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The Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project...Bringing Yesterday's Classics to Today's Children

The Baldwin Online Children's Literature Project...Bringing Yesterday's Classics to Today's Children

A history and some revival fonts < The Fell Types The Fell Types took their name from John Fell, a Bishop of Oxford in the seventeenth-century. Not only he created an unique collection of printing types but he started one of the most important adventures in the history of typography. You will find here a non-exhaustive history and a modern digitization of some of them. Waldorf Homeschooling - Waldorf home school curriculum User:@pple/List of archaic English words and their modern equivalents This is a list of archaic English words and their modern equivalents. These words and spellings are now considered archaic or obsolete within the current status of the English language. Given both the rapidity of change in modern English and the number of versions used by nations and cultures, it should be borne in mind that dates are approximate and that the information here may not apply to all versions of English. The evolution of the English language is characterized by three phases. The first period dates from approximately 450 (the settlement of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes in England) to 1066 AD (the Norman Conquest). The impact of dictionaries in the definition of obsolescent or archaic forms has caused the standardization of spelling, hence many variant forms have fallen into disuse.

从“一”开始的语文:“一”的教学设想(一)_吴蓓的空间 从“一”开始的语文 吴 蓓 在华德福学校,一年级开学的第一天,通常上的第一节课是形线画(Form Drawing),老师教学生们画一条竖线。从一个简单的故事,或事物中,引发学生对竖直线的关注,先在地上练习走竖线,再用手在空间画竖线,然后在黑板或桌子上比划,最后才用笔在纸上画出来。 形线画是华德福教育的特色,作为小学的一门必修课程,由鲁道夫斯坦纳首创。 斯坦纳强调形线画与写字和几何之间的关联。 为什么一开始重点画竖直线,是因为竖直线对应人体的脊柱。 在中国的文化里,一字的地位举足轻重,老子言:“道生一,一生二,二生三,三生万物。 在每周四共生小书院的备课会上,我和听众分享了对“一”的看法,当大家一起读完老子和许慎关于“一”的说法,一位听众常颖说:“我知道为什么古人用横线来写一了,一生二,一把天地划分开来。” 对于中国的学生,我们可以先学画横线,再学习竖线、曲线,还可以用横线、竖线、曲线来组合成不同的图案,比如八卦就是不同的横线组合的,太极图是曲线组合的。 开学第一周 第一天: 斯坦纳说:“儿童认为自己是一个形象(Image),他们也希望一切的事物都以形象表现,因为如此,我们可以见到学生们多么需要老师们能运用想象力,能有艺术的气质,如此老师才能以一种真正「活跃」的心灵与学生们相见。” 如果我们的古人是从天地万物的划分来发明横写的“一”字,是否可以讲盘古开天地的故事? 传说太古时候,天地不分,整个宇宙好像一个大鸡蛋,里面混沌一团,漆黑一片,我们的老祖宗盘古就孕育在这个大鸡蛋中。 我第一次对盘古的故事有印象,是在英国学习创世纪神话的时候,圣经里的上帝创造了天地万物,他要求人服从他的旨意。 老师课前在黑板上画一幅有关盘古开天地的画,讲完故事,老师可以请学生们临摹。 传说中的盘古氏 盘古在鸡蛋里 第二天: 复习第一天讲的故事。 或者“天地合闭……就象个大西瓜,合得团团圆圆的,包罗万物在内,计一万零八百年,凡一切诸物,皆溶化其中矣。 斯坦纳说: “你一定要清楚明白儿童在九至十岁以前还不知道如何分别「自己」与周遭的环境。 在空间或桌子上用手比划“一”横后,学习用铅笔或彩笔在纸上写“一”,注意握笔姿势。 研究汉字起源易经的学者萧启宏先生为“一”写的诗为: 天地之始,一为太极。 一音通乙,一动成乙。 萧先生认为,“一”的发音和“乙”一样,“一”是静态一的记录,“乙”是动态一的表现。 关于“一”有关的词语:“一网打尽。 第三天: 第四天 八卦

Archaic English Grammar -- Some people like to speak or write in archaic English because they think it's cute to say something like "I thinketh thou stinketh!" Methinks they should at least try to get the archaic grammar correct. (Can you spot all the errors in the above "archaic" sentence?) This page is to help you get the grammar right when you decide to get medieval with your language. The question, of course, then comes up of just which era of archaic English you should be emulating. Pronouns and their Verb Conjugations These are the things people use most often to "affect" an archaic feel to their language. 1 My/mine and thy/thine were used similarly to a/an; "my" and "thy" preceded a word beginning with a consonant sound, while "mine" and "thine" preceded a word beginning with a vowel sound. 2 Note that "ye" is the nominative and "you" is the accusative, which is counterintuitive given that thou/thee go the opposite way. 'Familiar' and 'Formal' Forms of Address Past Tenses Silent 'e' External links

Waldorf education Educational philosophy Hawthorne Valley Waldorf School, Ghent, NY Michael Hall School, Forest Row, Sussex, UK Waldorf school in Ismaning, Bavaria Waldorf education, also known as Steiner education, is based on the educational philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy. Its educational style is holistic, intended to develop pupils' intellectual, artistic, and practical skills, with focus on imagination and creativity. Critics of Waldorf education (e.g. Growth in the number of accredited Waldorf schools from 1919 to 2020[13] Origins and history[edit] The first school based upon the ideas of Rudolf Steiner was opened in 1919 in response to a request from Emil Molt, owner and managing director of the Waldorf-Astoria Cigarette Company in Stuttgart, Germany. As the co-educational school also served children from outside the factory, it included children from a diverse social spectrum. Developmental approach[edit] Early childhood[edit] Elementary education[edit] Four temperaments[edit]

Learn the Language The Renaissance Faire Forget-Me-Knot Presents... Faire Speak Basic Elizabethan Terms At first Elizabethan speech may seem daunting and very unfamiliar. Do not fear, however. "Hello" is an exclamation of surprise, not greeting. It's "Aye" or "Yay" not "Yes." "You" can be either "thee/thou" or even "you/ye" "You would" or "You should" best heard as "Thou would'st" or "Thou should'st". I would "beg your pardon" instead of excusing myself. "A Salesperson" barks louder as a "Hawker". Some exclamations: "Forsooth" "Verily" "Alack!" Instead of a bar you would find the local "tavern" to buy some "Ale". Some general words to know: Anon - Later As you will - Okay, or whatever. How to Address People Elizabethan England society was very socially stratified and as such one was always aware of their rank among the larger scheme of things. People of the time wore clothes that suited their rank in life, and (fortunately) this makes them easier to identify. Forms of Elizabethan Speech Or, Thee vs. Formal vs.

Waldorf This June, Eugene Schwartz will lead “The Essential Grade One,” a conference for teachers, in Kimberton, PA. For more information visit Elements of Grade One, a CD-ROM with many images of student work from this grade, as well as verses and a class play, may be purchased at the Online CD Catalog. First Grade Main Lesson Block RotationEugene Schwartz, class teacher September 6 – September 29 Form Drawing October 2 – October 20 Arithmetic October 23 – November 22 Writing and Reading November 27 – December 22 Form Drawing January 8 – January 26 Arithmetic January 29 – February 16 Writing and Reading February 26 – March 23 Arithmetic March 26 – April 12 Form Drawing April 23 – May 11 Writing and Reading May 14 – June 1 Class Play June 4 – June 8 Year-End Review Form Drawing(9 weeks, and once a week during other blocks) Arithmetic(9 weeks, with daily times tables and “mental arithmetic” practice throughout the year) Writing and Reading(10 weeks)

Early Modern English Prior to and following the accession of James I to the English throne in 1603 the emerging English standard began to influence the spoken and written Middle Scots of Scotland. Modern readers of English are generally able to understand texts written in the late phase of the Early Modern English period (e.g. the first edition of the King James Bible and the works of William Shakespeare), while texts from the earlier phase (such as Le Morte d'Arthur) may present more difficulties. The Early Modern English of the early 17th century forms the base of the grammatical and orthographical conventions that survive in Modern English. History[edit] English Renaissance[edit] Transition from Middle English[edit] The change from Middle English to Early Modern English was not just a matter of vocabulary or pronunciation changing; it was the beginning of a new era in the history of English. Tudor period (1485–1603), English Renaissance Henry VIII[edit] Elizabethan English[edit] Elizabethan era (1558–1603)

Analysis of Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 - Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day Did You Know? ... A sonnet is in verse form and has fourteen lines of iambic pentameter. Shakespeare's sonnets follow the pattern "abab cdcd efef gg", and Petrarch's sonnets follow the pattern "abba abba cdecde." All the lines in iambic pentameter have five feet, consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one. The acclaimed late actor Philip Seymour Hoffman received three Tony Award nominations for his work in the theatre and in 2009 he starred as Iago in Peter Sellars' groundbreaking production of Othello, which featured a diverse cast, including the Latino actor John Ortiz as Othello Ale (beer made with a top fermenting yeast) was the drink of choice in Shakespeare's day. Of all the records of performance handed down to us, none is more significant than the exhaustive diary of a doctor named Simon Forman, from which we obtain lengthy descriptions of early productions of four of Shakespeare's plays: Macbeth, The Winter's Tale, Cymbeline, and Richard II.
