Beginner's Guide to French Pronunciation French, like English, can be very difficult in terms of pronunciation, due to intricacies like silent letters, multiple sounds for a single letter, and endless exceptions to whatever rules you find. This site contains numerous lessons which explain the rules and exceptions of French pronunciation in great detail, which is fine for advanced students but can be very confusing for beginners. Therefore, this lesson is an attempt to simplify French pronunciation, to make it easier for you to get started, even if you don't know how every letter combination is pronounced in every situation. While at some point, you will need to study more in-depth lessons on pronunciation, for the time being, this simplified pronunciation chart can help you get a good idea about how to pronounce new words. Chart of French Pronunciation Whenever possible, I have provided English words which use the same spelling. Chart of French Pronunciation
PHONETIQUE Apprendre à prononcer le français English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary Une nouvelle génération d'exercices 26 mai 2013 Les exercices en ligne disponibles sur ce site ont été réalisés pour la plupart à l'aide de JClic ou de Hot Potatoes. Malheureusement, comme je le déplorais dans un précédent article, ils ne sont pas exploitables sur tout support ou dans tout navigateur. En effet, Java est nécessaire pour utiliser JClic et n'est pas supporté par tous les navigateurs. D'autre part, certains exercices construits avec Hot Potatoes ne fonctionnent pas sur tablette tactile, notamment ceux où il s'agit de déplacer des étiquettes sur l'écran (drag'n'drop). Après quelques recherches, j'ai abouti à la conclusion que la solution pouvait être une association HTML5+CSS3+Javascript avec certaines bibliothèques comme JQuery par exemple. J'éditerai cet article au fur et à mesure que j'aurai de nouveaux exercices à proposer, au fil de mes expériences. J'ajouterai un lien vers ces exercices dans les articles sur les sons concernés.
OU vs U - Minimal Pairs - Lawless French Pronunciation The French u is one of the most difficult sounds for English speakers, and as an added bonus, can be difficult to distinguish from ou. The letter combination ou, IPA [u], is the easier of the two sounds. It’s similar to the ou in "you" except it does not diphthong into [w] at the end – learn more. The letter u in French, IPA [y], is much more difficult, largely because there is no similar sound in English. To help you distinguish between these two sounds, I’ve collected an assortment of minimal pairs: words that are pronounced exactly the same other than the vowel. U vs OU – minimal pairs * Not really much of a difference in meaning between these two, is there? Related lessons Share / Tweet / Pin Me! - Ihr Sprachangebot im Web Dear Users, For some time now, we have been working on a way to provide LEO in browers, too, without advertising (similar to what is available/presentation in the apps) – and, instead, to offer our services for a monthy (or annual) subscription fee. This means that users who feel disturbed by advertising can now decide (for themselves) whether they would prefer to use LEO with advertising (and to continue to do so free of charge) or without it. You may already be familiar with such options, for example, from,, and many other sites. We would like to make an offer particularly to those who feel disturbed by advertising and the personalisation of this advertising which lies behind it. We are aware that some texts have not been translated yet, and we will add these translations as soon as possible.
Des outils pour le Lire-écrire Retour au sommaire Des ressouces plus particulièrement axées sur le "Lire-Ecrire" : Une sélection ... dans l'attente de nouvelles trouvailles ........... Des activités en ligne Lalilo Lalilo est un programme en ligne, accessible depuis un ordinateur, une tablette ou un iPad via un navigateur internet. Les professeurs de GS, CP et CE1 peuvent l’utiliser pour différencier leur enseignement de la lecture. OrthoLud Jeux et exercices en ligne, apprendre le français en s'amusant. Lectorbus Des activités de lecture pour tous les cycles. Clic-Ma-Classe Français Des activités en ligne et des exercices à imprimer... cycle 2. Un mot - une image Pour les CP/CE1 ... et d'autres activités de lecture. ( Sur le site MiCetF) Je crée mes dictées( Sur le même site MiCetF) On crée une dictée de mots ... et on peut envoyer le lien aux élèves ( à copier dans la barre d'adresse) ... Max et Tom Des jeux de lecture en ligne ... classés par sons... pour le CP. La dictée du confiné A partir du Ce1 ... Bout de gomme
Conjugaison Française - The 6-step Guide to Mastering French Phonetics The top of a ferris wheel can seem so high up from the ground. But when you’re on the slow, gentle ride, you know you’ll eventually reach the top. Speaking French without a foreign accent can also seem a long ways away. But with a strategic approach that gradually gets you closer and closer, you will get there. And do you know what will turn the wheel to keep you progressing on this pronunciation promenade? French phonetics. When you begin to speak French, it’s incredibly worthwhile to get used to the common sounds of the language, and the best way to do this is to take a look at phonetics. By breaking words down into individual sounds, phonetics can make French much more manageable and soon, speaking French will become second nature. Why Do Phonetics Matter for French Learners? They help you pronounce words in French. Breaking words down into bite-sized chunks will help you hugely down the line. The 6-step Guide to Mastering French Phonetics 1. 2. 3. The letter “h.” 4. 5. 6.