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How to Debunk Chemtrails The chemtrail conspiracy theory seems to frequently misidentify ordinary contrails as “chemtrails” – some kind of secret spraying program. This theory comes in many flavors, and there’s a large number of things people bring up as “evidence” to support this theory. I’ve tried to gather all the debunks of this evidence in one place here, for easy reference. While the title of this post is “How to Debunk Chemtrails”, the actual debunking depends on what version of the theory needs debunking. The most common version is simply that “normal” contrails should not persist, so the persistent trails must be “chemtrails”. With discussion and reference here: After that, there’s a variety of common claims, and variations on those themes. I’ve tried to arrange each section in the order of most useful links first. Contrails Through History But they didn’t. About the Chemtrail theory

Voodoo Contrails over Los Angeles I was walking along this morning at around 10AM, when I noticed a huge semi circular contrail, somewhere to the south of LAX. This is something I’ve never seen before. The weather was very well suited for contrails, and there were quite a few criss-crossing the sky. Then about half an hour later I saw another one. You’ll have to take my word for it – it was very impressive. [UPDATE 12/4/08] Here’s one titled “A perfect circle”: 11/20/08 – “A Perfect circle in the morning”, taken by Bettina Gilois, Pacific Palisades, CA: So what was it? That’s the guy. Which means it’s a B722, flying at 29,100 feet, speed 377 knots, and it took off from LAX and is going to land there. What is VOODOO1? Here’s the satellite photo for the region in the map, showing the high level wispy clouds, and some contrails. The photo was taken around noon, by which time the plane was no longer leaving trails. UPDATE NOv 8th 2011 – It happened again. This must be a somewhat regular occurrence.

Les effets biologiques des retombées de la géo-ingénierie sur la vie végétale Les traînées d’avion persistantes sont bourrées de nano-particules, ce sont des « chemtrails » L’étude traduite et recopiée ci-dessous a été préparée par des chercheurs norvégiens. Elle contribue à documenter quelques-uns des effets hautement néfastes des programmes de GSA (géo-ingénierie stratosphérique par aérosols) et de GRS (gestion des radiations solaires) en cours. [Lien vers la version PDF (en anglais) de cet article: BaSrTiO3_cell_communication.pdf ] Conférence « Esprit Ouvert », Oslo, 19-21 octobre 2012 Harald Kautz-Vella: Effets néfastes théoriques et scientifiquement prouvés des nano-particules de (Ba, Srx) TiO3 sur la croissance des végétaux (premier jet) Concernant les qualités chimiques et physiques du TiO3 (Ba, Srx) désigné comme aérosols dans les concepts d’ingénierie climatique globale Résumé: L’interaction complexe de ces trois formes de nuisance théoriquement envisageables n’est pas entièrement comprise. Attendu que: 1. 2. 2.3 Déséquilibrage du potentiel cellulaire 3. 4.
