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Learning English

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Video: What is Inclusion? | Educational Video | WatchKnowLearn Educational Videos | WatchKnowLearn WatchKnowLearn ratings are intentionally harsher than what you might find on YouTube, for example. Most of our videos have been imported by people who want to use them with kids, not by the creators of the videos. We take a hard-nosed attitude toward quality. More help with rating Unless changed, the Finder is the person who uploaded the video to WatchKnowLearn. More help about the Finder field

Appendix:1000 basic English words This list originally was copied from Wikipedia:simple:Wikipedia:List of 1000 basic words. All listed nouns are in the singular form only. All listed verbs are infinitive except for irregular verbs (e.g. to be). List may be useful to teachers of English as a second language or for teachers or parents of young children learning to read and spell. Various writers may also find this list useful. a, about, above, across, act, actor, active, activity, add, afraid, after, again, age, ago, agree, air, all, alone, along, already, always, am, amount, an, and, angry, another, answer, any, anyone, anything, anytime, appear, apple, are, area, arm, army, around, arrive, art, as, ask, at, attack, aunt, autumn, away. dance, danger, dangerous, dark, daughter, day, dead, decide, decrease, deep, deer, depend, desk, destroy, develop, die, different, difficult, dinner, direction, dirty, discover, dish, do, dog, door, double, down, draw, dream, dress, drink, drive, drop, dry, duck, dust, duty. zero, zoo, zoom.

ESL Resources for Teachers: Printable Worksheets, Games, Lesson Plans, and More! Aprende inglés: los números #infografia #infographic #education Hola: Una infografía sobre Aprende inglés: los números. Vía Un saludo Aprende inglés: los números Me gusta esto: Me gusta Cargando... 10. Practice everyday with Duolingo app! Aprenda outro idioma com o aplicativo de educação mais baixado do mundo! O Duolingo é um aplicativo divertido e grátis para aprender mais de 40 línguas com lições rápidas e curtinhas. Pratique a leitura, escrita, escuta e fala para fortalecer tanto o vocabulário quanto a gramática. Elaborado por especialistas em idiomas e adorado por centenas de milhões de pessoas em todo o planeta, o Duolingo ajuda você a se preparar para conversas na vida real em espanhol, francês, chinês, italiano, alemão, inglês e muito mais. Seja para viajar, estudar, trabalhar, se comunicar com família e amigos ou manter o cérebro ativo, você vai amar aprender um idioma com o Duolingo! Por que usar o Duolingo? • O Duolingo é divertido e eficaz. • O Duolingo funciona. • Acompanhe o seu progresso. • Junte-se a mais de 500 milhões de pessoas. • Todos os cursos de idiomas são grátis. O que estão falando sobre o Duolingo ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: “Escolha dos Editores” e “O Melhor dos Melhores” — Google Play

PHP 5 Introduction Word frequency: based on 450 million word COCA corpus You can now freely download a list of the top 5000 words/lemmas from the 450 million word Corpus of Contemporary American English, which is the only large and balanced corpus of American English. Although there are many word and frequency lists of English on the web, we believe that this list is the most accurate one available (compare...). The free list contains the lemma and part of speech for the top 5,000 words in American English. It is also possible to download other lists that contain the top 20-30 collocates (nearby words) for each of these words -- which provides useful information on word meaning and usage -- as well as to see which words are most common in certain genres (e.g. spoken or academic). If you want an eBook version of the 5,000 word list -- with collocates, genre information, etc -- you can purchase it for about $20 here. Although the list is available on this page, you may not copy the list to another site. Download this list.

English Grammar Tests for ESL Students - English Grammar Practice Quizzes Welcome to our English grammar training section, a good place to practice and improve your knowledge of English grammar. The quizzes come in three levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. The topics covered include verb tenses, phrasal verbs, articles, prepositions, noun clauses, and much more. Start practicing English right now! (B) = Beginner; (I) = Intermediate; (A) = Advanced VERB TENSES (Tests/Quizzes): Commands (Imperative) 1 (B/I)Commands (Imperative) 2 (B/I)Commands (Imperative) 3 (B/I)The Present Continuous 1 (B)Simple Past/Past Continuous? EXERCISES TO IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH WRITING SKILLS (ADVANCED) Whether you're a native speaker of English or an advanced ESL student, these practice tests will help you to recognize and eliminate common grammar errors. COUNTABLE (COUNT) or UNCOUNTABLE (NONCOUNT) NOUNS: USED TO, BE USED TO, WOULD 1 (B/I)WOULD YOU LIKE or DO YOU LIKE?

Cómo aprender las preposiciones en inglés Esta Guía forma parte de un conjunto de recursos e ideas que te ayudarán a aprender y mejorar el inglés. Las preposiciones son términos que relacionan los diferentes elementos de una oración. Pueden indicar origen, destino, dirección, lugar, etc. Ejemplo: Vengo de Londres "de" es la preposición que enlaza en este caso el verbo (venir) y un nombre propio (Londres) 1) ¿Conoces las preposiciones en español?. (Las preposiciones más comunes en español son: a, ante, bajo, cabe, con, contra, de, desde, en, entre, hacia, hasta, para, por, según, sin, sobre, tras). Existen también palabras con valor prepositivo: (durante, mediante, excepto, salvo, incluso, más, menos) y locuciones prepositivas: (acerca de, al lado de, alrededor de, antes de, a pesar de, etc.) 2) Estudia las preposiciones en inglés y el significado de cada una de ellas. 3) Asocia cada una de las preposiciones inglesas con su equivalente o equivalentes en español. Ejemplo: - Preposiciones de lugar relevantes

PHP Introduction Advertisements PHP started out as a small open source project that evolved as more and more people found out how useful it was. Rasmus Lerdorf unleashed the first version of PHP way back in 1994. PHP is a recursive acronym for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor".PHP is a server side scripting language that is embedded in HTML. Common uses of PHP PHP performs system functions, i.e. from files on a system it can create, open, read, write, and close them.PHP can handle forms, i.e. gather data from files, save data to a file, through email you can send data, return data to the user.You add, delete, modify elements within your database through PHP.Access cookies variables and set cookies.Using PHP, you can restrict users to access some pages of your website.It can encrypt data. Characteristics of PHP Five important characteristics make PHP's practical nature possible − SimplicityEfficiencySecurityFlexibilityFamiliarity "Hello World" Script in PHP As mentioned earlier, PHP is embedded in HTML. Live Demo <?
