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branded entertainment branded entertainment Posted by Dale Buss on February 14, 2014 07:17 PM Reports are that BMW is going to revive in some form its initiative of more than a decade ago that helped create—and, in the eyes of many critics, still reigns over—what has become an explosion in branded video content. Trudy Hardy, BMW's CMO in the US, has indicated that the brand will be bringing back BMW Films, which comes as great news to auto buffs and film buffs alike. The Hire, the automaker's award-winning series of eight online films, were directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Clive Owen, were produced for the web from 2001-2002. Arguably, every significant piece of high-quality, branded video content produced since then—right up through Jaguar's Desire project last year—owes something to BMW's groundbreaking branded entertainment series. Posted by Sheila Shayon on January 28, 2014 01:58 PM Posted by Dale Buss on December 18, 2013 06:25 PM What would generations of comedians do without branded content?

Best of Brands & Content Screenings April 9, 2013 Ogilvy presents four examples of how to make valuable branded entertainment By Angela Natividad Photo: OgilvyEntertainment president Doug Scott (left), executive creative director Panos Sambrakos, Ogilvy One Worldwide. For those curious about the definition of branded content, OgilvyEntertainment president Doug Scott has an explanation: “It is not product placement. “Not only have the advertising industry embraced branded content, but the entertainment industry has too,” Scott said. Alongside Panos Sambrakos of Ogilvy One, he presented four powerful examples of branded content. Coke Zero’s A Step from Zero was “driven by an insight into Coke Zero: the idea of making it possible,” said Scott. The dance was activated across digital, events, traditional media and brought the “make it possible” message to life. “The more we can create and help shape pop culture”, the more merchandising and promotion can be done around it, Scott said.

Veille du Brand Content Commercial et marketing Beaucoup de TPE-PME font faillite faute d'un manque d'actions commerciales pour trouver de nouveaux clients. Le développement commercial est donc, sans conteste, l’un des piliers de la réussite d’une entreprise. Il ne suffit pas en effet d’avoir eu une bonne idée, d’intervenir sur un marché porteur ou encore d’être un excellent professionnel pour croître et durer : il faut aussi que vos compétences se traduisent en plan d'actions commercial et marketing pour engranger du chiffre d’affaires. Et pour ce faire, ne comptez pas sur le hasard ou votre bonne fortune, mais sur beaucoup de travail ! La performance commerciale d’une entreprise ne se limite pas aux actions directement engagées pour vendre. Autant d’aspects qui nécessitent de la part de tout entrepreneur une information, voire une formation.
