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The Venus Project crédits publics (Oséo) Modeling brain disorders in a petri dish Confocal images of neurons derived from patients with Schizophrenia. SCZD hiPSC neurons express βIII-tubulin (red) and the dendritic marker MAP2AB (green), DAPI (blue). (Credit: Kristen Brennand, UCSD) Researchers at the Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM) at the University of California, San Diego are using genetic engineering and growth factors to reprogram the skin cells of patients with schizophrenia, autism, and other neurological disorders and grow them into brain cells in the laboratory. There, investigators can detect inherent defects in how neurons develop or function, or see what environmental toxins or other factors prod them to misbehave in the petri dish. With these “diseases in a dish” they can also test the effectiveness of drugs that can right missteps in development, or counter the harm of environmental insults. THE KAVLI FOUNDATION (TKF): Dr. FRED “RUSTY” GAGE: Yes. Human neurons differentiated from skin-derived stem cells. GAGE: Exactly. TKF: Dr. GAGE: I agree.

The Zeitgeist Movement Buddhadasa Bhikkhu - Is Your Hair On Fire? | Theravada Dhamma :: Blog Imagine a person who feels completely healthy, completely free of all illness, sickness and physical disability. Wouldn’t it be ridiculous for that person to get medicine? What would be the point of that? What would be the rationale in getting medicine when you feel completely healthy? Those people who don’t see any problems, who are not aware of any dukkha, unsatisfactoriness, in their lives, what would be the point in their attempting to study the dhamma and to practise meditation? If you are new to this thing called ‘dhamma’, and new to meditation, then you are not expected to immediately agree that you have all sorts of problems and are suffering from many burdens in life. An absolutely essential condition for the proper study of dhamma is the desire to be free of dukkha, to be free of suffering. It is quite amusing and quite sad that most people seem to wander through life in a little cloud, as if nothing were wrong. Do you want to be healthy, or not? You have come to Suan Mokh.

The Venus Project In A Nutshell (Almost) #The_Venus_Project: It’s complex and not easy to explain in 140 words: #The_Venus_Project: depends on a non-interpretable-language to be used by the entire world’s population. #The_Venus_Project: Also all national boundaries will cease to exist producing a world-wide community. #The_Venus_Project: has no government, laws, armies, shops or money. #The_Venus_Project: People get supplied all the basics they need from supply points for free #The_Venus_Project: uninterrupted communications system with data from all over the world being available 2 all people. #The_Venus_Project: People will understand exactly how much resources are available for them #The_Venus_Project: People will understand exact details about that service or product using a new non-interpretative-language #The_Venus_Project :

Out Of The Blue Until the current period or until the last 30 years, it was conventional wisdom, both in science and theology, we're alone in the universe; a single repository of life anywhere in the known universe. Well, no one believes that anymore. Out of the Blue presents unexplained cases from around the world, investigates 50 years of official contradictions and denials, and puts forth possible reasons for secrecy. UFOs and the Military - In 1964, former U.S. Watch the full documentary now Aux racines de l’extrémisme juif en Israël, une affaire de famille Le 31 juillet, un incendie criminel dans le village de Douma, en Cisjordanie, causait la mort d’un enfant de 18 mois et de son père, déclenchant une vague d’indignation à travers le monde. Les autorités israéliennes y ont réagi en s’attaquant à la mouvance extrémiste juive Noar Ha Gvaot, « Les Jeunes des collines ». Quatre membres présumés de ce groupe ont été placés en détention administrative, une mesure d’exception permettant un emprisonnement de six mois sans que le détenu soit informé des accusations qui pèsent contre lui. Un traitement d’ordinaire réservé aux Palestiniens. Parmi eux figure Meïr Ettinger, 23 ans. Une affaire de famille Ce phénomène extrémiste sioniste n’est pas nouveau en Israël. Meïr Ettinger en est un symbole. Son grand-père, le rabbin Meïr Kahane, est considéré comme le parrain de l’extrémisme juif contemporain. Lire aussi : En Israël, la « guerre sainte » des colons radicaux Racines américaines Un mouvement profondément antidémocratique Morgane Bona

Not basing your society around money, The Venus Project If you are just interested in the Zeitgeist Movement, then that section is below The Venus Project section. Thanks for taking a interest in these two topics. The Venus Project Shortened Link to this WordPress site: Not basing your society around money, The Venus Project; also included: the Zeitgeist Movement: As you may know: The Venus Project and Zeitgeist Movement have split up. The Venus Project has a new website and is functioning differently from what it previously did–improved system for visitors, members, and the media who file reports or write about them. Thank you for your patience during these difficult times of change. This is a pearl-tree that provides some up to date information on The Venus Project and The Zeitgeist Movement: Wiki on The Venus Project Free e-books and more Support and donations What you can do These videos are difficult to explain at the moment.

Fap Fapp Where Are You Really? © 2011 by Gary Vey exclusively for Viewzone Exactly where are you? Right now, as you read this, your attention is focused on the words and phrases as you scan the page with your eyes. You might even hear a familiar voice in your mind, reading the text. If the eyes are really the "window to the soul" then the soul -- and perhaps the conscious "I AM" -- must be located just behind the eyes. The notion that consciousness resides somewhere in the brain is a somewhat modern idea. Descartes insisted that the pineal gland was the "seat of the soul" because it was a rare single structure, centrally located in the brain. Left Brain or Right Brain: Where is consciousness? Our brain, like the rest of our anatomy, is made up of two halves, a left brain and a right brain. The left side of our body is "wired" to the right side of our brain, and vice versa. We can thank Nobel Prize Winner (1981) Roger Sperry for this next contribution. Consciousness is NOT Personality According to Gerald M. Dr. Dr.

gestion de fichiers How Learning Happens – The Biological Process of Learning | Welcome to Learning In a previous post on Emotions and Learning, we identified that neural networks are used to carry information from the body into the brain and between different areas of the brain. This post will look at how these networks are created, grow and are strengthened. In essence this is the biological process of learning. First a little about our brain: The human brain weighs approximately 3 pounds (1.4kgs) and is about the size of a grapefruit. It is made up of 78% water, 10% fat and 8% protein. It uses around 20% of our body’s energy and oxygen and receives 8 gallons (30 liters) of blood per hour. Brain cells Neuron showing dendrites & axons There are two kinds of brain cells, the glia and the neuron. Information is carried inside neurons and is passed from one cell to another across the gap between neurons called the synaptic gap using chemicals created within the soma. The growth of neural networks The strengthening of neural networks The video below demonstrates how this process happens: by

Also, the end of this video was made before The Venus Project and the Zeitgeist Movement slit up. by electronics Oct 17

This information of various energy sources in this article is well worth examining as seperate toplics in pearltrees. by electronics Oct 17
