CSS Balls - hop.ie Recently I’ve talked about creating CSS triangles, which used border-radius to create the angled shapes. Now let’s try spheres. Flat design There are two ways we could approach making spheres with CSS. One is to create an actual 3D sphere using lots of elements. There are some beautiful examples of these. Instead of this I’ll try a second approach, making use of CSS gradients to add shading and create the 3D effect on a single element. Demo and source code All the examples mentioned can be found via my Codepen account, or by selecting the “Edit on Codepen” links in each example below. Basic shape Before adding details, we’ll create the initial circle shape. We’re using an figure element here, but it could be any element. To create a circle from this figure element, I’ll give it a width and height, and a border radius of 50%. Hey presto, a wild circle appears. Now that we have a basic circle, we can start to style it up into something more spherical. Shading 101 Radial gradients Shadows & 3D 8-ball
On Scroll Header Effects with CSS Transitions At the present time, eminent breeders try by methodical selection, with a distinct object in view, to make a new strain or sub-breed, superior to anything of the kind in the country. But, for our purpose, a form of selection, which may be called unconscious, and which results from every one trying to possess and breed from the best individual animals, is more important. Thus, a man who intends keeping pointers naturally tries to get as good dogs as he can, and afterwards breeds from his own best dogs, but he has no wish or expectation of permanently altering the breed. Nevertheless we may infer that this process, continued during centuries, would improve and modify any breed, in the same way as Bakewell, Collins, etc., by this very same process, only carried on more methodically, did greatly modify, even during their lifetimes, the forms and qualities of their cattle. Scroll down
21 Amazing CSS Techniques You Should Know Cascading Style Sheets(CSS) is one of the building blocks of modern web design without which websites would have been ugly just like they were a decade ago. With time, the quality of CSS tutorials out there on the web has increased considerably. Here are 21 amazing CSS Techniques that you might not have thought could be done by CSS. 1. Cross Browser CSS SlideShow Amazing demonstration of how to create a cross browser image gallery using just CSS. 2. This tutorial demonstrates a crazy way to create an image map using just CSS. 3. Create a lighbox using just CSS with no JavaScript required. 4. Replace the submit buttons with images using CSS, degrades back to submit button if CSS is disabled. 5. Amazing tutorial on how to create an animated navigation menu using just CSS. 6. Create a tree like navigation from nested lists of links. 7. Create eye-catching titles with nice gradient effect using just CSS. 8. 9. Amazing way to create a liquid layout using negative margins 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Putting CSS Clip to Work: Expanding Overlay Effect A tutorial about how to create a simple expanding overlay effect using the CSS clip property and CSS transitions. View demo Download source Our previous article, Understanding the CSS Clip Property by Hugo Giraudel offers a great overview of the CSS clip property and the rect() function. We want to show how to leverage the CSS clip property to make a smooth transition when clicking on a box element. This is how we’ll do it: we will first create a list of items that will look like metro-style boxes: Each one of the boxes will contain an element (overlay) that will be of position fixed. Clicking on the close button will reverse the effect and the overlay will minimize to the list item’s size and disappear. So, let’s get started with the HTML. The Markup We’ll use an unordered list for the boxes. Let’s move on to the style. The CSS Note that the CSS will not contain any vendor prefixes, but you will find them in the files. Let’s style the city name headline: We have 11 list items: The JavaScript
Expanding Grid Item Animation A grid item animation where the thumbnail scales up when the details view is opened. Based on the Dribbble shot "Surf Project" by Filip Slováček. Today we’d like to share a simple implementation of a grid animation with you that is based on the Dribbble shot Surf Project by Filip Slováček. This demo is kindly sponsored by Storyblocks. If you would like to become a demo sponsor, you can find out more here. Attention: For the demo we use some modern CSS properties like CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid and CSS variables without a fallback, so please view them in a up-to-date browser. Have a look at the screenshots: We hope you enjoy this demo and find it useful! anime.js by Julian GarnierimagesLoaded by Dave DeSandroGuitar icon by iconniceGuitar vector designed by FreepikPatterns by Pixel Buddha
Animated Content Tabs with CSS3 About us You think water moves fast? You should see ice. It moves like it has a mind. Like it knows it killed the world once and got a taste for murder. After the avalanche, it took us a week to climb out. How we work Like you, I used to think the world was this great place where everybody lived by the same standards I did, then some kid with a nail showed me I was living in his world, a world where chaos rules not order, a world where righteousness is not rewarded. Services Do you see any Teletubbies in here? Excellence Portfolio The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Examples Now that we know who you are, I know who I am. Contact You see? Get in touch Well, the way they make shows is, they make one show.
25 New & Free Responsive WordPress Themes ”WordPress.com is the only service of its kind that not only lets you export your data, but gives you an open source package you can run on pretty much any web host out there to run your own instance of the software. So the freedom is really in your hands.” – Matt Mullenweg WordPress is like the gift that keeps on giving. As of August 2013, 18.9% of the top 10 million websites use WordPress, cementing it as the number one blogging system in use, and it really is plain to see for anyone why this is the case. WordPress is insanely customizable and very user-friendly, and that is why, whether you are a professional web designer, someone who is just learning the basics, or even someone who has not the faintest idea about what web design is, you can still use WordPress to create your own, unique website. 1. Image source Facebook is the most recognizable and familiar interface on the internet. 2. Image source 3. Image source We get to see flat design at its very best in this theme. 4. Image source
Code Snippets - Snipplr Social Snippet Repository Coding An HTML 5 Layout From Scratch Advertisement HTML5 and CSS3 have just arrived (kinda), and with them a whole new battle for the ‘best markup’ trophy has begun. Truth to be told, all these technologies are mere tools waiting for a skilled developer to work on the right project. As developers we shouldn’t get into pointless discussions of which markup is the best. They all lead to nowhere. Rather, we must get a brand new ideology and modify our coding habits to keep the web accessible. While it is true HTML5 and CSS3 are both a work in progress and is going to stay that way for some time, there’s no reason not to start using it right now. So today we’re going to experiment a little with these new technologies. It’d be a good idea to have a read at some of these articles first: I’ll also assume you know the basics of HTML and CSS. Before we begin… There’s a couple of things you have to bear in mind before adventuring on the new markup boat. A word on Progressive Enhancement and Graceful Degradation 1. 2. <! A few highlights:
3D Particle Explorations An inspirational set of demos that explores particle animations in 3D space with three.js. This type of animations could be very suitable for page loaders. This set of demos explores 3D particle animations using three.js and easing. The Concept Making animations with a lot of small moving parts is a lot of fun. Repeating animations like this is great for loader animations, backgrounds, and transitions. Benefits of three.js and a 3D Environment Most of these animations could be made roughly comparable with something like SVG or 2D Canvas. My goal with this set is to show what a baseline set of particle movements can achieve, with minimal flexing of three.js. Debug Mode: Grid, Camera, and Timescale To enter debug mode, click the debug icon in the top right. #1: Rotating and Scaling Rings This demo shows a series of rings that are scaling and rotating with slight offsets. #2: Simplex Noise Lines This demo shows a series of particles that form lines of two different colors. #3: Circle Separations
Méthode d'intégration HTML et OOCSS Cette méthode de travail est à la fois incroyablement efficace et passionnante à mettre en place : elle propose des solutions aux problèmes d'héritage CSS, d'organisation et d'optimisation des feuilles de style. Le principe du CSS Orienté Objet est de séparer le contenu des contenants et de considérer les blocs de contenus comme des objets réutilisables auxquels nous appliquons un habillage graphique. Le code s'en trouve ainsi beaucoup plus optimisé que sur des intégrations HTLM standards. Utiliser pour les sites de moyennes et grandes envergures, on peut aussi s'inspirer de cette méthode pour des projets plus modestes. 1) Division de la page HTML La page HTML est divisée en 3 parties distinctes auxquels les CSS se rapporteront : L'entête qui aura pour identifiant unique : #hd Le corps qui aura pour identifiant unique : #bd Le pied de page qui aura pour identifiant unique : #ft 2) Le template Le template détermine les caractéristiques d'un gabarit réutilisable (colonne centrale, sidebar...).
100+ Resources for Web Developers | BlogWell Photo Credit: SMITHMag Update #1 – March 14, 2008 Update #2 – September 22, 2008 Translated into Italian at Geekissimo There is some amazing stuff out there on the Web–resources, tools, tricks, and tips. So we’ve put together a list of over 100 resources to help make your life as a developer easier; where to find snippets of code, sites that automate processes, cheat sheets, lessons, useful tools and a couple of silly videos to give your brain a break if you make it through to the end. Code Photo Credit: Josh Lewis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. .htaccess Creator Online tool to create .htaccess files 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. jQuery jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you write your web pages. Cool Online Tools Photo Credit: Stavros Markopoulos 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Documentation and Reference Photo Credit: Perreira 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Testing Photo Credit: Sebastian Bergmann 49. 50.