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Sculpture / Kris Kuksi

Sculpture / Kris Kuksi

sidewalk chalk guy sidewalk chalk guy «« back to all material copyrighted by its original creator | Photo Collages and Mosaics FREE Digital Photo Editing This site shows photo editing tools that are fun and easy to use. Free web based photo editors, fun photo editors, photo tools like Photoshop Express, Ribbet, PicMonkey, Citrify and more... Photofunia Style Photo EditorsPhotofunia offers high quality photo editing for free. See examples and comparisons to Deefunia, Photo505, Pixiz, Jpgfun, Photomontager and more free photo tools. Photo Collages and MosaicsOne photo is fun and two photos are more fun so a photo collage is a ton of fun. Services like Pixisnap, Picartia, Picture2Life and PhotoVisi can help you to make create photo combos. Photoshop Express Photo Editor Photoshop Express is a web based and free version of Photoshop. FREE Video Editing ToolsSave money and make great personal videos by skipping high-cost, high-end software for one of these free, easy-to-use video editors. Photos Into ArtMany of us take photos - only a few of us are artists.

3D Total - The cg artists home page - 2D and 3D graphics reso The Studio McVey Blog 3D Paintings on Panes of Glass Using multiple layers of clear glass, Canada based David Spriggs and Chinese born Xia Xiaowan, transform flat artwork into 3D sculptures. Viewers are treated to different shifting perspectives of the works based on where they stand in the art space. Spriggs work revolves around powerful explosive imagery, often resembling storms, cosmic blasts or firework like explosions. See Also INCREDIBLE 3D ILLUSTRATIONS JUMP OUT OF THE SKETCHBOOK For more on David Spriggs see his beautiful website at or for more on Xia Xiaowan see Wikipedia Above and Below: Xia Xiaowan’s distorted 3D figures Artist: Xia Xiaowan Below: David Spriggs beautiful paintings fill the room with stormy emotion. Artist: David Spriggs Artist: David Spriggs Source:

Vintage Ads for Facebook, Twitter, Skype, & Youtube What would the advertising have looked like for social media, if they were available back in the 1950′s and 60′s? Brazilian advertising agency Moma São Paulo has answered that question with four cool looking posters for the most popular social media websites; Facebook, Twitter, Skype, and Youtube. The ad posters are designed for an upcoming convention in Brazil and showcases the idea of what is new today, is old tomorrow. [Source: Meximidia] Posted on August 9, 2010 Got something to say? Comment Rules: Keep it civil, and please do not use your site URL in either your name or the comment text.

Artist Proof Studio Portfolio | Robin Eley Bellocq: Storyville Portraits (1912) 18+ - Mai Manó Ház John Ernest Joseph Bellocq fotográfust (1873-1949) New Orleans vöröslámpás negyedében készített képei tették ismertté. A Storyville-nek nevezett városrész – egészen az 1917-es bezárásáig – Amerika legnagyobb prostitúciós negyede volt. Bellocq prostituáltakról készített képei komolyak és együttérzőek voltak, ugyanakkor sokat elárultak a modellek belső énjéről is. Az effajta ábrázolásnak Amerikában nem nagyon volt hagyománya, témaválasztásának okára soha nem derült fény. Az a legenda is terjeng Bellocq-ról, hogy az örömlányok fotózása mellett - szintén 1912-ben - készített egy sorozatot a New Orleans kínai negyedében található ópiumbarlangokról is, ám ebből az anyagból eddig egyetlen kép sem került elő. Vigyázat, felnőtt tartalom! Fotó: E. (forrás: Ha tetszett ez a sorozat, akkor nézd meg Jan Saudek erotikus fotóit is!

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