Cocoa Dev Central: Learn Objective-C Objective-C Objective-C is the primary language used to write Mac software. If you're comfortable with basic object-oriented concepts and the C language, Objective-C will make a lot of sense. If you don't know C, you should read the C Tutorial first. This tutorial is written and illustrated by Scott Stevenson Copyright © 2008 Scott Stevenson Calling Methods To get started as quickly as possible, let's look at some simple examples. [object method]; [object methodWithInput:input]; Methods can return a value: output = [object methodWithOutput]; output = [object methodWithInputAndOutput:input]; You can call methods on classes too, which is how you create objects. id myObject = [NSString string]; The id type means that the myObject variable can refer to any kind of object, so the actual class and the methods it implements aren't known when you compile the app. In this example, it's obvious the object type will be an NSString, so we can change the type: NSString* myString = [NSString string]; Accessors
Free & Public DNS Server List (Updated March 2014) By Tim Fisher Updated October 01, 2016. Your ISP automatically assigns DNS servers when your router or computer connects to the Internet via DHCP... but you don't have to use those. Below are free DNS servers you can use instead of the ones assigned, the best and most reliable of which, from the likes of Google and OpenDNS, you can find below: See How Do I Change DNS Servers? for help. Free & Public DNS Servers (Valid October 2016) continue reading below our video Note: Primary DNS servers are sometimes called preferred DNS servers and secondary DNS servers are sometimes called alternate DNS servers. Why Use Different DNS Servers? One reason you might want to change from the DNS servers assigned by your ISP is if you suspect there's a problem with the ones you're using now. Another reason to change DNS servers is if you're looking for a better performing service. The Small Print Don't worry, this is good small print! [8] Register here with SafeDNS for content filtering options in several areas.
Mathematica Mathematica is a powerful technical programming language developed by Wolfram Research. It encompases computer algebra, numerical computation, visualization and statistics capabilities. It can be used on all kinds of mathematical analysis, from simple plotting to signal processing. The aim of this wikibook is to introduce the Mathematica language and how to use this software. It will describe the functions available and give examples of them. Language Overview Operators List of functions Graphics 2D Graphics Basic plotting 3D Graphics Programming Colors and Colorimetry Physical and biological color Note: All images on this page are drawn in the sRGB colors space, which is something of a standard (if arguably a poor one). If your monitor does sRGB (many of them do), please put it in that mode for the descriptions to be accurate; if your browser and system are intelligent, however, and know about your monitor's colorimetry, you may not have to do this—in fact, the opposite may be the case, you may ruin things by using the wrong correction. There's a (very poor) experimental test you can run at the bottom of this page. What is light? Light is the region of the electromagnetic spectrum which the unaided human eye can perceive. An elementary light stimulus is an arbitrary mixture of the pure lights of the spectrum. A light (a spectrum) is said to be monochromatic when it consists of radiation of a single wavelength: thus, it is the most discrete spectrum possible. What is color? rods , while the other is called cones The color The three kinds of cones brightness or . lux
Getting started with Chef Happy Nerds - Programming Links for Kids Chapter 12. Storage pools Suppose a storage administrator responsible for an NFS server creates a share to store guest virtual machines' data. The system administrator defines a pool on the host physical machine with the details of the share ( should be mounted on /vm_data). When the pool is started, libvirt mounts the share on the specified directory, just as if the system administrator logged in and executed mount /vmdata. If the pool is configured to autostart, libvirt ensures that the NFS share is mounted on the directory specified when libvirt is started. Once the pool starts, the files that the NFS share, are reported as volumes, and the storage volumes' paths are then queried using the libvirt APIs. The volumes' paths can then be copied into the section of a guest virtual machine's XML definition file describing the source storage for the guest virtual machine's block devices.
Sublime Text 2 Пару месяцев назад я случайно наткнулся на массу положительных отзывов о текстовом редакторе Sublime Text 2. Попробовав его в деле, я не разочаровался. Теперь это мой основной рабочий инструмент. Sublime Text 2 — это платный текстовый редактор, написанный на C++, который: Работает в Linux, OS X и WindowsОбладает приличной скоростью работыПриятным интерфейсом (включая всевозможные анимации)Гибко настраиваем (правда, не в GUI, а в json-конфигах)Имеет множество плагинов, число которых растёт как на дрожжахПоддерживает VIM-режимИспользует fuzzy-поиск Вопрос цены Редактор условно-бесплатный или «условно-платный» :) Стоит 59 $ за лицензию (если брать сразу много — есть скидка), но им можно пользоваться и бесплатно. Интерфейс Одно из первых впечатлений о программе — она красива из коробки. Первое что бросается в глаза — отсутствие какой-либо панели инструментов. Справа по борту расположена карта кода. Доступны полноэкранный режим (F11) и "Distraction Free Mode" (Shift + F11). Fuzzy поиск Плагины
How Lawrence Lessig Lost The Big One March|April 2004 How I Lost the Big One When Eric Eldred's crusade to save the public domain reached the Supreme Court, it needed the help of a lawyer, not a scholar. By Lawrence Lessig IT IS OVER A YEAR LATER AS I WRITE THESE WORDS. It is still astonishingly hard. But my client and these friends were wrong. ERIC ELDRED, A RETIRED COMPUTER PROGRAMMER in New Hampshire, was frustrated that his daughters didn't seem to like Nathaniel Hawthorne. It didn't work—at least for his daughters. Eldred's library was not simply a copy of certain public-domain works. In 1998, Robert Frost's poetry collection New Hampshire was slated to pass into the public domain. This was the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act, or CTEA, enacted in memory of the congressman and former musician. Eldred decided to fight this law. It was here that I became involved in Eldred's battle. Of all the creative work produced by humans anywhere, a tiny fraction has continuing commercial value. I hate this view of the law.