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Idea Mapping

Idea Mapping

Clay Shirky's Internet Writings Gifted Students - How To Information Lessons Using Socratic Questioning for Gifted Students Socratic questioning is crucial to developing strong critical thinking skills, according to non-profit organization The Critical Thinking Society. The method is defined by a facilitator guiding students to evaluate their biases and reaching conclusions through a series of open-ended questions. Establishing a fair classroom environment in which all gifted students are able to speak and be heard is critical to the success of using the method. Strategies for Teaching Expository Writing to Gifted Students Gifted students typically master language arts skills earlier in life than their counterparts. How to Manage a Gifted Student When a person thinks of gifted children, advanced intellect is usually the first thing that comes to mind. How to Adapt a Lesson for a Gifted Student Testing for Gifted Students in Kindergarten High Achiever Vs. How to Motivate Teachers of Gifted Students How to Teach Children With a Natural Talent Cognitive Vs.

Capacitação em mapas mentais Nesta área você encontra conteúdo para sua evolução e aperfeiçoamento na elaboração de mapas mentais e no EasyMapper. Mapas mentais e elaboração em geral Glossário de mapas mentais Definições de termos usados em nossas obras, com ilustrações (a imagem ao lado é para a visualização do termo "folha"). Idéias organizadoras e mapas mentais O que é uma idéia organizadora? Imagens melhores para mapas mentais Um critério para escolher imagens que aumentam a produtividade da leitura. Quando não usar mapas mentais Circunstâncias em que mapas mentais podem não ser a melhor opção. EasyMapper Tutorial inicial Aprenda em poucos minutos os recursos mais usados do EasyMapper. Opções para lidar com mapas mentais grandes Quando a coisa aperta, melhor saber o que fazer. Integração do EasyMapper com outros programas Como gerar um PDF de um mapa mental? Integração do EasyMapper com outros programas de mapas mentais Para quem usa mais de um programa de mapas mentais trocar conteúdo textual com produtividade. Experiência

Using Bibliotherapy with Gifted Children - Unwrapping the Gifted Hopefully we’ve all had that experience of reading a book that powerfully “spoke” to us, a book whose characters we could relate to, and whose struggles and triumphs we identified with. Taking this experience a step farther is the strategy of bibliotherapy, the process of helping the reader learn about and cope with any social or emotional struggles or developmental needs by identifying with a character in a book who shares a similar struggle or need. The reading is typically followed up by discussion with a trusted adult. Bibliotherapy of course can be done with all students, particularly students who might be experiencing a divorce in the family, a learning disability, adoption, etc. Today I want to talk a bit about using developmental bibliotherapy specifically with gifted students. The reality is that gifted kids don't always have everything going for them, despite what others may mis-perceive about them in that regard. * Who in the book do you identify with and why? Carry On, Mr.

Transforme a notícia num mapa visual: mais uma tendência rumo à web semântica « intermezzo A novidade já não é tão nova assim, pois foi ofuscada (justificadamente) pelo furacão Obama. O The New York Times anunciou ao final de Outubro de 2008 sua ferramenta Visualization Lab em parceria com o laboratório de pesquisa da IBM e a tecnologia Many Eyes. A proposta do jornal e da IBM é gerar, a partir de um conjunto de dados (textos, tabelas, imagens, por exemplo) componentes de um conteúdo informativo, um formato visual que organize e facilite a compreensão da informação, especialmente em seu contexto. São possíveis formas visuais como nuvem de tags, árvore de palavras, gráficos tipo Excel, mapas concêntricos, matriz relacional, linha de palavras-chave, entre muitas possibilidades. Vejam, por exemplo, qual o peso dos grupos religiosos entre os republicanos votantes na eleição que acaba de se encerrar. Ou a árvore de palavras de um recente discurso do vice Biden. O resultado disso tudo são alguns aprendizados tanto para o profissional da informação quanto para o leitor. Para saber mais

Dare to Differentiate - 50 Terrific Teacher Tips! Icon Archive - Search 311,082 free icons, desktop icons, download icons, social icons, xp icons, vista icons Differentiating Instruction Differentiating Instruction ... One Size Doesn't Fit All Effective Strategies to Improve Student Performance ! We have students in our classrooms who struggle academically and others who learn at an advanced level and accelerated pace. Testimonials about the workshops -- Fran McAleer is a valuable contributor to our work, training to create a new and better workplace in our schools. More! Franny McAleer has been providing staff development for teachers in the Berwick Area School District for the last four years, including whole staff workshops with the Six Thinking Hats as well as focused workshops detailing best practices with instructional strategies for gifted and honors students. AWESOME! Franny did a tremendous job of inspiring and engaging participants in a one-day training session on differentiation. The presenter knew her topic and was open to all questions. Franny McAleer is a dynamic presenter. "This workshop got nothing but rave reviews." Teacher and parent links are blue.

FreeMind - Download Differentiating the curriculum The Policy and implementation strategies for the education of gifted and talented students: Support package: Curriculum differentiation (2004) (pdf 1345kb) provides an introduction to curriculum differentiation for gifted and talented students and is suitable for all stages of schooling. It needs to be read in conjunction with the Policy and implementation strategies for the education of gifted and talented students (revised 2004) and its companion document (2004) (pdf 270kb). The purpose of differentiating the curriculum is to provide appropriate learning opportunities for gifted and talented students. Three important characteristics of gifted students that underscore the rationale for curriculum differentiation (Van Tassel–Baska, 1988) are the capacity to: learn at faster rates find, solve and act on problems more readily manipulate abstract ideas and make connections. The creation of a differentiated curriculum requires some pre-planning. Definitions Article (pdf 25kb) Acceleration Web page

Mind Maps - Mind Mapping Training from MindTools A Powerful Approach to Note-Taking (Also known as Mind Mapping, Concept Mapping, Spray Diagrams, and Spider Diagrams) "Mind Map" is a trademark of the Buzan Organization (see We have no association with this organization. Record ideas memorably with James Manktelow & Amy Carlson. Have you ever studied a subject or brainstormed an idea, only to find yourself with pages of information, but no clear view of how it fits together? This is where Mind Mapping can help you. Mind Mapping is a useful technique that helps you learn more effectively, improves the way that you record information, and supports and enhances creative problem solving. By using Mind Maps, you can quickly identify and understand the structure of a subject. More than this, Mind Maps help you remember information, as they hold it in a format that your mind finds easy to recall and quick to review. About Mind Maps Mind Maps were popularized by author and consultant, Tony Buzan. . Uses Mind Maps are useful for: 1. 2.

Tomlinson - Differentiation Central
