R'ha - A Short Sci-Fi Film That Could Make Hollywood Jealous [VBideo] Steven On January 11, 2013 What if, instead of man versus robots it was an alien life form that was attacked by the robotic life that they had created? This is the premise behind an awesome short science fiction film called R’ha that was directed and animated by 22-year-old Kaleb Lechowski and I gotta tell you Kaleb could teach Hollywood a thing or two. R’ha is definitely one of those short films that should have the big budget boys drooling and bidding like crazy to get their hands on this film and the talented Kaleb. How to win Rock-paper-scissors every time - StumbleUpon I admit it. When I first heard there are actual tournaments for Rock-paper-scissors, sanctioned by the World Rock Paper Scissors Society, I laughed. I mean seriously, $50k to the winner of a game that requires no skill whatsoever?
10 Terrific Covers of Rap Songs (And 10 We Want to See Happen) There are million YouTube videos of people covering rap, hip-hop and R&B songs, and it can be overwhelming to sift through them all—so we’ve done it for you. Here are 10 songs that you should hear. 10. “Umbrella” (Rihanna ft. Jay-Z) – Mandy Moore This was one of two songs on this list that came about thanks to Billboard’s Monday Mashup series. 10 Blogs Entrepreneurs Need to Be Reading See the 2012 edition: 10 Must Read Blogs for Entrepreneurs (2012 Edition) #1. The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur Site: Rotational illusion Rotating illusion "Rotating snakes" Circular snakes appear to rotate 'spontaneously'. 10 Best Sexual Drinking Games Some of the best sexual drinking games can be done either in an intimate setting with only you and your girlfriend or you can make it a party and have multiple people. The ten most commonly played sexual drinking games are: Nine cans of beer or the floor. In this game you will need about nine cans of beer per person, (NOTE: not everyone will finish this game) a shot glass and a time keeper.
vintage + modern design for kids and moms This tiny Royal Antelope calf was born at the San Diego Zoo on February 8th, weighing just 17 ounces. The smallest of the antelopes, these creatures only measure 10–12 inches high and 9–10 pounds when fully grown. Simply amazing! Related Why Most People Dream and Only Some Do: The Go-Getter Theory I remember it like it was yesterday. I just won the biggest marble from a boy three years younger than me, and my “best buddy” back then was talking to me on how much he liked his new moped. (He wasn’t legally old enough to drive it on the street, yet he did). He got it from his father who, I believe, up till now still has a bicycle shop. We used to talk about things we’d like to do. 100 Songs You Can't Get Out Of Your Head Go ahead and take a handful of Advil now. You’re welcome. Say goodbye to the rest of the afternoon, because you'll either be entertained for hours by these 100 songs, or you will somehow chew off your own ears and go to the hospital.
The Starter's Guide to Brewing Beer Serious about making large batches of beer? Splurge for a propane-powered rig with a three-tiered brew stand. This setup, by Indiana-based Blichmann Engineering, costs about $2000 and features a trio of 20- to 30-gallon pots and gas burners that put out 216,000 Btu per hour. (The high heat quickly boils large amounts of liquid, shaving hours off the brewing process.) More casual or budget brewers can make do with one big pot, heated on a common kitchen stove. Action Games Description **8/24 2PM ** Multiplayer Server back up! Thanks for your patience :).
Why you should learn to lucid dream If you’ve never experienced it then you may find it hard to understand what lucid dreaming is all about. In fact you may be thoroughly sceptical and dismiss the whole thing as silly nonsense. But I can tell you from personal experience that lucid dreams are very real and something that many millions of people regularly enjoy. Note: Due to the huge amount of interest that this post has generated I am now seriously considering writing a book on the subject, and I would welcome input from anyone with an interest. If you have any anecdotes, suggestions, dreams or anything else you’d like to share with me for possible inclusion in the book, please email me.
Payvment - eCommerce and Discovery on Facebook Sell on multiple platforms An embeddable, centrally managed storefront that works on Facebook, mobile, blogs (like WordPress and Joomla), and basically any site you choose. Increase flexibility on option sets and inventory More control over products with attributes (like color and size) and the ability to track separate inventory for those SKUs.