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Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

Related:  Ateismo e religioni comparate

"God" is Part of the 1 Percent Once upon a time a very, very angry man named "god" created the world, got pissed off at everybody and killed them all with a flood, except for his buddy Noah and his 2 live crew. Later God decided everyone is so lame that he chose his "chosen people" to give a plot of real estate to while telling everyone else to f*ck off, ordered some ethnic cleansings to clear out the area and so forth. Still finding nearly all people to be unbearable (and who can blame him, really?)

A blog about atheism, best served with friends over coffee Mark Driscoll, the perennial bigoted fundamentalist snake in the dirt that he is, has either himself, or by proxy, put up a brief response to the Boston bombing. This is the sort of insidious ignorance created by a death cult. “Make no mistake, we are at war: an insane rebellion against our Creator God is the root cause of this murderous action.” Religion has motivated countless murders and slaughters of innocents. If this is a religiously motivated act of terrorism, it will be due to some people’s belief in a creator god.

The Sneeze - Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions. Cuitlacoche Cuitlacoche is a black fungus that infects corn fields, making the kernels bulbous and swollen as they fill with spores. It also goes by the name Huitlacoche. If you're having trouble with the pronounciation, it's: Cuitlacoche (kweet-lah-KOH-chay) or Huitlacoche (dat-sfuckin-NAS-tee). It's safe to say this is the first time I've ever paid for an infection. Margo Kingston Margo Kingston (born 1959) is an Australian journalist, author, and commentator. She is best known for her work at The Sydney Morning Herald and her weblog, Webdiary. Since 2012, Kingston has been a citizen journalist, reporting and commenting on Australian politics via Twitter and her own Web site. Early life and education[edit]

Pantheism for Dummies (I mean “Dittoheads”) –Part 1 of 2 Finger Pointing at the Moon For Dummies Oh, Rush. You’ve done it again. One could build a fairly comprehensive dictionary just by taking the definitions you give to words that you don’t understand, and writing the opposite.

Good Reason: Why are atheists so rude? It was Orientation Day on campus. People can sign up for clubs (including the UWA Atheist and Skeptic Society), and there are always tons of church groups doing their schtick. So I like to see what's out there. Christian Nightmares Christian Nightmares Oprah Winfrey and homophobic Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson can’t wait to see Heaven is for Real (For a related video, click here Posted 2 hours ago 10 notes Fox’s Sean Hannity interviews Todd and Colton Burpo about Heaven is for Real and it’s comedy gold (For a related video, click here

E-mails from an Asshole Original ad: **** Disguisable weapons wanted **** Wanted: hidden blades, belt buckle knives, cane swords, etc..... Offering: cash, items for barter From Me to **********@***********.org: Hey, I saw your ad looking for concealable/disguised weapons. no logo Published at The Intercept Now that it seems virtually certain that Donald Trump will withdraw the United States from the Paris climate accord, and the climate movement is quite rightly mobilizing in the face of this latest dystopian lurch, it’s time to get real about something: Pretty much everything that is weak, disappointing, and inadequate about that deal is the result of U.S. lobbying since 2009. The fact that the agreement only commits governments to keeping warming below an increase of 2 degrees, rather than a much safer firm target of 1.5 degrees, was lobbied for and won by the United States. The fact that the agreement left it to individual nations to determine how much they were willing to do to reach that temperature target, allowing them to come to Paris with commitments that collectively put us on a disastrous course toward more than 3 degrees of warming, was lobbied for and won by the United States.

Disbelieve it or Not, Ancient History Suggests That Atheism is as Natural to Humans as Religion People in the ancient world did not always believe in the gods, a new study suggests – casting doubt on the idea that religious belief is a “default setting” for humans. “Early societies were far more capable than many since of containing atheism within the spectrum of what they considered normal – Tim Whitmarsh” Despite being written out of large parts of history, atheists thrived in the polytheistic societies of the ancient world – raising considerable doubts about whether humans really are “wired” for religion – a new study suggests. The claim is the central proposition of a new book by Tim Whitmarsh, Professor of Greek Culture and a Fellow of St John’s College, University of Cambridge. In it, he suggests that atheism – which is typically seen as a modern phenomenon – was not just common in ancient Greece and pre-Christian Rome, but probably flourished more in those societies than in most civilizations since. Battling the gods cover. (

Is hell exothermic? I do not know who originally wrote this but it is a classic. A thermodynamics professor had written a take home exam for his graduate students. It had one question: "Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)? Support your answer with a proof." Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools off when it expands and heats up when it is compressed) or some variant. Skeptico Or he put his knowledge on hold for this show. After all these years, it still surprises me that people have the same old fake psychic cold readers on their TV shows. From Orac, I learned last week that Dr.
