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ROP : Réseau de recherche sur les opérations de paix

ROP : Réseau de recherche sur les opérations de paix
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School of Public Policy Author - Any - Anderson, Greg Beaulieu, Eugene Bird, Richard Boardman, Anthony Boessenkool, Ken Boodt, Casey Boychuk, Gerald W. Burney, Derek Capps, Cory Carbone, Jared C. Carin, Barry Chen Chen, Duanjie Church, Jeffrey Cnossen, Sijbren Coletto, David Cottrell, Tom Crisan, Daria Curtis, John M. Dafny, Leemore Dahlby, Bev de Kerckhove, Ferry Deibert, Ron Di Matteo, Livio Di Matteo, Rosanna Dobson, Wendy Dranove, David Eisen, Ben Emery, Herbert Fellows, G. Kent Firth, Michael Flaim, Sam Flanagan, Tom Flemming, Brian Gres, Margarita Grissom, Susan W. Author OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina Who we are Where we are Resources Press centre Custom Search Advancing Roma Rights in the Western Balkans Roma continue to face endemic inequalities and discrimination across Europe, and struggle with particular problems in the region despite constituting one of the largest ethnic minority groups. News OSCE Mission to BiH launches web-based War Crimes Case MapThe OSCE Mission to BiH strongly condemns the violent attack at the film festival "Merlinka" Documents Trafficking in human beings for the purpose of labour exploitation - A reference paper for Bosnia and HerzegovinaPRESS KIT - Delivering Justice in BiH: An Overview of War Crimes Processing from 2005 to 2010 Video The OSCE Mission monitors all war crimes cases in BiH (F.Burton, @oscebih)We are still far from bringing all war crimes' perpetrators to justice (M.Kreso, Court of BiH) BiH Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees, international organisations call for greater efforts to end Roma exclusion Events Calendar VacanciesTenders How to apply?

Libye : une résolution à "multiples options" La coalition qui est entrée en action en Libye a-t-elle l'intention de déployer des troupes au sol? Soyons clairs : pour l'instant, tout envoi de soldats sur le terrain est totalement exclus par Paris, Londres et Washington. Lors d'une conférence de presse ce matin, le ministre de la Défense Gérard Longuet a néanmoins souligné que la résolution 1973, adoptée la semaine dernière par l'ONU, possédait "une base juridique extrêmement large" permettant "des formes d'interventions" avec des tirs au sol. Tout en précisant : "sans déploiement au sol" de forces terrestres. Hasard ou pas, pour la première fois à l'ONU, les diplomates commencent à évoquer les nombreuses "options" qui sont contenues dans la résolution 1973. Apparemment, le choix du terme "occupation" a donné lieu à de belles bagarres. Pour résumer donc, rien dans la résolution de l'ONU n'interdit une intervention au sol en Libye. Photo : des Rafale sur le Charles de Gaulle Reuters

The IR Theory Home Page Canadian Public Policy - Home Page Canadian Public Policy is Canada's foremost journal examining economic and social policy. The aim of the journal is to stimulate research and discussion of public policy problems in Canada. It is directed at a wide readership including decision makers and advisers in business organizations and governments, and policy researchers in private institutions and universities. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of many public policy issues, the contents of each volume aim to be representative of various disciplines involved in public policy issues. © 2017 Canadian Public Policy (URL: E-mail: Press Release: OSCE report highlights inadequate and unequal social assistance for vulnerable groups in BiH Press Release | 29.06.2012 The right to social protection is a basic human right specified in core human rights instruments (V.Pribilovic) SARAJEVO, 29 June 2012 – Bosnia and Herzegovina’s most vulnerable individuals are not receiving adequate and proportional social protection benefits, according to an OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina report launched today. The report, The Right to Social Protection in BiH, gives a technical overview of the social protection system in BiH, highlighting areas of concern regarding inadequacies and inequalities, particularly from a human rights perspective, and taking into account the international human rights obligations BiH has pledged to respect. The current system is characterized by a dichotomy between privileged categories and non-privileged categories practically creating two parallel systems of benefits, which are being awarded based on beneficiaries’ status rather than on their level of need.

Libye, les dessous d'une intervention internationale, actualité Défense ouverte : Le Point Pourquoi avoir tant attendu ? La révolution libyenne a démarré le 17 février et il n'aura donc pas fallu un mois pour que la communauté internationale décide d'intervenir en soutien aux insurgés. Le 24 février, trois jours avant de quitter le ministère de la Défense pour celui des Affaires étrangères, Alain Juppé souhaitait que Muammar Kadhafi "vive ses derniers moments de chef d'État". Très en pointe dans cette affaire, la France avait précisé, dès le départ, qu'elle ne ferait rien sans une résolution du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies. Quel type d'intervention la résolution 1973 permet-elle ? Le Conseil de sécurité a décidé "d'interdire tous vols dans l'espace aérien de la Jamahiriya arabe libyenne pour protéger la population civile et pour faire cesser les hostilités". Quelles sont les modalités d'ouverture du feu ? Quelles sont à ce stade les options des différents pays concernés ? - Le Canada envoie six avions de chasse CF-18.

| Chatham House: Independent thinking on international affairs Peter R Neumann, July 2013 Though widely used by academics and policy-makers in the context of the 'war on terror', the concept of radicalization lacks clarity. This article shows that while radicalization is not a myth, its meaning is ambiguous and the major controversies and debates that have sprung from it are linked to the same inherent ambiguity. The principal conceptual fault-line is between notions of radicalization that emphasize extremist beliefs ('cognitive radicalization') and those that focus on extremist behavior ('behavioural radicalization'). This ambiguity explains the differences between definitions of radicalization; it has driven the scholarly debate, which has revolved around the relationship between cognition and behavior; and it provides the backdrop for strikingly different policy approaches - loosely labeled 'European' and 'Anglo-Saxon' - which the article delineates and discusses in depth.

The Journal of Military Operations – New, Free Online Academic Journal | War and Security The Journal of Military Operations, a new peer-reviewed academic journal, has just published its first issue. It is available online at You have to register, but it is free. This is a very promising venture, which fills a gap in the market and is free. It is produced by the IJ Group, which was founded by A. an online, peer-reviewed “journalzine” concerned with strategy as the product of consciously linking ends, ways, and means. You do have to register separately for the two journals, but doing so is quick. Like this: Like Loading...

2010–2012 Bosnia and Herzegovina government formation Following the election on 3 October 2010, a process of formation of Bosnia and Herzegovina's Council of Ministers had begun. The resulting election has produced a fragmented political landscape without a coalition of a parliamentary majority more than a year after the election. The centralist Social Democratic Party of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the largest party in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Bosnian Serb autonomist Alliance of Independent Social Democrats, the largest party in the Republika Srpska, each have 8 MPs of the total 42 MPs of the House of Representatives (28 from FB&H and 14 from RS). Similarly, a crisis of government is also present at the local levels, as well as the Federal entity. As of late 2011, the government has been solved, however the country remains in a situation of perpetual political crisis, especially the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Background[edit] Sejdić and Finci v. National census[edit] Local crisis[edit] Issues[edit] See also[edit]
