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Prospect theory

Prospect theory
The paper "Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk"[1] has been called a "seminal paper in behavioral economics".[2] Model[edit] The formula that Kahneman and Tversky assume for the evaluation phase is (in its simplest form) given by where is the overall or expected utility of the outcomes to the individual making the decision, are the potential outcomes and their respective probabilities. is a function that assigns a value to an outcome. is a probability weighting function and captures the idea that people tend to overreact to small probability events, but under react to large probabilities. Example[edit] To see how Prospect Theory can be applied, consider the decision to buy insurance. 1. 2. These expressions can be computed numerically. in losses, and hence the insurance looks unattractive. In this example, a strong overweighting of small probabilities undo the effect of the convexity of in losses: the potential outcome of losing $1,000 is overweighted. Applications[edit] Related:  rynysel

European Debt Crisis Fast Facts Cyprus: July 11, 2011 - A munitions explosion at a naval base kills 13 people and destroys the country's main power station. The resulting blackouts severely impact the tourism and finance sectors of the economy. December 23, 2011 - After a series of credit downgrades and exposure to the financial crisis in Greece, Cyprus signs an agreement with Russia for an emergency loan worth €2.5 billion to shore up its economy. Cyprus agrees to pay the loan back over 4.5 years with a 4.5% interest rate. June 25, 2012 - The government of Cyprus announces that it will seek a bailout from the European Union (EU) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to prop up its banks. January 21, 2013 - The Eurozone finance minister tells the government of Cyprus that a bailout will be delayed over concerns that the bailout of €17 billion is too large. February 24, 2013 - Conservative Nicos Anastasiades is elected president by a double-digit margin. March 28, 2013 - Banks reopen.

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CO2 Science I was wondering if you would know what the mechanisms are that cause carbon dioxide to trap heat inside the atmosphere? Submitted by: Colleen Answer: The mechanism by which carbon dioxide traps heat in the atmosphere is commonly referred to as the "greenhouse effect." Interactieve Grafiek: Wie zijn de grootste CO2-vervuilers? E... 2030 is nu Decennialang stootten de Verenigde Staten het meeste CO2 ter wereld uit. Tot de economische groei in China een hoge vlucht neemt. In 1960 stoot geen enkel land ter wereld meer CO2 uit dan de VS. Met 2.888 miljoen ton stoot de economische grootmacht dat jaar zelfs meer CO2 uit dan de drie volgende landen op de lijst samen: Rusland, Duitsland en China. De volgende vijftig jaar handhaven de Verenigde Staten hun positie als veruit de grootste CO2-vervuiler ter wereld. Tot rond millenniumwisseling China radicale economische hervormingen begint door te voeren. Vandaag is China ’s werelds grootste uitstoter van CO2. Maar als we gaan kijken per hoofd van de bevolking, zijn het de inwoners van de rijke oliestaten die de grootste hoeveelheden CO2 uitstoten. En hoe zit het met de Belgen? En als land sturen we 100 miljoen ton CO2 de atmosfeer in. Op de interactieve kaart zie je de evolutie van de CO2-uitstoot doorheen de tijd. (c) Courtesy of Politiken Auteur: Kristian Jensen

Nail fungus Diagnosis Your doctor will examine your nails. He or she may also take some nail clippings or scrape debris from under your nail and send the sample to a lab to identify the type of fungus causing the infection. Other conditions, such as psoriasis, can mimic a fungal infection of the nail. Microorganisms such as yeast and bacteria also can infect nails. Knowing the cause of your infection helps determine the best course of treatment. Treatment Fungal nail infections can be difficult to treat. Medications Your doctor may prescribe antifungal drugs that you take orally or apply to the nail. Oral antifungal drugs. Surgery Your doctor might suggest temporary removal of the nail so that he or she can apply the antifungal drug directly to the infection under the nail. Some fungal nail infections don't respond to medicines. Lifestyle and home remedies Often, you can take care of a fungal nail infection at home: Try over-the-counter antifungal nail creams and ointments. Preparing for your appointment

What did Napoleon like to read? | Shannon Selin Napoleon Bonaparte was a voracious reader. He had a personal librarian, he always travelled with books, and he took a great interest in constructing the ultimate portable library to accompany him on his military campaigns. Napoleon’s taste in books was primarily classical. He had some lifelong favourite authors, including Plutarch, Homer and Ossian. What else did he like to read? Napoleon reading Napoleon’s love of books According to his classmate (and later secretary) Louis Bourrienne, Napoleon read avidly from an early age. [Napoleon] would run to the library, where he read with great eagerness books of history, particularly Polybius and Plutarch. At the École Militaire in Paris and as a young artillery officer, Napoleon continued to read classical scholars, as well as more recent French and Italian authors. [Napoleon] was then a passionate admirer of Jean-Jacques [Rousseau]; … a fan of the masterpieces of Corneille, Racine and Voltaire. When Napoleon learned, on St.

Age of Revolution Home Page - Age of Revolution New Ideas on Old Wars - The Archaeology of War - Australian National Maritime Museum Maritime archaeologists and technicians study the shipboard computer screens during the 3D photographic survey of submarine HMAS AE1, in early 2018. Image courtesy Navigea Ltd. Expanding the Archaeologist’s toolkit Once upon a time, the archaeologist’s toolkit was likely to consist of a shovel, trowel, bucket, brush, stakes and string. Today it includes a multitude of technological tools such as magnetometers, drones, ground-penetrating radar, 3D imaging and all sorts of acronyms including DGPS, LIDAR, ROVs, AUVs and many more. In the past, archaeologists were digging trenches in the ground or diving in shallow waters. Today, an archaeologist can ‘look’ below the ground without even digging, they can send remote operating vehicles to incredible depths under water, and some are even investigating the potential for an ‘archaeology of the air’. Examining the site of the Battle of Waterloo using metal detectors. Archaeology offers new insights of historic battles At the Kokoda Track Museum.

Waterloo Cowards : Belgian and Dutch Troops : Netherland Troops : Quatre Bras At Quatre Bras the Dutch/Belgian troops saved Wellington's reputation."The Netherlands troops had fought a combat with the French troops the previous evening. They had done so on their own initiative , ---- choosing not to carry out Wellington's order to move their entire force on Nivelles." (- Peter Hofschroer) Quatre Bras was a very small village located near the important crossroards on the road to Brussels. Kincaid recounted, "Quatre Bras at that time consisted of only 3 or 4 houses ... " The morning before battle was relatively quiet until about 2 pm when the Dutch-Belgian and Nassau patrols met the French. Wellington not yet returned from his meeting with Blucher at Ligny and the troops were under the command of Prince of Orange. Behind the Dutch-Belgian positions were several roads but these were blocked by British and German troops being in a state of confusion. The Netherlands troops had been holding their positions unaided for long time. Charges of French light cavalry.

Battle of Waterloo 1815 : La Belle Alliance : Schlacht : Bataille : Batalla : Battaglia Introduction. Waterloo was the decisive battle of the Waterloo Campaign and Napoleon's last. Waterloo is one of the most popular battles in history, at least in the English-speaking world. The battlefield. The battlefield is in present-day Belgium, about 8 miles (12 km) of Brussels, and about 1 mile (1.6 km) from the town of Waterloo. Picture: view from the positions occupied by Pack's Scottish brigade , and Bylandt's Netherland brigade. The allied armies. Wellington and Blucher enjoyed 1.6 to 1 advantage over Napoleon. Wellington had 72,250 British, German, Dutch and Belgian soldiers. Napoleon's army at Waterloo was 75,000 men strong. Wellington's army was a multinational army. The Dutch, Belgians and Nassauers fought well at Quatre Bras. Peter Hofschroer emphasized the role played by the Prussians. Articles:Order of Battle of the Prussian Army in 1815 Order of Battle of Wellington's army in 1815 The French army. The French army was not in the best shape in 1815. Field Marshal Wellington.

Kweek je eigen avocadoboom in 6 stappen - hetkanWEL Avocado’s zijn niet alleen erg lekker, maar ook nog eens supergezond. Avocado’s bevatten namelijk veel gezonde vetten. Volgens wetenschappers zijn er zes bewezen gezondheidseffecten van de avocado. Als je binnenkort weer eens staat te kokkerellen met avocado’s, bewaar dan de pitten. Het is namelijk verrassend leuk om je eigen avocadoboom te laten groeien. Wat moet je doen? Stap 1: Schoonmaken van de pit Haal de pit voorzichtig uit de avocado en verwijder al het vruchtvlees. Stap 2: Het aanbrengen van tandenstokers Steek ongeveer halverwege drie of vier tandenstokers een paar millimeter in de pit. Stap 3: Plaats de pit in een glas water Avocado pit in een glas water. Plaats de avocado pit met tandenstoker op een glas water zoals je hier op de foto kan zien met de onderste helft in het water, en de bovenste helft boven water. Stap 4: Wachten… Het is nu wachten totdat de pit ontkiemt. Leestip: Ben jij al een echte avocado liefhebber? Stap 5: Planten van de boom Stap 6: Groei Aanvullende tips

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