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Sciences Eaux & Territoires, la revue d'Irstea

Sciences Eaux & Territoires, la revue d'Irstea
Related:  Eau - Gaspillages et contaminationsRevues hors-abonnement et Open-Access

Bottled Water Consumption Grows in US Sales of bottled water in the U.S. rose 4.1 percent to 9.1 billion gallons in 2011, an all-time high, according to the Beverage Marketing Corporation‘s annual survey. Despite numerous campaigns and education efforts, U.S. per capita consumption of bottled water has risen by 60 percent in the last 10 years, from 18.2 to 29.2 gallons per person. In 1976, Americans consumed 1.6 gallons of bottled water per person. While domestic non-sparkling water made up the vast majority of sales, even sales of imported water, which had seen precipitous drops during the recession years of 2008-10, inched up in 2011. The increase comes in spite of years of efforts by activists to draw attention to the financial and environmental costs of the bottled beverage, countering industry efforts to tempt consumers to drink the bottled stuff. How can we convince more people to use less bottled water? Some jurisdictions are trying laws to ban the bottle, including: What’s wrong with bottled water? Wrong.

Land : revue internationale et transdisciplinaire en libre accès, à comité de lecture, publiée trimestriellement en ligne par le MDPI, qui traite de l'utilisation des terres/du changement de territoire, de la gestion des terres, de la science du système t Large areas of deforested and degraded land, particularly degraded peatlands, need a viable long-term solution for restoration, ideally one that ensures energy security without compromising food security or biodiversity conversation. To address a knowledge gap on the most adaptive bioenergy crop(s) for degraded [...] Read more. Large areas of deforested and degraded land, particularly degraded peatlands, need a viable long-term solution for restoration, ideally one that ensures energy security without compromising food security or biodiversity conversation.

EUROPARC We represent some 365 members in 36 countries, who themselves manage the green jewels of Europe's land, sea, mountains, forests, rivers and cultural heritage. Nature knows no boundaries and we therefore facilitate international co-operation in all aspects of protected area management to further and improve and conserve our shared natural inheritance. We endeavour to exchange expertise, experience and best practise as well as collaborate with others to ensure the value and meaning of protected areas is at the heart of Europe. EUROPARC was founded in 1973 under the official title "Federation of Nature and National Parks of Europe", and has since grown to become the recognised, professional organisation for European protected areas. An independent, non-governmental organisation, its membership brings together the organisations responsible for the management of most of Europe's protected areas. The key aims of the EUROPARC Federation are:

Progress in Disaster Science 1. Scope and Instructions for Authors Progress in Disaster Science focuses on integrating research and policy in disaster research, and publishes original research papers and invited viewpoint articles on disaster risk reduction; response; emergency management and recovery. A key part of the Journal's Publication output will see key experts invited to assess and comment on the current trends in disaster research, as well as highlight key papers. In addition, the Journal will welcome original research into new innovations and approaches, with the following emphasis: The key criterion is that all papers submitted should report substantial progress in the field. 2. We publish high-quality papers in several different sections: A: Original Research B: Invited Papers: To add to the Original Research submitted, the Journal will also publish "Invited Viewpoint" articles, written by experts. All Papers in the Journal will be published Gold Open Access. Final Thought C. Hide full Aims & Scope

Victory Against Ecosystem-Destroying Flaming Gorge Pipeline In a victory for endangered fish and other river species, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has — for a second time — rejected a permit for a massive, controversial pipeline that would be a disaster for the Colorado and Green rivers. The Flaming Gorge pipeline would suck an astonishing 81 billion gallons of water from the Green per year, dealing a potentially fatal blow to one of the West’s last great rivers — as well as to razorback suckers and Colorado pikeminnows. After legal intervention in the pipeline’s permit process by the Center for Biological Diversity and allies, the commission said the project was poorly defined and that its proponent, Wyco Power and Water, Inc., was dismally unprepared to get all the authorizations needed to build it. That means this outrageous attempt to deplete two rivers should be dead in the water. Large, warm-water fish, razorback suckers are native to the Colorado River basin. Related Stories: Las Vegas To Survive On East Nevada’s Groundwater

Environments | An Open Access Journal of Environmental Conservation and Technology from MDPI Climate-induced drought hazard has been emerging as one of the major challenges in the mid-hill farming system and rural livelihood in Nepal. Drought stress, in combination with century-long socio-political issues such as unequal social structure, gender discrimination, and marginalization of poor and disadvantaged [...] Climate-induced drought hazard has been emerging as one of the major challenges in the mid-hill farming system and rural livelihood in Nepal.

Accueil - Fédération EUROPARC EPJ Photovoltaïque "Safe" Levels of Arsenic in Drinking Water May Harm Babies and Mothers When researchers from the Marine Biological Laboratory (MBL) and at Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth began feeding mice low levels of arsenic considered safe for human consumption in drinking water by the Environmental Protection Agency, they intended to study the heavy metal‘s affect on the immune system and susceptibility to the flu, but they didn’t get that far. The team instead concluded that legal levels of arsenic in drinking water might be harmful to women and children. Pregnant and/or breastfeeding mothers who consumed low levels (10 ppb) of arsenic in their drinking water, the scientists found, exhibited significant disruption in their lipid metabolism, leading to diminished nutrients in their blood and in their breast milk. As a result, their offspring showed significant growth and development deficits during the postnatal period before weaning. The Natural Resources Defense Council summarizes: The arsenic rule has a long and controversial history. U.S.

Territoire en mouvement Revue de géographie et aménagement - Territory in movement Journal of geography and planning Territoire en Mouvement est une revue de géographie et aménagement-urbanisme éditée depuis 2006 par l’Université de Lille. La ligne éditoriale concerne tous les sujets de la géographie et de l’aménagement-urbanisme, avec un intérêt privilégié pour la dimension spatiale et/ou territoriale des objets d’étude et une ouverture vers les approches interdisciplinaires, les sciences sociales et les sciences de l’environnement. Territoire en Mouvement est indexée et référencée dans l'Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) du Web Of Science, SCOPUS, Scimago Journal & Country Rank, le Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) et par le Hcéres pour le domaine « Géographie, Aménagement-Urbanisme, Architecture ». Les numéros publiés de 1963 à 2004/2005 sous le titre Hommes et Terres du Nord sont disponibles sur Persée :

Directive habitats Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Elle s'appuie pour cela sur un réseau cohérent de sites écologiques protégés, le réseau Natura 2000. Elle a été rédigée dans le cadre du quatrième programme d'action communautaire en matière d'environnement de l'Union européenne (1987-1992), dont elle constitue la principale participation à la Convention sur la diversité biologique, adoptée lors du Sommet de la Terre de Rio de Janeiro en 1992 et ratifiée par la France en 1996. Contenu de la Directive[modifier | modifier le code] La directive a pour objectif de maintenir ou de rétablir la biodiversité de l'Union européenne. Les sites d'intérêt communautaire sont rassemblés au sein du réseau Natura 2000, qui comporte deux types de sites : les Zones Spéciales de Conservation (ZSC), définies par la présente directive ;les Zones de Protection Spéciale, (ZPS) définies par la Directive 79/409/CEE dite Directive Oiseaux. Annexe I[modifier | modifier le code] Annexe II[modifier | modifier le code]

Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability Les océans n'ont jamais été aussi acides Dernières années à vivre pour les coraux? Jeudi, des scientifiques ont déclaré que les océans du globe s'acidifiaient actuellement à un rythme sans équivalent depuis 300 millions d'années, risquant ainsi de venir à bout des récifs coralliens, qui fournissent un habitat à d'autres formes animales et végétales. Il devient plus difficile également aux huîtres et aux moules de construire leurs coquilles, et le développement des micro-organismes dont se nourrissent les poissons est perturbé. Mais les activités humaines, et notamment les combustibles fossiles, ont fait passer la densité de carbone de 280 parties par million (ppm) au début de la Révolution industrielle à 392 ppm aujourd'hui. Au XXe siècle, l'acidification des océans a augmenté de 0,1 unité de pH et les auteurs de l'étude pensent que le pH va augmenter de 0,2 à 0,3 d'ici 2100. L’acidification préhistorique beaucoup moins forte qu’actuellement Les océans s'acidifient lorsque la présence de carbone augmente dans l'atmosphère.
