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Elève bilangue allemand anglais

Elève bilangue allemand anglais

Site disciplinaire allemand de l'Académie de Montpellier - Enseigner en classe de 6e bi-langues allemand/anglais Aux éventuels utilisateurs et utilisatrices des imagiers : Dans nos classes bi-langues, nous utilisons les imagiers pour entraîner les élèves à l'apprentissage du lexique dans les deux langues. Afin de gagner du temps dans la fabrication et la personnalisation de ces imagiers, nous nous sommes constitué une banque en regroupant par thème des images dans les deux langues. Les imagiers bi-langues allemand/anglais présentés sur ce site ne doivent donc pas être considérés comme un produit fini. Bien évidemment, ces fichiers sont perfectibles et vos contributions à les enrichir et à les compléter seront les bienvenues. Liliane Ginioux pour les équipes bi-langues des collèges : François Villon de St-Gély du Fesc (Liliane Ginioux, Dominique Vacherat, Isabelle Maître-Devallon) et Alain Savary de St-Mathieu de Tréviers (Odile Tiertant, Françoise Fuster, Martine Duprat Liste des imagiers lexicaux (2007) Arbeit 1 – Berufe Jobs Essen 1 – Gemüse Vegetables Essen 2 – Obst Fruits Essen 3 – Nahrungsmittel Food

German Words and Nouns Learn German words in many categories with free German flash cards and the dangerously addictive Lingo Dingo review game. The flash cards and the Lingo Dingo will teach you basic German words and German vocabulary with audio from native speakers. Learn German Words - Pick a Topic Below Learning German Words Hopefully you have learned many new German vocabulary words after you have visited each of these pages.

Free German Language Software LinguaSaver LinguaSaver is a Language ScreenSaver to learn English, Spanish, French, Italian or German vocabulary, words, phrases and conjugation forms. A perfect tool for anyone interested in becoming more familiar with a foreign language without having to dedicate much time or energy learning. The memorizing technique of LinguaSaver is based on relaxation and repetition, using the hypnotic power of a screensaver in a positive way, whenever you take a break on your computer. Without having to worry about scheduling any lesson, your LinguaSaver will teach you by surprise, teasing your brain with vocabulary and phrases going back and forth between your native language and the foreign language that you want to learn. Next time your computer goes into sleep mode, your LinguaSaver will spread its knowledge in the room. LinguaSaver - Content Linguasaver will display words and phrases translated between 2 languages selected among English, Spanish, French, Italian or German. Your Personal Teacher

Languages - German: All you need to start learning German Activités de révision: Quatrième LV2 Année 2005-2006 Pas d'autres exercices pour l'instant, la section de LV2 étant fermée ... Warning: include() [function.include]: Unable to access ../ in /mnt/102/sdb/8/4/steph.raymond/4LV2/index4LV2.php on line 456 Warning: include(.. Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '..

German Travel Phrases | Language for Travelers Willkommen! Welcome to the Fodors German Language Page, brought to you by the language experts at Living Language. Here you'll find over 150 essential phrases for your trip. For more German language and cultural tips, visit the Living Language German Blog. General German is spoken by about 95,000,000 people, and it's the official language of Germany, Austria, and Liechtenstein, as well as one of the four official languages of Switzerland. Pronunciation German is a very close relative of English, so pronunciation isn't too terribly difficult. Some important vowel sounds to remember are: ei as in line, ie as in lean, ö as in worm, but without the r, ü as in tea, but with the lips rounded, ä as in get, and eu or äu as in boy. Vocabulary A lot of basic German vocabulary will look familiar to you: das Haus (the house), der Hund (the dog/hound), die Strasse (the street), ein Mann (a/one man), machen (to make), sprechen (to speak) and so on. Grammar

Learn German Online | Our Learn German language courses are completely free with interactive lessons, games and activities. That's right, learn German free online with our awesome German lessons. Click "Start" below to begin learning German free! German Words Learn German words from many different topics such as animals, furniture, and travel. German Verbs Over 350 verbs with free audio flash cards to assist you in learning German. German Dictionary Use our German dictionary for any English - German or German - English translations. German Culture Learn about the German language as well as interesting cultural information. German Phrases Learn German online with greetings and other useful phrases to get you by. Language Learning Blog Get language learning tips, videos, news, funny stuff, and so much more. German Courses Complete, free German courses - get you speaking fast! Learn German Online Learn German online completely free.

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German Flashcards - Learn German Language Online Quelques bases pour la bilangue Quelques bases bilangue Anglais-Allemand Ich stelle mich vor I introduce myself I am ....I am 11 (years old)I was born on 12th May, 2000.I live in Paris.I live 11, rue de Paris.I am in 6ème.I have (no) siblings.I have a brother.I have 2 brothers.I have a sisterI have 2 sisters.My favourite colour is blue.My favourite music is Rock music.I (dont) like pizza.I play tennis.I play the piano. Ich bin...Ich bin 11 (Jahre alt)Ich wurde am 12. Familie Family die Großelternder Großvaterdie Großmutterdie Elternder Vaterdie Mutterdie Kinderder Sohndie Tochterder Bruderdie Schwesterdas Kinddas Babyder Onkeldie Tanteder Cousindie Cousine / KusineZwillinge the grandparentsthe grandfatherthe grandmotherthe parentsthe fatherthe motherthe childrenthe sonthe daughterthe brotherthe sistersiblingsthe only childthe babythe unclethe auntthe cousintwins Zahlen, Nummern Numbers einszweidreivierfünfsechssiebenachtneunzehnelfzwölfdreizehnvierzehnfünzehnsechzehnsiebzehnachtzehnneunzehnzwanzig Zahlen/ Nummern Hobby Freizeit
