Les bergers indemnisés pour 58 brebis mortes L'incident avait suscité un certain émoi. Le 18 septembre dernier, 58 brebis étaient retrouvées mortes à Etsaut au-dessus des estives d'Yèse. 51 autres furent blessées dans ce dérochement. La commission d'indemnisation dégâts des ours (Cido) est revenue mardi sur sa décision du 18 octobre de ne pas indemniser les six bergers impliqués dans ce dossier. A l'époque, la Cido n'avait trouvé « aucun élément susceptible d'engager la responsabilité de l'ours » dans cet accident. Et pointait, au contraire, des « manquements » dans le gardiennage du troupeau de 1300 têtes, assuré par Bertrand Domengeus. Hier, un communiqué explique brièvement ce revirement. « La commission a constaté qu'il n'y avait pas de faits nouveaux pour ce dossier. Maylis Coustillas, éleveur installé à Escout, était la principale victime de ce dérochement, avec plus de la moitié de son troupeau tué ou blessé. André Berdou assure que ce changement d'avis a été discuté dans « une ambiance sereine et feutrée ».
6 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Actually Happened America's Freak Luck During the Battle of Midway The Battle of Midway may be remembered as one of the most spectacular naval battles in history and one of the huge turning points in the Pacific theater, but it started out as a pure clusterfuck for the Americans. Despite going into battle with most of Japan's game plan in their pocket thanks to American codebreakers/Bothan spies, the U.S. Navy had little to show for it in the early hours of June 4, 1942. Just about every aircraft that took on the Japanese that day was destroyed, and all without delivering any serious damage. In short, the Battle of Midway started off like the Battle of Endor, only with every fighter in the Rebel Fleet crashing into the Death Star's deflector shield. Where it Gets Weird: There was one squadron of American dive bombers lead by Lieutenant Commander C. His squadron started dropping like flies until, in an act of sheer luck that would make even J.K. Where it Gets Even Weirder: ...when he wasn't busy being a pimp.
Reasons Spicy Foods And Peppers Are Good For The Health Many thought that eating spicy food can cause ulcer or any other stomach illnesses. However, as studies show, chili peppers, jalapeño, and other hot spices can actually help prevent gastric problems and even protect the body’s stomach lining. This is a good news for lovers of hot and spicy foods. There are actually more other health benefits that they can get from eating jalapeños and other spicy foods. Check these out. Nutrients Jalapeños are green peppers that turn red as they become mature. Jalapeños and hot chili peppers actually contain helpful nutrients like vitamins and calcium. Vitamins Hot chili peppers and jalapeños are rich in vitamin C. Capsaicin Jalapeños and hot chili peppers are rich in capsaicin. Effective for weight loss Jalapeños are effective aid in weight loss. It has also been discovered that adding jalapeños and chilies to foods can help prevent cholesterol buildup in the blood. Now, there is no need to avoid spicy foods.
Le fil info Public Sénat 7 Untold Benefits of Drinking Coffee | Epyk - The Most Important Bits of Info, Now When you wake up in the morning feeling groggy and tired, coffee can be just what you need to wake up. It can give you energy and clear your mind so you can focus and get things done. While you know you can rely on a cup o’ joe to perk you up, do you know the other benefits of drinking it? You might be surprised to learn some of the unique benefits of drinking coffee that most people aren’t aware of! 1. Another reason why coffee may result in a longer life is because it can help get rid of bad habits that most people have. 2.
Top 23 Amazing Destinations In Mindanao | Way Philippines Just when you thought only Luzon and Visayas has the most fine-looking tourist attractions in the Philippines to explore then Mindanao will definitely prove you wrong. In the farther reaches of Southern Philippines lie several amazing destinations which awaits to be visited. Allow yourself to be mesmerized by the stunning sightseer spots in Mindanao and find out why this place has won the hearts of several adventure travellers. Siargao in Surigao del Norte Dako Island Hailed as one of the best surfing spots in the Philippines, Siargao has a whole lot more to showcase, drawing the interest of tourists coming from diverse walks of life. Island Hopping in Gen. Camiguin Island Setting foot in Camiguin will somehow give you a glimpse as to how jam-packed its featured attractions are. Camiguin Tourist Spots and Travel Guide Dapitan, Zamboanga del Norte Dakak Beach Resort Fantasy Land Rizal Shrine River Cruise Samal Island, Davao del Norte Falls in Iligan City Tinago Falls Maria Christina Falls Sta.
A Bruxelles, David Cameron a utilisé la technique de la «vessie pleine» Pendant longtemps, les historiens se demanderont peut-être si David Cameron a eu raison de s’opposer au nouveau traité européen voté à Bruxelles le 10 décembre 2011. Mais, maintenant qu’on en sait un peu plus sur son état physique lors de ce sommet dans la capitale belge, il est certain que ces historiens vont aussi se demander s’il a pris sa décision dans les meilleures conditions selon le Guardian. En effet, dans un article de The Independent daté du dimanche 11 décembre, on apprend que David Cameron a utilisé la technique de la «vessie pleine» pour mieux se concentrer et avoir l’esprit clair pendant l’exténuante séance de négociations à Bruxelles qui a duré pas moins de 9 heures. Le journal explique que ce n’est pas la première fois que David Cameron fait usage de cette technique. «Vous ne devez rien faire pour atténuer la tension avant de faire un grand discours. Photo: David Cameron lors du sommet européen de Bruxelles, le 9 décembre 2011. publicité Devenez fan sur , suivez-nous sur
10 Foods That Clean Your Facial Skin | Epyk - The Most Important Bits of Info, Now Everyone wants clean, healthy, and great looking skin. Although moisturizers are great, as are certain facial products you can use at home, and different makeup products you can purchase, there are also several foods that will help clear your skin, and give you that young, glowing look you are in search of. With several different ingredients, healthy oils, and essential nutrients, these are 10 Food That cleans your facial skin, and will give you that young, healthy glow, and the all natural skin appearance you are looking for. 1. Avocados – Not only are they used in many facial products, but the skin as well as the fruit of the avocado are exceptionally high in Vitamin B. 2.
A Filipino native who's cooked for Guy Savoy and Thomas Keller opens Rice Bar in downtown L.A. Rice Bar, a diminutive Filipino counter restaurant in downtown Los Angeles, is to a normal restaurant kind of like what tiny houses are to conventional houses. Seven neon yellow stools are jammed up to an L-shaped marble counter that takes up the majority of the 275-square foot space. Behind that counter, Rice Bar's chef and owner Charles Olalia cooks on a jigsaw system made up of three rice cookers, two hot plates, a griddle and a warmer. It is a lot smaller than Patina, Joachim Splichal's gorgeous flagship fine dining restaurant, which is less than a mile away from Rice Bar, and where Olalia was executive chef until a year and a half ago. "I have four pots now," said Olalia on a recent weekday afternoon, as he assembled bowls of fried rice and pork longaniza for the lunch crowd — about eight people filling the space like college students jammed into a Volkswagen. "Every one of these recipes you can trace back to Chichi." Recipe: Tinola
Bientôt un GPS intégré à votre caddy de supermarché? La géolocalisation débarque au supermarché, raconte Martin Lindstrom dans un article de la Harvard Business Review après une visite du département recherche d'un des plus grands producteurs de caddies. Et ce n'est pas une géolocalisation habituelle via smartphone, mais à travers un micro-ordinateur qui sera intégré au caddy, pour comprendre comment le client achète. «Cela révèlera la vitesse d'achat du client, combien de temps prend-il pour décider d'acheter un produit, le chemin qu'il emprunte dans le supermarché et l'ordre de placement des produits dans son caddy.» Grâce aux données recueillies, la compagnie espère optimiser l'expérience d'achat du client –et savoir comment l'inciter à davantage consommer en partant de l'exemple d'un jeu de dominos, où dès qu'un produit sera placé dans le caddy, l'ordinateur pourra suggérer un produit complémentaire. Les caddies intelligents font l'objet de nombreuses innovations, notamment en Asie du Sud-Est. publicité Devenez fan sur , suivez-nous sur
Blog about things The Unthinkable has Happened! Meat Industry Embraces Plant-Based Meat If you are remotely interested in the food industry, visited a grocery story or eaten out lately, you’ve probably heard of the biggest food story of the century. This time, it isn’t a trend, a diet, or a weight loss program that’s sweeping the nation and changing the way millions of people eat. It’s a shift that has been years in the making but is finally starting to take shape in a way that just cannot be ignored. Americans are falling out of love with meat. Thanks to the growing awareness that meat is not the healthiest or the most sustainable source of protein, demand for alternative protein sources are at an all time high. One-third of Americans are choosing to leave meat off their plates more frequently. Still not convinced or not quite grasping the true impact of this industry-shifting trend? Yes, meat is being redefined at this very moment in history and even the industry that produces meat via livestock farming is sitting up and taking notice.
C'est officiel: l'alcool favorise les rapports sexuels non protégés Les recherches scientifiques viennent de prouver que la consommation d’alcool, sans prendre en compte les autres risques, augmente les possibilités d’avoir une relation sexuelle non protégée et ainsi le risque de contracter une maladie sexuellement transmissible, rapporte El Mundo. Si on savait que la prise d’alcool entraîne une désinhibition et une prise de risque plus accrue que lorsque l'on est sobre, rien ne nous permettait de dire qu’elle conduisait à un rapport sexuel non protégé –première cause d’infection du VIH. Un examen de 12 études réalisé par des chercheurs canadiens et américains et publié par Addiction, revue scientifique britannique, met en lumière le lien de causalité entre la consommation d’alcool et l’absence d’intention d’utiliser un préservatif. La prise de 0,1 mg/ml augmente de 5% le risque d’avoir une relation sexuelle non protégée. Les futures campagnes de prévention contre le VIH devraient utiliser cette étude pour sensibiliser les jeunes, préconise Addiction.
Physicists Find Evidence That The Universe Is A 'Giant Brain' The idea of the universe as a 'giant brain' has been proposed by scientists - and science fiction writers - for decades. But now physicists say there may be some evidence that it's actually true. In a sense. According to a study published in Nature's Scientific Reports, the universe may be growing in the same way as a giant brain - with the electrical firing between brain cells 'mirrored' by the shape of expanding galaxies. The results of a computer simulation suggest that "natural growth dynamics" - the way that systems evolve - are the same for different kinds of networks - whether it's the internet, the human brain or the universe as a whole. A co-author of the study, Dmitri Krioukov from the University of California San Diego, said that while such systems appear very different, they have evolved in very similar ways. The result, they argue, is that the universe really does grow like a brain. The study raises profound questions about how the universe works, Krioukov said. Related Posts