Related: Educational Technology • Educational Technology • Educational Technology • Educational Technology • Educational TechnologyThe 5 Keys to Educational Technology Ed Tech | Viewpoint The 5 Keys to Educational Technology What is educational technology? What are its purposes and goals, and how can it best be implemented? 25 Easy Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom Although many technology-based teaching methods and resources effectively engage students and build their skills, many educators encounter difficulties when using technology in the classroom. Maybe a specific platform is too hard to introduce. Or maybe it won’t run on your devices. Despite the challenges, you likely want to enjoy the benefits that education technology can deliver. Using the ones that best apply to you and your students, and keeping the condensed list on your desk for quick reference, consider these 25 easy ways to use technology in the classroom:
8 Strategies for Using Technology in the 21st Century Classroom We’ve all seen the black and white images of the one-room schoolhouse. Students sit in perfect rows that face a teacher who’s writing on a chalkboard. Up until the last decade, our classrooms haven’t drastically differed from those 100-year-old images. We are so fortunate to be living and teaching in a time of rapid educational change. Instead of personal student chalkboards, a number of students now have access to electronic tablets. Many teachers can now use Smartboards instead of dry-erase boards.
Appropriate Technology in Education Appropriate technology is transparent technhology in the classroom. Education and technology have always been strongly related. This is demonstrated by the many technologies, old and new, that are used in classrooms everyday by teachers and students alike. In her book, Teaching as a Design Science, Dana Laurillard makes the interesting observation that education does not drive technological invention. Instead, education tends to be beholden to the inventiveness of other fields such as business and leisure. Technology In The Classroom: Tips For New Teachers To Use Technology In The Classroom Enjoy your first three pieces of content for free. Subscribe for unlimited access. Have questions about subscribing? Click Here to learn more.
What Is Educational Technology and Why Should It Matter to You? Education Technology (also known as “EdTech”) refers to an area of technology devoted to the development and application of tools (including software, hardware, and processes) intended to promote education. Put another way, “EdTech is a study and ethical practice for facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.” Although this developing field may sound like a specialized niche, its potential implications are far-reaching and affect many segments of the population. Read on to find out if you’re among those most likely to benefit from the advancement of EdTech, and how you can contribute to its growth. For Educators and Educational Institutions… Caleb Clark, educator and EdTech expert, summarizes the importance of EdTech this way: “Geeks can’t teach, and teachers can’t geek.”
Top 6 Educational Technology Trends Right Now Education is increasingly becoming high tech. All the things that are happening in the world of technology are directly impacting education and learning systems. Why this is bound to happen, how our teachers, learners, and education systems as a whole are keeping pace with them, is a big concern. Here we are going to introduce 6 high tech approaches to education. 12 Easy Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom, Even for Technophobic Teachers Everyone wants teachers to use technology in the classroom. But you're busy -- meeting standards, prepping students for tests -- and maybe you’re not too fond of computers, anyway. Never fear – there are easy ways to bring your classroom up-to-date, technologically.
Research-Based Tech Integration Strategies When using digital devices, children often struggle to transfer the skills learned via the devices into their everyday lives. In a recent study, for example, children who used software that showed them how to complete puzzles were unable to complete the puzzles using physical pieces—yet when a human demonstrated the task, the children were able to successfully complete it. How does this research inform my classroom practice with technology? Instead of relying on the tutorials that come with the educational software we use, I demonstrate myself how to use it, and I create my own video tutorials because my students are more likely to take up the skill when they hear my familiar voice and see me demonstrating the features.
Use Computers in the Classroom for Personalized Learning and Social Learning Reinventing Curriculum Use Computers in the Classroom for Personalized Learning and Social Learning "We [K-12] still fundamentally operate on a [sage-on-the-stage] model that was brought to us 150 years ago by the Prussians. We have not deviated fundamentally from that approach, yet everything has changed in the world."
□ The 90 Hottest EdTech Tools According to Education Experts (Updated For 2018) If you work in education, you’ll know there’s a HUGE array of applications, services, products and tools created to serve a multitude of functions in education. Tools for teaching and learning, parent-teacher communication apps, lesson planning software, home-tutoring websites, revision blogs, SEN education information, professional development qualifications and more. There are so many companies creating new products for education, though, that it can be difficult to keep up - especially with the massive volumes of planning and marking teachers have to do, never mind finding the time to actually teach! So how do you know which ones are the best?
10 Ways to Use Technology in the Classroom You’ve probably heard a lot about the game-changing potential of using educational technology to enhance student learning — but what are some specific examples of how teachers are utilizing new types of technology in the classroom? To find out, let’s use some technology that everyone is familiar with — the internet — to take a virtual peek at some of the top educational technology tools for teachers and tips on how to use them. Educational Technology [High-Tech Tools for the Classroom] Google Classroom — A free web service used by an estimated 30 million teachers and students, Google Classroom is designed to help teachers more efficiently create, distribute and grade assignments, boost collaboration, offer instant feedback and foster seamless communication, all in an easy-to-use, paperless format.Celestia — Do any of today’s students still dream of growing up to become astronauts? Educational Technology [How to Stay on the Cutting Edge]