Twitter Etiquette: In A Little More Than 140 Characters Hello. My Name Is Jamie And I Am A Twitter Addict. I want to be upfront with you: I’ll admit it, I’m a bit of a Twitter snob. I’ll try my best to educate you and not bash you over the head with my snobbery, though. Retweeting 101: Mind Your R’s And T’s What is a retweet and how does it work? A retweet is a way to share a tweet by someone else that you find informative, humorous, or simply worthy of a share. There are two types of retweets — three if you count quoting a tweet as a retweet, but I don’t suggest doing that. The old style retweet is shown above. Then, Twitter implemented the “new retweet.” Merlin Mann's toot: You can see the new retweet button in the very center. Luckily, the new way of retweeting is fully implemented into most Twitter clients (Twitter for Mac), even mobile ones (e.g., Tweetbot, Twitter for iPhone). What’s the difference? If you retweet the “old way,” not only will you clog up the person’s mentions (old RTs show up in their @replies), but guess what?
Twitter-Mining Captures Global Mood Patterns | Wired Science Hourly changes in average positive (top) and negative (bottom) affect, arrayed by time (X-axis) and day (color). (Golder et al./Science) An analysis of mood patterns distilled from half a billion tweets has produced a civilization-scale picture of how moods rise and fall in tandem, over time and across the world. The details seem intuitive: positive feelings peaking in the morning, dipping during work and rising at day’s end; negativity accumulated over the workweek dissipating late on Friday afternoon. But they’ve proved surprisingly tricky to measure. “There’s a whole generation of lab work that’s been inconclusive,” said sociologist Scott Golder of Cornell University, co-author of the tweet analysis published Sept. 29 in Science. Many studies of how moods — or, more technically, positive and negative affect — change from minute to minute and day to day rely on self-reported surveys, which can be inconsistent if not misleading. Twitter users, of course, don’t represent humanity either.
Top Twitter Analytics Tools With hundreds of add-on tools, Twitter certainly has plenty of ways you can analyze its data. I set out to find the best tools that I would recommend for you to track and compare your own Tweets, as well as examine the growth of followers and when you actually send out your 140-character missives. My two faves are TweetStats and Twittercounter. As you are resting from your Thanksgiving feast, you might want to try them out, along with several others that I will show you. There are other tools that involve "sentiment analysis," being able to examine what people are Tweeting about or the attitude they are expressing in their tweets. The tools in this article are mainly for more quantifiable metrics. Some of these tools are dirt simple: you enter the Twitter ID or IDs of the appropriate people and wait for them to create their reports. The following tools are listed in the order of most to least useful, at least to my point of view. Twittercounter.
Dissecting Twitter The future looks bright for Twitter. After attending an informal press meeting with Twitter CEO, Dick Costolo, its current statistics and revealed strategies seem to focus primarily on revenue and monetization rather than the addition of new features to the platform (if it’s not broken, why fix it, right?). The move appears to be taking Twitter along the correct path, as things only seem to be looking up for the private SF headquartered company. One of the ways Twitter measures its growth is in tweets sent per day. What do current results look like? As mentioned previously, Twitter measures its growth in several different ways. Statistics as of September 8, 2011 are as follows. An average of 230 million tweets a day100M monthly active users around the world50 million people actively logging in every dayOver 55% of these people are mobile usersOver 400 million monthly unique visitors to Let’s examine this further. What makes Twitter grow? Twitter was not always so successful.
Again: Relevance, why Twitter? SmartBlogs Twitter has been a topic for educational bloggers for several years now. I believe that those educators using Twitter are drawn to those posts, while other educators, not using Twitter, are driven away. Maybe the problem is the emphasis or focus of the blog posts. I earned an advanced degree in educational technology over 30 years ago. In the distant past, teachers were able to maintain their relevance based on printed journals, newspapers and magazines. Educators need a better way to communicate about change in order to maintain their relevance. Too bad an application of social media like Twitter was developed for such a frivolous purpose. If only an educator with the highest of degrees would invent such a collaborative tool for educators to do all of the same collaboration with valuable education information. I must admit that this post comes from the frustration of listening to the many excuses from educators who choose not to use Twitter.
Topsy Experts 各領域Twitter行家搜尋引擎,誰值得你follow? Twitter到底可以在我們獲取資訊、情報、觀點上提供哪些巨大的幫助,我想長期閱讀電腦玩物的朋友應該都看過我的心得推薦(例如:Twitter List + HootSuite如何獲取眾聲喧嘩裡的有效網路即時訊息)。善用Twitter的方法中很重要的一點就是善用Twitter內容搜尋,而善用Twitter內容搜尋中目前最好的工具就是「Topsy」。前幾天,這個比Twitter官方搜尋更加優秀的服務,推出了一個新功能:「Topsy Expert Search」。 Topsy Expert Search,我姑且將其翻譯成「Twitter行家搜尋引擎」。 我把Expert翻譯成「行家」而非「專家」,是因為專家感覺聽起來有一種身分家世的權威,但行家則更貼切的體現出Twitter上那種跨界的、解構的、不世出的天才靈光。 Topsy Expert Search: 誰是「對你來說」真正值得follow的對象? 我們都知道現在註冊Twitter流程中,就會接獲到「推薦follow」的名單,而有些第三方服務也會推薦各種主題下值得follow的對象。 因此,我在之前的「如何獲取眾聲喧嘩裡的有效網路即時訊息」一文也已經提到,我們應該善用「搜尋關鍵字」來找出「對自己來說」值得關注的對象:重點不在於他是不是名人,而在於他有沒有講出對你有價值的話語內容,所以搜尋「微訊息」本身才能找到真正值得follow的對象,而非只看對方的人氣如何。 Topsy Expert Search的設計原理亦是如此。 01.依據特殊關鍵字,找出真正的行家 進入「Topsy Expert Search」頁面,輸入你感興趣的任何關鍵字,接著搜尋結果中就會列出常常針對這個主題發言的用戶;你可以在後方的「XX Mentions」中看看對方實際針對該關鍵字的發言次數與內容,也可以將滑鼠游標移動到用戶帳號上,於彈出氣泡框裡就可以直接follow該用戶。 Topsy會依據演算法將用戶區分成高影響力、有影響力、一般用戶等不同等級,加上發言次數後,依此排序你的搜尋結果。 總之,加上了這樣一個演算法,所以Topsy Expert Search的搜尋結果不是雜亂無章的,而是立即可用的。 02.繁簡中文關鍵字搜尋互通 我會認為Topsy是目前「最優秀」的Twitter搜尋引擎,主要是兩大原因: 03.如何找出真行家?
Самое кликабельное место в твитах | Детали Критический взгляд на Большие данные: как API, исследователи и инструменты создают данные Журнал First Monday выпустил номер, посвящённый критическому осмыслению понятия Больших данных. Мы публикуем одну из самых интересных статей, посвящённую тому, как данные создаются в процессе их добычи, какую сложную роль играет API и почему данные из социальных сетей за разные годы иногда невозможно сравнить. Метки: данные, Социология Расколдовать Интернет В 2013 году вышла книга Евгения Морозова о том, что Интернет не сделает мир лучше. Эта книга "To save everything, click" до сих пор обсуждается, её автора ненавидят и восхищаются его смелостью. Почему? Самое-самое В данном разделе материала не найдено Картинки
Twitter 五歲,與讓我更愛用Twitter的五個社群即時資訊追蹤工具 前幾天Twitter官方發表了一篇簡單明瞭的紀念文章:「Happy Birthday Twitter!」,來註記Twitter發佈第一則訊息至今已經度過了第五年。Twitter目前的用戶成長仍然勢不可擋,再看它對於真實世界的影響力也同樣無遠弗屆,對這方面有興趣的朋友可以看看「一句話改變全世界,Twitter 5歲了」這篇文章的介紹。 Twitter本身很簡單,但是使用的方式卻很有彈性,在這個平台上除了有多元的內容產生者之外,也有多樣化的Twitter應用工具。 之前我曾經在「你可以不用 Twitter ,但不可不知如何挖掘 Twitter」'、「Twitter Search 五個關鍵技巧找出 Twitter 裡的有用、有趣資訊」兩篇文章裡,討論了Twitter在資訊流通、收集上的重要性,而今天這篇文章,為了紀念Twitter五週年,所以我從自己的使用習慣中整理出五個可以讓Twitter發揮更大作用的工具,並分享平常會在哪些時機使用這些工具的心得。 首先要說的是,我使用Twitter的用途基本上和「聊天」比較搭不上邊,我雖然會回應部分訊息,但絕大多數時候,我是把Twitter當做「資訊收集」工具來使用。 01.移動中獲取新知的手機版App: 使用時機:早上、晚上通勤時間 Twitter for Android: 自從有了Android後,我每天上下班通勤時間就常常在做兩件事:看Twitter與看Google Reader,在手機上怎麼看Google Reader? 而在Android手機上,我覺得目前最好的Twitter客戶端,就是官方自己的「Twitter」App,因為它簡單快速,並且該有的功能都有。 不過我自己喜歡「看重點」,所以我並非是單純盯著Twitter的資訊流首頁看,而是打開我自己分類好的「Twitter List」查看。 我每天通勤總共要花上兩個多小時的時間,這些時間拿來看看Twitter上過濾後的重點消息,還有Google Reader上篩選出的必讀資訊,還加上一點補眠時間,其實就不會覺得「長途跋涉」太累人了。 如果是正在電腦前繁忙工作的時間,我會盡量要求自己不要盯著社群訊息的更新,因為那確實很容易干擾工作。 而除了正常的Twitter閱讀外,我也會善用工具做「有目的性」的Twitter追蹤。 小結:
Twitter Tips: How to Filter the Noise | Create Twitter Lists Once you start following a good number of people, you may find that it’s difficult to keep up with your Twitter feed, as there are so many tweets happening all at once. Rarely can someone read all the tweets of several hundred or even thousands of people all at once. There is just too much “noise” happening. There are two solutions to this. 1. This is not my recommended approach, as you may find that you will get unfollowed by others who notice that you unfollowed them. 2. Read tweets from those whom you’ve built relationships withCategorize users into different lists to serve as a reminderYou don’t risk losing users if you are still following them Having said that, I still read tweets from my main feed, and a number of them are quite interesting, or that I can relate with. Within your profile, there is a section called “Lists”, where you can create your own list of people that is separate from the main Following list. Now go back to your profile and click on your Lists.
你可以不用 Twitter ,但不可不知如何挖掘 Twitter 或許還是有朋友無法習慣微網誌(Twitter、Plurk)的使用模式,但現在的問題已經不僅僅是你要不要、喜不喜歡用微網誌?還要加上你是否能利用Twitter或Plurk等微網誌累積的訊息量來做些什麼? 而這其實是兩種不同問題,就像你可以不寫部落格,但是當你想去旅遊、要找美食、電腦出問題時,應該已經很倚賴從各種個人部落格裡的親身經歷來獲得有用資訊了吧!同樣的道理,在未來,或者說從現在開始,就算你自己不寫Twitter、不玩Plurk,你也可以試試看學會去注意、去利用:那個豐富微訊息資料庫中可能隱藏著的有用東西。 這些東西可能是針對某個新聞話題的各種網摘連結、心得感想、討論對話,由此你將參與一場網友間的頭腦風暴;也可能是一個你感興趣用戶的一連串展現其性格思想的短語,加深你對這個對象的認識;或者反過來說你可以在這當中找到某種群眾市場的趨向。 微網誌的訊息內容具有即時互動的特性,而建構這些即時互動的是微網誌上活生生的人的對話,不是專家的、官腔的、制式的單向發表,而是素樸的、直接的、開放的多向激盪。 也就是說,在微網誌資料庫中,我們是不是可以期待找到有別於Google機械算法、不同於傳統媒體專業本位所能找到的東西呢? 總而言之,現在的網路用戶在Google優秀的搜尋功能之外,應該還要懂得變化不同的搜尋方式(例如大家常用的搜索維基百科),而其中「微網誌資訊搜尋」將會具有越來越重要的實用性,我是這麼認為的。 而剛好今天讀到一篇「Web Worker Daily」所寫的「How to Mine Twitter for Information」,主文和留言裡面介紹了許多好用的「Twitter資料挖掘工具」,讓我們可以從各種角度去調查、善用Twitter的資料庫。 搜索追蹤Twitter即時訊息內容: 熱門新聞看看其它人怎麼說: Twitter Search: 之前我曾經推薦過很多次的「Twitter Search」,現在可以稱之為Twitter官方的內容搜尋器,輸入中文、英文等關鍵字後,可以找到最新的相關訊息,並且會「自動更新」搜索內容,如果有其他Twitter用戶當下發佈了相關訊息,會即時更新到你的列表中。 還原短網址,搜索Twitter訊息內的網址連結: 瀏覽誰在Twitter上分享了你的部落格文章: 也就是說利用BackTweets: 小結: