketing at that. Today, the smartest apps and campaigns dominate headlines and boardrooms. Documentation is the language that accompanies a product, often outlining its development, design, technical language and marketing strategy in clear, definitive terms. Ultimately, good documentation won’t comprise a cost, but rather, a profit. In marketing terms, documentation can put you into contact with prospective investors and customers alike. Here’s why you need to start thinking about strategic documentation. 1. Documentation can be your best bet as a source of leads. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conclusion
Votre community manager doit être un pro. Mais un pro de quoi Résumé : profil encore mal défini, le community manager ressemble à mouton à 5 pattes. Seule certitude : il doit être un vrai professionnel. Mais un professionnel de quoi ? Connaitre les environnements “sociaux”, leur fonctionnement et leurs règles peut sembler un prérequis indispensable. Mais lorsqu’on regarde de plus près les attentes de l’auditoire en ligne, on peut se demander si la connaissance du métier, du secteur et une vraie expérience “face au client” ne sont pas les premières qualités qu’on doit attendre d’un community manager. Il y a un certain temps de cela j’ai vu passer dans ma timeline twitter un lien vers un poste de community manager. L’offre détaille les qualités et qualifications que devrait avoir le candidat et, au mileu, “Connaissance de l’industrie du voyage (un atout)”. On sait depuis la sortie d’une étude IBM plus tôt cette année que l’entreprise se méprend sur les attentes de son audience en ligne. “Airline companies are sending a lot of tweets. Google+
How Social Media Affects Content Relevance in Search Shane Snow is co-founder of, an “agile publishing” platform for brands-turned-publishers and freelance journalists. Old school SEO pros cover your ears, or be prepared to adapt your craft: Search engines are changing, and social media is a huge part of that change. Bing, Google, and an increasing swath of nimble little search engines like Blekko and DuckDuckGo are incorporating social data into their results. This is potentially great news for new businesses trying to achieve visibility in search. It’s less great news for sites that rely heavily on link buying (illegal, but hard to catch), producing huge volumes of borderline-useless content (long-tail, content farm approach), or just really old domains (previously an SEO trump card). Both Bing and Google admitted in interviews that their search results are positively affected by social signals, such as tweets, Facebook Likes, and +1s. SEE ALSO: How User-Generated Content Is Changing SEO Search Engines Adapt to Survive
Social Media Strategist - Can Social Media Take Your Business to the Next Level!? 11 infographics for your next presentation By Arik Hanson | Posted: October 3, 2011 Presentations are a way of life in the communications profession. Whether that means a presentation at your team meeting next week, or a presentation at your industry conference this winter, presenting to people is a key component of how we communicate on a regular basis. Preparing a solid presentation can take an inordinate amount of time and energy. And, in many cases, graphics that tell a story play a large role in said presentations. Enter infographics, which have come to dominate the online landscape. So, I thought I’d share a few infographics that have caught my eye in the last several months. Who Participates Online The Science of Social Timing: Email marketing The Growth of Social Media Twitter Facts & Figures The Rise of QR Codes Social media and crisis communications Location Based Marketing The ROI of Social Media How executives are using social media (This one’s a bit older, but the stats remain relevant.) The History of YouTube Advertising
Heidi Forbes Öste: Advent Calendar Day 6: A p... Roch Courcy, gestionnaire de communauté | Emilie Laperrière, collaboration spéciale | CV C'est un hasard qui a mené Roch Courcy à sa profession. «Pendant mes études, je me suis ouvert un blogue qui parlait des sujets que j'abordais durant mes cours; la communication, les relations publiques, la publicité et le web. Mon intérêt pour les médias sociaux est parti de là», explique-t-il. Les journées de Roch Courcy sont chargées. Les préjugés sont encore le lot des médias sociaux. Un bon gestionnaire de communauté doit être rigoureux. Le métier étant tout nouveau, les données statistiques ne sont pas encore disponibles. Endroits de travail: Agences de communication et de publicité, compagnies d'assurances, firmes d'experts-conseils, institutions financières, PME, grandes entreprises, à son compte. Salaire annuel moyen: entre 35 000 et 45 000$ Nombre de personnes diplômées: N.D. % en emploi: N.D. % à temps plein: N.D. % lié à la formation:N.D. Source:, 2009
How Musicians Are Engaging Fans With Location Tech The Global Innovation Series is supported by BMW i, a new concept dedicated to providing mobility solutions for the urban environment. It delivers more than purpose-built electric vehicles — it delivers smart mobility services. Visit or follow @BMWi on Twitter. Location: It's not just for Foursquare fiends anymore. As bands become more and more adventurous when it comes to integrating tech into their artform, we're seeing mobile- and location-based technology making an entree into the music world, enhancing the experience for both bands and fans alike. "I think it's an interesting way to tap into the trend of broadcasting your location," says Shannon Connolly, VP of digital music strategy at MTV. Over the past year or so, we've been seeing more and more drops in both of those buckets — innovations from the likes of OK Go, Arcade Fire and Panic at the Disco. "Personally, I’ve always tied certain music with certain locations," says music video director Chris Milk. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
10 Ways to Prepare for Your Social Media Manager Interview Introduction Social Media Manager has become a rather popular position lately. Whether it’s a dedicated or partial position, the function exists within most organizations. Enterprises, non-profits, small businesses and associations understand the benefits of maintaining social media channels to generate awareness, engage with prospects and interact with customers and partners. A Friend’s Interview Recently, a friend of mine was preparing to interview for a Social Media Manager position. Here are ten tips on how to prepare: they’re meant for people who haven’t done the job before. 1) Clean up your social media profiles. Pictured: privacy settings options on Facebook. I can guarantee you that your own presence on social media will be a key consideration for this position. Congratulations on passing the “sniff test” – you scored an interview. That being said, between now and the interview, clean up and optimize your profiles. 2) Find and discover the organization’s “brand voice.” Conclusion