By Andrea G. Portolés and Bea Crespo
Décoration intérieure de votre maison : le guide pratique de la déco
Tattoo Lust: Floral Tattoos – Fonda LaShay // Design
It’s Friday! Which means it is time to feast your eyes upon some lovely, unique, lustworthy tattoos. Follow me on Pinterest to see more Lovely Tattoo’s. I know some of these are temp tats, but still.. they are gorgeous! Tattoo Lust: The Female Thigh It's Friday! April 25, 2014 In "Tattoo" Tattoo Lust: Sleeved Girls It is time to feast your eyes upon some lovely, unique, lustworthy tattoos - check out these girls with full or partial tattoo sleeves! June 6, 2014 Tattoo Lust: Sleeved Girls Part II It is time to feast your eyes upon some lovely, unique, lustworthy tattoos - check out more of these girls with full or partial tattoo sleeves!
Décoration DIY: Un sticker mur effet 3D - Happy Chantilly
J’aime beaucoup cette idée décoration DIY très simple et qui fait pourtant son petit effet! Vous connaissez déjà très certainement les stickers muraux. Des autocollants à appliquer sur les murs pour décorer et habiller de façon simple, rapide et économique. Ici je vous propose une idée simple et originale: apporter un petit plus à ces stickers en ajoutant de la décoration pour donner un effet 3D. I really like this DIY idea, as the result is quite nice. Here is the idea I wanted to share with you : what about adding decoration to these stickers to add a 3D effect ? Décoration DIY sticker 3D: les ingrédients Un sticker arbreDes branches d’arbre (à ramasser dans un parc ou en forêt)Du papier (de la même couleur que les feuilles de votre sticker, ici ce sera donc le blanc)Des ciseaux ou une perforatrice feuilles (comme par exemple ici)Adhésif DIY 3D sticker : what you need Décoration DIY Sticker 3D: la recette DIY 3D Sticker : how to And, tadaaaaaaaaaaaa ! Source NC Sélection shopping In "Baby"
NYC Street Art images of children with Jerkface, Banksy, and more
This is the sixth in a series of occasional posts featuring images of children that surface on NYC public spaces: Jerkface in the East Village Axel Void in East Harlem Billy Mode and Chris Stain at the Bushwick Collective Damien Mitchell at the Bushwick Collective Enzo and Nio in Williamsburg Banksy on the Upper West Side Jef Aerosol at the Bushwick Collective Razo and Dead Rat on the Lower East Side Photo 1, 3 – 6 by Dani Reyes Mozeson; 2, 7 & 8 by Lois Stavsky
Vous venez visiter ? Mon petit espace bureau nature .
Bonjour à vous ! Comme vous le savez si vous me suivez depuis un petit moment, nous sommes en train de revoir l’aménagement et la décoration de notre salon. Pour ceux qui me suivent sur Instagram, vous savez qu’après avoir démonté mon ancien bureau pour le passer dans la pièce qui me sert d’atelier, je me suis vue dans « l’obligation » de revoir un espace de travail dans notre pièce à vivre. Étant mompreneure, je travaille chez moi, et avoir une pièce dédiée à son activité, c’est super, mais quand les enfants sont là, ça devient ingérable de devoir m’isoler dans cette pièce où ils ont interdiction de pénétrer, à cause de tout ce qu’ils ne doivent pas toucher. J’ai donc réaménagé un coin bureau dans notre salon. Je l’ai choisi volontairement minimal. Je ne suis pas du genre à collectionner les stylos et autres crayons et gomme, il ne me fallait donc que peu de chose. J’ai également ajouté ce dont j’ai un besoin vital pour me sentir bien : des plantes, et des fleurs. Chaise : Casa.
Tattoo Lust Leftovers: Part XXXIII – Fonda LaShay // Design
There are so many tattoos that I look through on a weekly basis that do not make it into a themed “Tattoo Lust” post. Here are the leftovers from this week. I hope you love them! – Follow me on Pinterest to see more Lovely Tattoo’s. Tattoo Lust Leftovers: Part VII There are so many tattoos that I look through on a weekly basis that do not make it into a themed "Tattoo Lust" post. January 9, 2015 In "Tattoo" Tattoo Lust Leftovers: Part X There are so many tattoos that I look through on a weekly basis that do not make it into a themed "Tattoo Lust" post. June 25, 2014 Tattoo Lust Leftovers: Part XIV There are so many tattoos that I look through on a weekly basis that do not make it into a themed "Tattoo Lust" post. July 9, 2014
Jenni Sparks
Written on the Skin: On Literary Tattoos
From The Word Made Flesh Tattoos can tell you a lot about a person. I like to think of them as stories of people’s lives written on the body, quite literally. I got my first tattoo at 17, when I bought a tattoo for my then-best friend for her 18th birthday. As I’ve written before on Book Riot, the book is a modern re-telling of Freud’s Dora. From The Queens Ink Tattoo And that is why it is inked on my arm. Some people don’t understand why I would get something from a book tattooed on me. If you could get a literary tattoo, what would you get, and why? Want more bookish goodness, news, posts about special book deals, and the occasional puppy reading pic? Get a free copy of our Start Here: Read Your Way Into 25 Amazing Authors.
What it's like to shoot in a real life Disney library - Stift Admont
Walking into Stift Admont was like entering Disney’s Beauty & the Beast library. Never before had a creative photoshoot been done in the Admont Abbey, the oldest monastic library in the world… yet here I was, standing at the entrance of what can only be described as the most magical mix of architecture and art I had ever experienced. For a few priceless hours, we were going to be given free rein to create some magic. Leaf Credo 80MP Digital Back Kit with 645DF, Schneider 28mm LS f/4.5| ISO 100, f/4.5, 1/40 sec | Broncolor Para 133 | Move 1200 L Battery Pack Doing a photoshoot in a library like Stift Admont had been a dream of mine that, for the longest time seemed completely unachievable. Growing up, Beauty and the Beast had been one of my favourite films from Disney. Assistant Zoe Klomp hides under Jen’s dress and poofs it out on a 3-2-1 count! Lighting up the library was quite a challenge. We used a series of small speedlights BTS photo by Eva Creel Dream big, anything is possible.
Amazing Cel Shaded Style Jeans for a Borderlands Costume
Cosplayer Kirameku is working on a Nisha the Lawbringer costume, and she decided to make the jeans look cel shaded just like they do Borderlands. These pants look like they’re right out of the pages of a comic. She painted over denim jeans with a mixture of Textilcolor and water. She did an amazing job adding the highlights and shadows, and we can’t wait to see the finished costume. See a couple more photos after the break. (via Reddit)
Humans of New York