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The Top 50 Cities to See in Your Lifetime 

The Top 50 Cities to See in Your Lifetime 
Buena Vista Images via Getty Images With our ever-expanding bucket lists, it’s sometimes easy to lose sight of the essentials. Well, we’ve gone to the community of travelers at with a simple goal: find the greatest destinations on Earth. From the great ancient capitals to the modern cities of Asia, the Americas, and beyond, here are the 50 cities you must see during your lifetime. 1.) Venice, Italy - How could we not include Venice? Click here for more photos of Venice 2.) Click here for more photos of Seville 3.) Click here for more photos of New York City 4.) Click here for more photos of Lhasa 5.) Click here for more photos of Rio de Janeiro 6.) Click here for more photos of London 7.) Click here for more photos of Marrakech 8.) Click here for more photos of Petra 9.) Click here for more photos of Rome 10.) Click here for more photos of Varanasi 11.) Click here for more photos of Florence 12.) Click here for more photos of Havana 13.) Click here for more photos of Kyoto 14.) 15.) 16.) Related:  Experience de vieTravel

How to cut glass I posted a picture about 1 week ago on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter of me cutting glass using just string. I got LOT’S of requests for a tutorial on how I DID THIS! So here it is. I want to warn you. It’s best to triple your yarn because it will burn longer! Soak it GOOD! I like to tie my yarn where I want my glass to “cut” then quickly pour polish remover over the string again. Get a big bowl with ice and water ready. VERY IMPORTANT! Slowly turn your bottle. You can’t let the flame go OUT then dunk it in the ice water. YAY!!! I reallly hope you enjoyed this tutorial because I had ALOT of requests for it! © Copyright jaderbombllc, All rights Reserved.

Outdoor & Wilderness Immersion Programs Our immersion programs offer long-term study in outdoor skills and traditional crafts. Under the guidance of expert instructors, you join a team of highly-focused individuals learning about wilderness survival, homesteading, blacksmtihing, or archery. Trackers Immersion Informational Night When March 15, 2017, 6 PM - 7:30 PM Where Trackers Earth Portland 4617 SE Milwaukie Avenue Come explore our year-round adult courses. Many of our immersion programs take place over the course of a year, occurring weekly or monthly. Outdoor Leadership Year Sept - May 3-days a week Every week, 3-days a week, study wilderness survival, tracking, archery, restoration, wild plants, folk craft, bow making, blacksmithing & more. Wilderness Survival Year Sept - Sept 1-weekend a month Gain vital skills of awareness and survival. Homesteading Year Sept - Sept 1-weekend a month Learn about wild foraging, gardening, animal husbandry, and folk craft. Blacksmithing Year Sept - April 1-weekend a month Work with expert mentors.

The 15 Best Travel Destinations in 2015 With 2014 coming to a close, it’s time to reflect and take a look at the up and coming trending destinations for the new year. Sure, its tempting to want to go back to the old favourites – London, Paris, New York… but what about discovering somewhere new? Somewhere off the beaten path, a travel destination yet to be fully discovered, an underrated city, or an experience only few will ever tick off their bucket lists? Here are the 15 best travel destinations in 2015 – put ’em at the top of your lists and beat the crowds, these destinations are set to boom in 2015 and beyond… This post was written by WOW and brought to you by Contiki Legends – Go make 2015 amazing! 1. Earlier this year WOW gave you 10 reasons to visit Bosnia & Herzegovina and the post went absolutely viral on social media. 2. The land of green pastures and torrential rain… Ireland really lives up to its’ cliche in the best possible way. 3. Wondering what’s at the end of the world? 4. 5. 6. Source: Wikicommons 7. 8. 9. 10.

13 Ways To Travel When You Have No Money I recently asked subscribers of my newsletter about the number one thing that holds them back from traveling. The near universal answer? Money This is something I hear from everyone I talk to. “Matt, I simply don’t have enough money to travel.” This problem and how to overcome it probably my most asked question. You do not need to be rich to travel. Let’s repeat that. You do not need to be rich to travel. I sure wasn’t. Yet I managed to save enough to travel the world. “But Matt, I work a minimum wage job/am a student/live on social security/am homeless/insert other excuse here and no matter what I can do, I’ll never be able to do it. What do you do when you are in that boat? Many, many things. If you feel that no matter what you do you will never get ahead by saving money, follow this guide to ultimate travel frugality and see the world on the ultra cheap: 1. Working overseas often gets discounted as an option because it seems hard to do. 2. 3. Can’t sign up for credit cards? 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

25 Five Minute Or Less Hairstyles That'll Save You From Busy Mornings This step-by-step guide to five-minute or less hairstyles can help you make more of your busy mornings. 1. Knot Your Average Pony Follow complete instructions here. 2. Bind Hair With Stylish Scarf Get complete directions here. 3. Braid two sections of your hair then place your left braid over your head and secure the edge to the right side of your head with bobby pins. 4. Get the secret trick by following the instructions. 5. Part your hair from the center of your forehead. 6. Roll upper half of your hair into a bun. 7. Take the top part of your hair, twist and secure with bobby pins at the top of your head. 8. Follow these easy instructions here. 9. Leave a small section of your tied hair in the left side. 10. Tie hair into two pony tails, braid them down to the tips and tie with transparent elastic band. 11. Watch the video tutorial for this hairstyle. 12. Part your hair in the center of your forehead, twist each section and pin with pins in triangular position. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

100 libros que todos deberían leer antes de morir | Acción Preferente Los editores de libros de Amazon acaban de sacar una lista con sus “100 Libros para Leer Antes de Morir”. Muchos de estos libros son clásicos del siglo 20, o bestsellers recientes—el libro más antiguo en la lista es la obra maestra de Jane Austen de 1913 “Orgullo y Prejuicio”. También incluye múltiples géneros, como ficción para adultos, no ficción, ficción para niños y novelas para adultos jóvenes tales como “Los Juegos del Hambre” y “Harry Potter”. “Con 100 Libros para Leer Antes de Morir, queremos crear una especie de mapa de vida literaria, que no se sienta como una tarea del colegio”, dijo en una conferencia de prensa, Sara Nelson, Directora Editorial de Impresión y Libros para Kindle en Amazon. “Durante muchos meses, el equipo debatió apasionadamente, y defendieron los libros que querían poner en la lista. Esta es la lista final de libros: Esta es la selección de Amazon, ¿Qué libro te gustaría agregar como imperdible?

Tinkering School Los 8 mejores lugares para viajar solo de mochilero - momondo Hay pocas cosas más emocionantes que viajar solo. Hacer nuevos amigos, descubrir el mundo e incluso conocerte mejor a ti mismo. Da igual adonde vayas con tu mochila, la experiencia vale la pena. Aquí está nuestra lista de los lugares más seguros y más interesantes para visitar si te animas a hacer tu viaje solo de mochilero. Dublín, Irlanda Temple Bar: el centro cultural de Dublín tras un día de lluvia © Nico Kaiser Dublín es una ciudad de contrastes, orgullosa de mostrar sus más de mil años de historia, pero que además cuenta con una arquitectura contemporánea y ambiente cosmopolita, el cual te facilitará hacer amigos si estas viajando solo. Para los más interesados en la historia, hay excursiones por la ciudad que atraviesan las estrechas calles empedradas y visitan los antiguos campanarios. Aunque los irlandeses son conocidos por su carácter alegre, la mejor forma de ganarte el corazón de un irlandés es con una buena cerveza. Busca Vuelos a Dublín La Habana, Cuba Busca Vuelos a La Habana

8 Ways to Save on Travel in 2015 Photo Interested in 37 newfangled apps that will save you 0.01 percent on travel for the coming year? I didn’t think so. So instead of offering wacky tricks, here are eight ways to take strategies you already know and do them better — with, O.K., a few new appealing tools thrown in. Get Paid to Park Uncomfortable with strangers living with you? If even cars are a bit much for you, how about renting someone’s bike? Airbnb? Nothing on Airbnb says you can negotiate a better price when you book rooms or apartments or houses or yurts, but nothing says you can’t, either. Layover in Kiev Flying through an airline’s hub rather than going nonstop is the oldest savings trick in the book. Stay on Top of Currencies To state the obvious, some countries are just more expensive than others. Package It You spend a lot of time searching online travel agencies, but have you ever clicked the “Packages” tab? Head to Queens Probably the most common question I get is where to sleep cheaply in New York.

12 Historical Women Who Gave No F*cks 10 plataformas para realizar cursos online gratuitos La Red se ha convertido en un lugar propicio para la enseñanza, que ofrece una flexibilidad muy valorada en los estudios. Además, existen múltiples plataformas que ofertan cursos online gratuitos. Internet ha abierto múltiples puertas a la formación a distancia, permitiendo tener contacto con profesores, enviar trabajos para su evaluación o hacer un seguimiento de las clases con herramientas web. Ni qué decir tiene, no sólo los centros tradicionales de enseñanza se han beneficiado de estas posibilidades y hoy en día se ofertan una gran variedad de cursos online gratuitos o de pago. En este escenario hay algunas plataformas que han adquirido especial relevancia, ya sea por la amplitud de su oferta, por su prestigio o por las facilidades para el aprendizaje. Coursera Se trata de una plataforma que ofrece únicamente cursos gratuitos, pero de una gran calidad, pues se ha asociado con algunas de las universidades más importantes del mundo para impartirlos. Khan Academy OpenCourseWare AulaFácil

52 Cups of Coffee 7 Ways Traveling Scientifically Changes Your Personality For The Better Traveling is probably one of the only activities that most people can agree they love. I mean, who doesn’t want to discover unfamiliar territory while immersing themselves in a new culture? Who wouldn’t want to explore far-off places, places they wouldn’t get to see under any other circumstances? For those who love traveling, did you know long-term adventures can actually alter your personality? Well, Dr. The pair studied two groups of German college students — one group traveling abroad in another country for one to two semesters while the control group stayed put. The specific goals of this trial were to determine “how this period of extended travel influenced personality, as well as how the new social network people developed influenced any observed personality changes.” Prior to traveling, each and every participant was required to take a test that measured the “Big Five” personality aspects: openness to experience, agreeableness, extraversion, emotional stability and conscientiousness.
