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Enauczanie. Nowoczesne metody edukacyjne i nowoczesne technologie w edukacji.

Enauczanie. Nowoczesne metody edukacyjne i nowoczesne technologie w edukacji.
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Detail New European Schoolnet Academy courses will start this spring, after the incredible success of last year's courses. Almost 10,000 participants enjoyed the Academy courses in 2014, with a hugely positive feedback. Develop your teaching skills in just 30 minutes per day, join us on two exciting MOOCs this April, designed by teachers for teachers. Creative use of Tablets in Schools Start date: 13th April 2015 Duration: 5 weeks The first course to launch on the 13th April is the Creative use of Tablets in Schools course. For the first time one of our courses, the Creative use of Tablets in School course, will be supported by national course ambassadors who will provide support and guidance to teachers in their native language. You can enroll on the course at: How to Teach Computing: An Introduction to Concepts, Tools and Resources Start date: 20th April 2015 Duration: 5 weeks

Lechosław Hojnacki Superbelfrzy RP | Blog grupy Superbelfrzy RP - eduzmieniaczy Gdybym był własną babcią by Jamie Keddie Uncle Sam - From Wikipedia: “Uncle Sam (initials U.S.) is a common national personification of the American government that, according to legend, came into use during the War of 1812 and was supposedly named for Samuel Wilson.” In the last few years, the original poster has become a bit of a meme. Instead of enlisting recruits for the US Army, Uncle Sam says, “I want you to tidy your room!” or “I want you to give up smoking!” Language level: Intermediate (B1)Learner type: Teens; AdultsTime: 15 minutesActivity: TranslationTopic: RulesLanguage: Want you to do something; First conditionalMaterials: Slideshow of images Uncle Sam [downloaded 2791 times] Preparation Use one of the following poster generators to make a personalised slideshow of classroom rules posters. Lesson plan outline Show students the original Uncle Sam poster. Comment This activity is known as an L2-L1-L2 translation.

Moje serwisy www Teachers TV Skip to main content GOV.UK uses cookies to make the site simpler. Find out more about cookies Is this page useful? Yes this page is useful No this page is not useful Is there anything wrong with this page? Thank you for your feedback Close Help us improve GOV.UK Don’t include personal or financial information like your National Insurance number or credit card details. To help us improve GOV.UK, we’d like to know more about your visit today. Don’t have an email address? Tell Me More - Table of Contents This is a complete online version of an English textbook written for speakers of Korean. Most of the textbook can be also used by non-Korean speakers. Chapters There is also a web page to help you quickly print all the pages. Introduction for Teachers Development of oral abilities in a second language, like other skills (e.g. playing a musical instrument or swimming), needs regular exercise and reinforcement. If we look at the language that we use every day, we find the same or similar forms appearing in different guises. "Tell Me More!" We wish all participants (teachers and students) an enjoyable and creative time! Andrew FinchHyun Tae-duck

Europejski Dzień Języków - pomysły na obchody Szkoła ponadgimnazjalna-------------------------------------- Europejski Dzień Języków Obcych Od kilku już lat w szkołach w Polsce i na świecie organizowany jest Dzień Języków Obcych. Co roku wszyscy staramy się aby impreza ta była ciekawa i oryginalna. 26 września został ogłoszony przez Radę Europy dorocznym Europejskim Dniem Języków.Inicjatorzy podkreślają znaczenie nauczania w ciągu całego życia – nauczania ustawicznego. Dlaczego powinniśmy obchodzić Europejski Dzień Języków? Dzień Języków Obcych jest w szkołach w Polsce obchodzony od kilku lat i cieszy się dużym zainteresowaniem wśród uczniów. Oto kilka pomysłów:1. Mam nadzieję, że wymienione pomysły przydadzą się nie tylko w organizowaniu Dnia Języków Obcych!
