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BioCurious is a completely volunteer run non-profit organization. We serve the community by providing low-cost lab space and classes to members. Join now! Joining the lab helps us continue to serve the community. Become a member to make the world a better, more sciency place! Member discounts and added benefits

Industrial Biotechnology - Enzyme Innovation - Genencor Our website uses cookies so that we can provide you a better online experience and service; by continuing, you agree to our use of cookies in line with our Privacy Statement Close DuPont Industrial Biosciences Print on Fabric Using Sunlight: The Lumi Process by Lumi The adventure continues on our site, where you can find our products and information about the process: We have big plans for how to take the technology even further thanks to your amazing support and enthusiasm. Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages as the campaign unfolds! You can also sign up for our email newsletter. Take a peek at what you can design with the Lumi Process:

Human Genome Project The Human Genome Project (HGP) is an international scientific research project with the goal of determining the sequence of chemical base pairs which make up human DNA, and of identifying and mapping all of the genes of the human genome from both a physical and functional standpoint.[1] It remains the world's largest collaborative biological project.[2] The first official funding for the Project originated with the US Department of Energy’s Office of Health and Environmental Research, headed by Charles DeLisi, and was in the Reagan Administration’s 1987 budget submission to Congress.[3] It subsequently passed both Houses. The Project was planned for 15 years.[4] In 1990, the two major funding agencies, DOE and NIH, developed a memorandum of understanding in order to coordinate plans and set the clock for the initiation of the Project to 1990.[5] At that time, David Galas was Director of the renamed “Office of Biological and Environmental Research” in the U.S. Project[edit]

Synapse for Kinect SYNAPSE for Kinect Update: There’s some newer Kinect hardware out there, “Kinect for Windows”. This hardware is slightly different, and doesn’t work with Synapse. Be careful when purchasing, Synapse only supports “Kinect for Xbox”. Update to the update: There appears to also be newer “Kinect for Xbox” hardware out there. Model 1414 Kinects work with Synapse, but I’m getting reports that the newer 1473 models do not work. Update the third: Synapse doesn’t work on Windows 8, sorry.Synapse is an app for Mac and Windows that allows you to easily use your Kinect to control Ableton Live, Quartz Composer, Max/MSP/Jitter, and any other application that can receive OSC events.

An Overview of the Human Genome Project An Overview of the Human Genome Project What was the Human Genome Project? The Human Genome Project (HGP) was the international, collaborative research program whose goal was the complete mapping and understanding of all the genes of human beings. All our genes together are known as our "genome." The HGP was the natural culmination of the history of genetics research. In 1911, Alfred Sturtevant, then an undergraduate researcher in the laboratory of Thomas Hunt Morgan, realized that he could - and had to, in order to manage his data - map the locations of the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) genes whose mutations the Morgan laboratory was tracking over generations.

Présentation Nous sommes un groupe de passionnés d'un monde où tout est différent, où le temps s'arrête, et où tout est à la fois surréaliste et décalé. Ce monde ne se trouve pas sur terre, mais plutôt quelque part au-dessus, ou en-dessous d'une masse d'individus grouillante, anonyme et oppressante. Ce monde, ce sont les Toits, les Carrières, et les Profondeurs de notre chère terre et plus particulièrement de l'Ile-de-France. Nous avons pour vocation de ne pas oublier ce patrimoine, inconnu de la plupart, rempli d'histoire depuis des siècles. Pour certains c'est le foot, d'autres la danse, nous, nous avons fait de nos explorations une passion, un point d'attache à notre capitale où nous avons trouvé un moyen d'échapper aux bousculades, et au stress quotidien.

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Open source scientific software Goodbye Effect Games Friends, The time has come to shut the doors on Effect Games, so we can move onto other projects. But we've preserved some of our old games and demos for you to play with: We've also open sourced the entire Effect Games engine, as well as the web IDE. Effect Games, in it's entirety, has been moved to GitHub. The Triple Helix dorkbot Solve Puzzles for Science
