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iTOL: Interactive Tree Of Life

iTOL: Interactive Tree Of Life

Tree of Life Web Project The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) is a collaborative effort of biologists and nature enthusiasts from around the world. On more than 10,000 World Wide Web pages, the project provides information about biodiversity, the characteristics of different groups of organisms, and their evolutionary history (phylogeny). Each page contains information about a particular group, e.g., salamanders, segmented worms, phlox flowers, tyrannosaurs, euglenids, Heliconius butterflies, club fungi, or the vampire squid. ToL pages are linked one to another hierarchically, in the form of the evolutionary tree of life. Starting with the root of all Life on Earth and moving out along diverging branches to individual species, the structure of the ToL project thus illustrates the genetic connections between all living things.

Google Earth phylogenies Now, for something completely different. I've been playing with Google Earth as a phylogeny viewer, inspired by Bill Piel's efforts, the cool avian flu visualisation Janies et al. published in Systematic Biology (doi:10.1080/10635150701266848), and David Kidd's work. As an example, I've taken a phylogeny for Banza katydids from Shapiro et al. (doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2006.04.006), and created a KML file. I've converted COI branch lengths to altitude, and elevated the tree off the ground to accomodate the fact that the tips don't all line up (this isn't an ultrametric tree). Wouldn't it be fun to have a collection of molecular trees for Hawaiian taxa for the same gene, plotted on the same Google Earth map? Generating the KML file is fairly straightforward, and if I get time I may add it to my long neglected TreeView X.

Map Viewer Main Page - EvoWiki Un caryotype en quelques clics.- Sciences de la vie et de la Terre Type de support : animation gratuite Auteur : Fabien Sauvion /école de l’ADN Poitou-Charentes /images CHU de Poitiers Description :Le logiciel simule le travail d’une cytogénéticienne lors de l’établissement d’un caryotype, c’est à dire qu’à partir d’une image de cellule en division, l’ordinateur classe rapidement l’essentiel des chromosomes et ne laisse plus à l’élève que quelques chromosomes à classer. En quelques clics, l’élève va alors pouvoir vérifier si il a bien compris le principe du caryotype.Ensuite, un autre caryotype à faire est proposé puis un troisième qui présentent tous deux une anomalie chromosomique qui va mettre l’élève devant une difficulté à résoudre... le logiciel : caryotype(Flash de 231.5 ko) animation à lire dans un lecteur flash à jour caryotype(Zip de 1 Mo) logiciel complet à décompresser  Intégrer cette animation dans un scénario pédagogique

Identification and analysis of unitary pseudogenes... [Genome Bi Revive & Restore | Extinct species back to life The GreatPassenger PigeonComeback Male passenger pigeon, painting by Tim Hough. News & updates on the project using museum-specimen DNA to bring this iconic species all the way back. Extinction Continuum Learn about the genetic situation of a variety of endangered and extinct animals and how biotechnologies might be applied. A continuum of genetic predicaments is matched with a continuum of genetic rescue techniques.Explore the interactive continuum. Criteria Checklist Can a particular extinct species be revived? Never Say Never Extinct heath hen Gazette archives “Heath Hen May Get Its Boom Back” Revive & Restore posed the question of bringing the heath hen back to Martha’s Vineyard. TEDx Videos On March 15, 2013 at National Geographic, twenty-five extraordinary talks by leading scientists and conservationists were captured on video on the concept of de-extinction. Watch TEDxDeExtinction Videos Stewart Brand’s TED Talk Become a Supporter JOIN our growing band of supporters today! Revivors Mailing List

The Origin and Evolution of Cells - The Cell - NCBI Bookshelf Genome Glossary Tree of Life | Wellcome Trust Understanding Evolution The bacteria that changed the world - May, 2017 The make-up of Earth's atmosphere, once the domain of Earth science textbooks, has become an increasingly "hot" news topic in recent decades, as we struggle to curb global warming by limiting the carbon dioxide that human activity produces. While the changes that humanity has wrought on the planet are dramatic, this isn’t the first time that one species has changed Earth’s atmosphere. Three billion years ago, there was no free oxygen in the atmosphere at all. Life was anaerobic, meaning that it did not need oxygen to live and grow. That all changed due to the evolution of Cyanobacteria, a group of single-celled, blue-green bacteria. Read the rest of the story here | See the Evo in the News archive

Top 10 Myths About Evolution - with Downloadable PDF | Atheism Resource - StumbleUpon Email If you have been looking for a simple, easy to follow quick guide to evolution… we’ve got it. Our friends at the Skeptics Society gave us permission to reprint this. Below is the text. Original Text: 1 If Humans Came From Apes, Why Aren’t Apes Evolving Into Humans? Humans, apes, and monkeys are only distant evolutionary “cousins.” 2 There Are Too Many Gaps in the Fossil Record for Evolution to Be True In fact, there are lots of intermediate fossils. 3 If Evolution Happened Gradually Over Millions of Years Why Doesn’t the Fossil Record Show Gradual Change? Sudden changes in the fossil record are not missing evidence of gradualism; they are extant evidence of punctuation. 4 No One Has Ever Seen Evolution Happen Evolution is a historical science confirmed by the fact that so many independent lines of evidence converge to this single conclusion. 5 Science Claims That Evolution Happens by Random Chance Natural selection is not “random” nor does it operate by “chance.”
