Barking Up The Wrong Tree - How to be awesome at life.
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The 22 books to read before you quit your job - BestSelf Blog
I was recently visited by a good friend I went to university with. He’s still in the field of architecture, and it was the first time we’d seen each other since I’d given up on the industry in favor of entrepreneurship. During his visit we talked a lot about the Architecture industry as a whole, our biggest problems with it, and why I ultimately decided it wasn’t what I wanted. As I mentioned in my previous post, when I was working at my job in architecture, I started a side project, Calm The Ham, which after 18 months of work was making decent money, especially compared to the $40,000 I was making at my job (which does not stretch far living in New York City). What could I create if it was my only focus? Then the negative thoughts would kick in. I wasn’t about to quit my job, join an MBA program, and then start a business. I needed to learn the basic principles of business, both running and growing one. I must read my list of 22 books before I was allowed to quit my architecture job. 1.
Manhattan Contrarian
NeoCoat - innovative CVD Diamond Solutions
Coyote Blog
Lecture Notes by Helmuth Spieler (files in PDF format) A more detailed exposition of much of the material contained in these tutorials is presented in my book Semiconductor Detector Systems (Oxford University Press, 2005; 2nd printing 2006). Download the Preface (160kB), Table of Contents (190kB) and a sample chapter (1.7MB). Analog and Digital Electronics for Detectors (text, published in Proceedings of the 2003 ICFA School on Instrumentation, Itacuruca, Brazil) (930kB) Semiconductor Detectors (USPAS lecture series, sponsored by Michigan State University, June 21-29, 2012) Notes from 2012 USPAS-MSU lectures Front-End Electronics and Signal Processing (text, published in Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics, AIP Conf. Radiation Detectors and Signal Processing (lecture series presented at University of Heidelberg, Oct. 10-14, 2005) Notes from 2001 Heidelberg lectures Spring Semester 1999 Course Notes, UC Berkeley Physics 198 Homework assignments low-resolution (2.6 MB)
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