O'Reilly -- What Is Web 2.0 by Tim O'Reilly 09/30/2005 Oct. 2009: Tim O'Reilly and John Battelle answer the question of "What's next for Web 2.0?" in Web Squared: Web 2.0 Five Years On. The bursting of the dot-com bubble in the fall of 2001 marked a turning point for the web. The concept of "Web 2.0" began with a conference brainstorming session between O'Reilly and MediaLive International. In the year and a half since, the term "Web 2.0" has clearly taken hold, with more than 9.5 million citations in Google. This article is an attempt to clarify just what we mean by Web 2.0. In our initial brainstorming, we formulated our sense of Web 2.0 by example: The list went on and on. 1. Like many important concepts, Web 2.0 doesn't have a hard boundary, but rather, a gravitational core. Figure 1 shows a "meme map" of Web 2.0 that was developed at a brainstorming session during FOO Camp, a conference at O'Reilly Media. Netscape vs. At bottom, Google requires a competency that Netscape never needed: database management.
Web 2.0 how-to design style guide In this tutorial, I describe various common graphic design elements in modern web “2.0” design style. I then attempt to explain why they work (i.e. why they have become common), as well as how, when and where you might use each element in your designs. It follows on from my Current Style article, and analyses in greater depth the design features of the current “Web 2.0” design style. To learn how to design Web2.0 sites yourself, you must read “Save the Pixel – The Art of Simple Web Design”, which is a comprehensive guidebook to the principles and techniques of Web2.0 design. Summary of Best Web Design Features The list below is a summary of many of the common features of typical “Web 2.0” sites. Clearly, a site doesn’t need to exhibit all these features to work well, and displaying these features doesn’t make a design “2.0” – or good! I’ve already addressed some of these factors in my introductory Current Style article. Best Website Design? Web 2.0 ?! Best Web Design Features 1. When? Always! 2.
Current style in web design In this article I try to sum up the current state-of-the-art in graphic design for web pages (late 2006, but still highly relevant today), and identify the distinctive features that make a modern web page look fresh, appealing and easy to use. The key feature of modern web design is simplicity. To learn how to apply simple web design to your own sites, you need to read “Save the Pixel – The Art of Simple Web Design”, which takes you through a full set of simple design tools, illustrated with 22 before & after redesigns. I’m glad to say that web design is better today than ever – and it’s continuing to improve. That’s not just because there are more web sites out there, so more good stuff to look at. There’s still an awful lot of crud too. The examples below (which I’ll roll over time) show excellent modern graphic design technique. Hotties I’m not saying these are the very best sites out there, just that they’re typical of today’s best design. Common features Simple layout To take away… Links
Histoire des Arts – 2.0 » Histoire des arts Grands musées internationaux Lexique des peintres, écrivains, sculpteurs… Ressources de proximité En Alsace et dans le Rhin supérieur Domaines artistiques En venteau CRDP d'Alsace En prêtau CRDP d'Alsace Instructions officielles Portail Histoire des Arts - Ministère de la Culture Site principal du CRDP | Mentions légales | Contacts | Droits de l'image et du son | Aide