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David C. Roy

David C. Roy
Related:  coug82WoodWorking

Laurent Gauthier | Objets Chasse au trésor, jouissance du sol et de l’espace, voyage intérieur au gré des pas dans les labours. Des vestiges d’ anciens épandages affleurent ça et là ( fleurs de terre ? ) que le regard réinvente ; sauvetage en pleine terre. Emotion archéologique autant que plastique : la trace de l’homme se fait artefact, souvent énigmatique. Alchimie quand le ramassage change immédiatement le statut de l’objet ; alchimie quand sa mise en scène le propulse dans un ailleurs insoupçonné, “beau comme la rencontre d’un parapluie et d’une machine à coudre sur une table à dissection” cher à Lautréamont. Bien sûr, il s’agit d’abord d’un jeu sur le pouvoir évocateur de l’objet, mais ces assemblages n’ont pour autre but que de transcender le réel afin de déboucher sur un autre plan de perception ; l’enjeu du jeu ! Univers-gigognes, usines à mystères issus d’un geste de survie, prophylactique dans son essence même.

The TWIST installation at Timber Expo | AA School of Architecture TWIST installation The TWIST is a design and construction project developed by the Emergent Technologies and Design Programme (EmTech) at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London. The project capitalizes on the material effects of milled plywood observed in 1:1 tests, thus making the experimentation process central to the design endeavor. The TWIST, however, seeks to gain full control of such material behavior, exploiting the anisotropic properties of plywood to achieve a material system capable of producing articulated surfaces by the orientation of its elements. Design logic diagram – Courtesy of AA School London. The system is primarily composed of two plywood strip elements: the ‘ribs ‘and the ‘wings’. Courtesy of AA School London – Photography of Patrick Tanhuanco. A subsystem defined by two major elements referred to as ‘combs’ and ‘perpendiculars’, or ‘perps’, runs along the free edges of the articulated surface. Project Team:

Strange Sculptures Made of Discarded Clothes (15 pics) Chances are that if you ran into Guerra de la Paz's colorful sculptures in an art museum, you'd enjoy them from afar and then take a few steps closer. That's because the Cuban born American artists who make up Guerra de la Paz, Alain Guerra and Neraldo de la Paz, create curiously interesting sculptures made out of old clothes. In fact, they originally took their materials from the waste bins of second-hand goods shipping companies in Miami’s Little Haiti. Exploring materialism in contemporary society, the sculptures are meant to make us think about our "mass-produced refuse." Guerra de la Paz website Blossoming Tree "Blossoming Tree" - ink, watercolor and gouache on paper - 9" x 12" (tabletop background saturation bumped back in Photoshop) Artwork © Lawrence Yang 2010 my blog | my site | purchase inquiries

PSM SCALE MODELS Tang Place | FCJZ Using Bamboo as the main material architects FCJZ responded to the disorganized nature of the original Tang place restaurant. The initial condition was of a main column with several semi-oval blocks. Courtesy of FCJZ Their design therefore was to reshape the space through a floor to ceiling connection via bamboo weaves. The interweaved bamboo screen creates a visual connection between the levels through the hollowed-out ceiling created. The main column is also wrapped with backlit bamboo transforming it into a lively focal object. Right from the entrance, the bamboo-covered walls introduce the customers to the core design material of bamboo. All in all the main bamboo themed design according to the architects is to reflect the local cultural climate while seeking spatial effects. Project: Tang Palace, Hangzhou, China Location: 6th Floor of MixC, No. 701, Fuchun Road, Jianggan District, Hangzhou, China Client: HongKong Tang Palace Food&Beverage Group Co., LTD. By Hassan Mohammed Yakubu

Sans Parapluie Turns Old Wardrobes into Pieces of Art Photos: Funny how with a touch of creativity, an old piece of furniture can not only come back to life, but also become a valuable work of art. This is the goal of Sans Parapluie, a line by Argentine artist Lucas Rise.We've seen many pieces of furniture refurbished with excellent taste before, even in Argentina: Livin Pop and Raval Warehouse are some examples. But Lucas Rise's work goes far from that: it's not just about recycling, but about creating a whole new universe for the object. 'Nigeria' model. 'Japanese garden'. And, Why wardrobes? Even the ecological part of the recovery process (avoiding the pieces to go to the trash or keeping you from buying new furniture) is not Rise's main motivation, the artist says he does have a deep respect for wood and a conscience about the importance of recycling. 'Africa'. 'Violin'. More about Lucas Rise and Sans Parapluie at SansParapluie.comFor more on the sustainable design and culture beat in Latin America follow me on Twitter.

Gentle, Public Activism: Magnusson’s I-75 Project Don Waisanen at Thick Culture highlighted Norm Magnusson’s I-75 project. The project involves installing historical markers with a primarily political instead of historical message. Some examples: About the project, Magnusson writes: …unlike most artworks on social or political themes, these markers don’t merely speak to the small group of viewers that seek out such work in galleries and museums; instead, they gently insert themselves into the public realm. Waisanen concludes: That the project is as much about the use of wide-open public spaces as it is about the carefully crafted messages speaks volumes about how innovation may best work in our age. The Art Works of Nagato Iwasaki|岩崎永人公式サイト 作品集1983-2019 Структуры и гравитация. - Крымский архитектурный портал | КАП В нашей стране были разработаны многие современные виды пространственных деревянных конструкций, и специалисты считают, что мы обладаем приоритетом в этой области. Сегодня перед архитекторами и конструкторами открыты новые горизонты, потому что теперь есть современные пространственные системы из клееных деревянных конструкций, которые позволяют перекрывать большие пролеты без промежуточных опор. Типология пространственных систем Пространственные деревянные конструкции - это, по сути дела, покрытия-оболочки с изогнутой поверхностью, все элементы которых работают как единое целое. Пространственные конструкции применяют в тех случаях, когда нужно максимально использовать внутренний объем здания при его малой высоте, а также при необходимости больших проемов для ворот, например в ангарах. Одним из основных типов пространственных деревянных конструкций являются распорные своды, они имеют цилиндрическую форму поверхности. Клееное изделие не нуждается в защите от воздействия окружающей среды.

Robots Scott Thigpen Chris Lensch Patrick Johnson Terry Wolfinger Jeremy Vanhoozer Barry Fitzgerald Jim Bradshaw Greg Hardin Mike Cressy Jeremy Spears Mike Foster Alex Fleisig Mette Johnsen Jeff Pidgeon Paul Conrad Doug Bell Kevin Vassey Bob Lewis Ray Chase Robert Bloom Wadi Wun Brandon Snyder Ken Hopper Billy Shih Tim John Dan Joseph Todd Zalewski Marxmith Milt Klingensmith Michelle Gorski Erich Schoenholtz Jeff Darrow Joe Koberstein Kent Culotta Mike Maihack Pascal Campion Phil Dimitriadis Mark Behm Joe Spadaford Antique Maps, Old maps, Vintage Maps, Antique Atlases, Old Atlases Mike Rivamonte Servicios Secado de Madera Con un proceso controlado de temperatura en una cámara, se obtiene que el porcentaje de humedad en la madera no sea mayor al 12%, medida óptima para que sea ocupada en los procesos posteriores. Inmunización Térmica La madera seca es elevada a altas temperaturas, provocando la muerte de todo tipo de organismo y además dejando de ser atractiva en lo posterior para cualquier tipo de plagas. La madera incrementa su durabilidad, estabilidad y dureza con un proceso libre de químicos y amigable con el medio ambiente. Moldurado Maquinaria europea de precisión nos permite ofrecer una gran variedad de alternativas de molduras para cadarequerimiento con un terminado completamente liso Finger Joint Este es un nuevo producto que es el resultado de unir trozos de madera con un sistema de prensado neumático. Las piezas con unión Finger Joint en la cara o en el canto las fabricamos en terminado rústico o cepillado. Procesamiento de madera
