IdGettr — Find your Flickr ID
Use the URL of your photostream to find the Flickr ID number (also works for groups). Flickr is a truly fantastic resource. Whether you're in the business of web design and need to find images for a new page, or you're simply trying to share your photography with the world, Flickr has something for everyone. One of the most common uses of Flickr is sourcing images under a Creative Commons license - if you're getting started on a new site or project, you're going to need some pictures. One very easy way of setting your site apart from the rest is to take fifteen minutes and track down some high quality original pictures and photographs to use on your site in place of boring stock images. Putting in this little bit of extra effort when you're structuring a new website can pay off handsomely down the road. At WebFX, we aim to make the entire Flickr process easier by providing this simple account ID lookup tool. This tool is maintained by WebFX.
Gridlock 1.5 — archives dot eston bond dot com
This theme has a theme of its own: being perpetually late. Originally released a year after I took it down as hyalineskies 6 in 2005, I’ve been completely plastered with multiple bug fixes, feature requests and other such development-related work since June 2007 when I stopped actively developing it. Since then, the Web has changed a lot. Gridlock, well, didn’t.
Forty Seven Robots
Frequently Asked Questions What browsers does this work in? Fluency Admin has been tested in the latest versions of Safari, Firefox. Users of Internet Explorer may experience some display "issues" to to each browsers particular css-handling ability.
Plugin API
Plugin API Languages: বাংলা • English • Español • Français • 日本語 • 한국어 • Português do Brasil • ไทย • 中文(简体) • Русский • (Add your language) Introduction This page documents the API (Application Programming Interface) hooks available to WordPress plugin developers, and how to use them. This article assumes you have already read Writing a Plugin, which gives an overview (and many details) of how to develop a plugin.
Geek with Laptop - Projects
Welcome to the official SRG Clean Archives project page. As of version 2.1 I have taken over development of the SRG Clean Archives WordPress Plug-in originally written by Shawn Grimes. Plugin description: This plugin is designed to display your archive listings in a clean and uniform fashion that’s Search Engine friendly on a dedicated page or in your sidebar. Plugin Features: It lists the Month / Year, shows total post count for the month (enabled by default), the day of the month the article was published, the title of the article (permalink to article) and the number of comments (enabled by default) that have been made on each article.
Event Calendar
Inserts a list of the next few upcoming events. The formatting of the list is highly configurable. Simple Example: Add this code to your sidebar.php
flickrRSS for WordPress — Eightface
This WordPress plugin allows you to display Flickr photos on your weblog. It supports user, set, favorite, group and community photostreams, and is relatively easy to setup and configure via a settings panel. The plugin also has cache support, allowing you to save thumbnails on your own server. Download flickrRSS from Installation
WordPress tips and tricks - custom 404 (error) pages
One of the more underused features in wordpress themes is the ability to create and modify the 404 page – so to try to rectify this I thought I’d run through what I do with 404 pages on Binary Moon (and my other WordPress site). I use this simple technique to try to make errors a bit more and helpful for people who have ended up at the wrong place. I’m hoping that not too many people see the 404 page but just in case here is what I’ve done. Basically I duplicate a normal page template and name it “404.php”. I then remove “the loop” and add some some static code which explains that there has been an error and a few possible solutions (archives, search).
WordPress Tips and Tricks - Custom Login Page
It’s cool to have the WordPress login page customized to fit your own website branding. This is even more significant for multi author blogs, or sites you have set up for clients as it adds that little extra something. Since writing this post in 2007 I have released a plugin called BM Custom Login which does everything described below I was actually inspired to write this post because of a 9rules note I started.
Administration Menus
Administration Menus Languages: English • 中文(简体) • 日本語 • Русский • (Add your language) Introduction Usually, plugin and theme authors need to provide access to a settings (options) screen so users can customize how the plugin or theme is used. The best way to present the user with such a screen is to create an administration menu item that allows the user to access that settings screen from all the Administration Screens. This article explains how plugin authors can add administration menus and screens.
WordPress plugin: What Would Seth Godin Do
Seth Godin advocates using cookies to distinguish between new and returning visitors to your site: One opportunity that’s underused is the idea of using cookies to treat returning visitors differently than newbies. It’s more work at first, but it can offer two experiences to two different sorts of people. (Source: In the Middle, Starting) I built this WordPress plugin to implement Seth Godin’s idea. For WordPress users it reduces the “work at first” to almost nothing.
Installing/Updating WordPress with Subversion
Installing/Updating WordPress with Subversion Languages: English • 日本語 • (Add your language) If you have command-line access to your web server, and if your server has a Subversion (svn) client installed, you can use Subversion to install and update WordPress. Although SubVersion is mostly a software developers' tool, non-developers can also use it to install and upgrade WordPress. Some people consider this to be much easier than following the standard WordPress installation and upgrade methods (downloading and unzipping archives, then using FTP to put them on your web host), and this article explains how to do it.