02-04-2009 RIVM: campagne hpv-vaccinatie meisjes mislukt Rotterdam, 2 april. De landelijke campagne voor de inenting van meisjes tegen het hvp-virus dat baarmoederhalskanker kan veroorzaken, is mislukt. Dat heeft het Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) gisteren bekendgemaakt. De afgelopen vier weken was de gemiddelde opkomst 49 procent, terwijl 70 procent was verwacht. „Ik zeg niet dat de campagne niet goed gevoerd is, wel dat hij niet heeft gewerkt”, zegt Roel Coutinho, directeur Infectieziekten van het RIVM. Hij gaf aan dat de ‘indianenverhalen’ over de vaccinatie op internet niet waren voorzien. Gerelateerde artikelen: Gepubliceerd in: Binnenland
Dazzle Dust Nail Tutorial I've been wanting to try out paint splattered nails for ages now, however it seems like alot of hard work and also kind of messy! So me being supposedly 'savvy' and all I came up with a probably just as messy idea...but slightly more fun and prettier. Also it looks alot more delicate than having a paint splattered effect and alot less nail arty and more wearable. Now like I say... it is kind of messy so you will need at least one face wipe/baby wipe and something to do it on like the back of a magazine. I used a Barry M Dazzle Dust in Brass (100) £4.50 and the nail polish is by Beauty UK in Smokey Lilac £1.79. 1) Firstly you need to give your nails one coat of nail polish. 2) Once dry you can apply the second coat. 3) Next before your nails dry (so you have to be quick) you need to scoop out a small amount of the pigment/dazzle dust (I do this with the end of a spoon) and tap the pigment below the bottom of the nail onto the skin, just below the cuticle. Et Voila!
30 x De aller lekkerste manieren om meer groenten te eten Jij mag dan misschien al helemaal overtuigd zijn van het verwerken van zoveel mogelijk groenten in je gezonde maaltijd, maar met deze waanzinnige recepten kun je werkelijk iedereen de mond snoeren. We houden van onze veggies, en veel mooier gepresenteerd dan op onderstaande manieren kan het bijna niet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.
De elite zit niet te wachten op democratie ? Nieuwsblog nrc.next Illustratie Sebe Emmelot Vandaag in de papieren nrc.next: een ingekorte versie van de lezing die Noam Chomsky zondag hield in de Westerkerk in Amsterdam. De 86-jarige taalkundige is een van de meest geciteerde denkers aller tijden – vlak na onder anderen Marx, Shakespeare, Plato en Freud. Hieronder de volledige tekst van zijn lezing, in het Engels. Contours of Global Order: Domination, Stability, Security in a Changing World: the rise of Xenophobia in the West “When we settled on the title for this talk, few could have guessed how apt it would prove to be when the time came – how dramatically the world would be changing, and how far-reaching are the implications for domestic and world order. The democracy uprising in the Arab world has been a spectacular display of courage, dedication, and commitment by popular forces – coinciding, fortuitously, with a remarkable uprising of tens of thousands in support of working people and democracy in Madison Wisconsin and other US cities.
Ten Amazing Things You Can Do With Coconut Oil - Lifestyle If you've read No More Dirty Looks, or our blog, you know my co-author Alexandra and I are fond of oils, and coconut oil in particular because it’s an amazing and cost-saving multitasker that has lots of qualities to recommend it. It’s a rich moisturizer, it’s cheap, it’s versatile, it’s antimicrobial, antifungal, and antibacterial, has a decent amount of antioxidants, and it smells like baked goods. What’s not to love? Well, some stuff. You can get it at any good health food store in the cooking oil section, just be sure to spend the extra buck or two to get raw, organic, virgin coconut oil. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. What am I missing? This is part of a series inspired by No More Dirty Looks: The Truth About Your Beauty Products and the Ultimate Guide to Safe and Clean Cosmetics, by Siobhan O'Connor and her co-author Alexandra Spunt.
56 Awesome Fermented Food & Drink Recipes Welcome to Girl Meets Nourishment - I am so happy you are here! Have a look around and I hope you find exactly what you need. Have you checked out my facebook page yet, or my pinterest, Instagram, and youtube page? Psst...this post may contain affiliate links to products or services I use, enjoy, or recommend. I love me some good lacto-fermented foods…I try to eat or drink some daily, whether it be kombucha or a scoop of homemade sauerkraut. I have shared this information before, but I thought it would be great to share again and then include 56 awesome fermented food and drink recipes all in one spot for you! But first let’s learn more about the amazingness that is lacto-fermented foods… What is Lacto-Fermentation & What’s so Great About It? Lacto-fermentation has been used by traditional people to preserve their food long before we had ways to chill our food, use artificial preservatives, or can it with high heat. What about Mold? What Salt to Use? Now onto the recipes! Kombucha Beverages
Hugo de Jong (cda)-vaccin via AstraZeneca maffia | Tora Yeshua 2020 06 16 AstraZeneca producent coronavaccin heeft strafblad Minister Hugo de Jonge tekende dit weekend een contract met farmaceut AstraZeneca voor de levering van 300 miljoen coronavaccins. Maar wat weten wij eigenlijk over AstraZenca behalve dat het een Brits-Zweeds bedrijf is en behoort tot de belangrijkste farmaceutische bedrijven ter wereld. Het is bekend dat farmaceuten het in hun bedrijfsvoering niet zo nauw nemen met de wet, het is een ingecalculeerd bedrijfsrisico dat ze bij de omzet van een nieuw medicijn snel en makkelijk weer terugverdienen. 2003: Misleidende marketing Schuldig bevonden voor illegale marketing voor het prostaatkankermedicijn Zoladex en betaalde $ 355 miljoen. 2010: Omkoping en belastingfraude AstraZeneca bracht het medicijn Seroquel op de markt terwijl het nog niet als veilig en effectief was goedgekeurd door de FDA en kreeg een boete van $ 520 miljoen.
10 Shapes for Your Eyeshadow This article is especially for those of you who may feel stuck with your everyday makeup look and desire to branch out, but just can’t seem to figure out the best way to do it. Whether you are new to makeup, or a pro, we hope you find these ten eyeshadow shapes useful! Highlights: Makeup is, after all, just a trick of the light. By highlighting certain areas, you can easily create the illusion of a brighter eye. Using lighter shades in areas to help them stand out, and deeper shades to add depth, pushing them back. My favorite sweet spots to highlight are the inner corner of the eye, the center of the eyelid, and along the brow bone. Different Eyeshadow Shapes: There are countless ways for one to use eyeshadows. Bust out the box and experiment with a new eye shape today! Inner Corner: Add a darker shadow to the inside of the lid. Outer Corner: Adding dark shades to the outer corner of the lid is flattering to most eye shapes, but particularly for those with close set eyes. Both Corners:
Foods You Need to Eat More of If You're Over 40 As you get older, your body doesn’t work as smoothly as it once did. When you turn 40, you may notice your digestive system has slowed a bit. You might see the beginnings of wrinkles, and complications down the road, such as heart disease and dementia, may start to enter your mind. But a big part of combating these age-related issues is eating healthy. Blueberries | Eike Leppert/iStock/Getty Images Blueberries Blueberries are loaded with antioxidants. Next: Sprinkle some of this on your oatmeal. Cinnamon Cinnamon | Derkin/Getty Images Cinnamon has been shown to reduce blood sugar. Next: These nuts are tasty and healthy. Almonds Raw almonds spilling out | iStock.com/Elenathewise Almonds are an excellent way of getting protein if you don’t want to eat much meat. Next: Everyone loves the smell of this, but it also has great health benefits. Garlic Garlic | dulezidar/iStock/Getty Images Next: These are an easy breakfast — and a healthy choice. Eggs Eggs | katyenka/Getty Images Avocado Watermelon Beets
Oxford epidemiologists: suppression strategy is not viable - The Post Video by UnHerd Yesterday we published a short interview with Professor Carl Heneghan about his extraordinary finding that the Public Health England daily death totals included anyone who has ever tested positive for Covid-19 (even if they recovered completely). But we wanted to learn more about the current state of the pandemic and the direction it was headed. On masks: Tom Jefferson: “Aside from people who are exposed on the frontlines, there is no evidence that masks make any difference, but what’s even more extraordinary is the uncertainty: we don’t know if these things make any difference…. On the life cycle of the pandemic: CH: “One of the keys of the infection is to look at who’s been infected, which shows a crucial difference when comparing the pandemic theory to seasonal theory. On Covid seasonality: CH: “The stability of the virus is far less when the temperature goes up but humidity seems to be particularly important. On lockdown: On Nightingale hospitals: On suppression strategy:
Apple Pies I know, I’ve made a few pies lately. But see how these are different? Look at how adorable these are! I mean, come on. I sure couldn’t. We ate them before I had a chance to think about pictures. Oops. This is why I had leftover dough for that impromptu dinner. Although this recipe is a little time consuming, it’s no harder than making any sort of real pie. It still involves slicing fruit. Rolling out crust and making it look pretty. Mixing fruit and sugar and cornstarch. And taking bites with your eyes closed so you can focus solely on each flavor. Please give these a try. Apple Pies Inspired by Pinterest 1 prepared pie dough, rolled out and sliced into strips 6-8 large apples (really any kind of apple will do) 1/3 cup sugar, plus more for sprinkling onto the crust 1/3 cup brown sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 1/4 or 1/2 tsp cardamom, if desired 1 tsp cornstarch Juice of a lemon or lime, mixed with 1 cup of water 1 tbsp melted butter Preheat the oven to 375F. Place the hollowed out apples in a muffin tin.
5 Healthy Reasons to Eat Quinoa The United Nations named 2013 ‘The International Year of Quinoa’. In this way the grain’s nutritional potential and its raising worldwide popularity was recognized once again. Quinoa is the magic grain of South America. Originally, quinoa was roasted and made into flour, which served as a basis for traditional types of bread. Here are great reasons why eating quinoa is a good idea: Quinoa is high in antioxidants Antioxidant-rich foods protect you from many chronic and degenerative diseases (including cancer) by destroying free radicals, which can injure and kill healthy cells. When researchers analyzed different Andean indigenous grains, it emerged that quinoa had the highest antioxidant activity. Quinoa is a complete source of protein This characteristic made quinoa so popular among vegans and vegetarians. If you are looking for other vegetarian sources of protein – read my post about the following 13 surprising sources of protein that are completely meat free. Quinoa is rich in fiber
RFK Jr. Wins Case Against Government For Vaccine Safety Violations This will come as big and important news for anyone concerned with the safety of vaccines: as it turns out the federal government has been neglecting safety obligation for decades, which has been proven in a court of law bringing RFK Jr and ICAN to victory over DHHS. Robert F. Kennedy Jr teamed up with Del Bigtree of the Informed Consent Action Network to take on the Department of Health and Human Services for vaccine safety violations and they have won. Their lawsuit has brought forth evidence that vaccine safety has been neglected for over 30 years, and as we know it is nothing but a sham, showing that the government agencies we are to trust are not doing their jobs to ensure and improve the safety of immunizations. The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 compels DHHS to take responsibility for improving efficacy and safety of vaccines; and charges them with continuous monitoring and improving of adverse event reporting. Robert F.
Books that will induce a mindfuck Here is the list of books that will officially induce mindfucks, sorted alphabetically by author. Those authors in bold have been recommended by one or more people as being generally mindfucking - any books listed under their names are particularly odd. You're welcome to /msg me to make an addition to this list. And finally, although he's way down at the bottom, my personal recommendation is definitely Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States, as it turns the ultimate mindfuck: inverting the world-view of our entire culture, and it is non-fiction.