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Calaméo, publicando, compartiendo y explorando documentos desde la nube Si acabas de finalizar tu proyecto de final de máster y deseas hacerlo público en la Red, o has editado con algunos amigos una revista sobre vuestro deporte favorito que queréis dar a conocer al mundo, o simplemente quieres compartir con tus compañeros de trabajo el acta de la última reunión... el servicio Calaméo es una buena opción que debes tener en cuenta (otra posible alternativa es Issuu, pero por ahora solo se encuentra disponible en inglés). Crearte una cuenta gratuita (aunque existen dos planes de pago alternativos) es un proceso sencillo, que puedes realizar vía Facebook o rellenando manualmente los datos que te piden. Una vez activada tu cuenta ya puedes empezar a subir tus archivos (algunas de las muchas extensiones que admite este servicio son: .doc .rtf .ppt .pps .xls .pdf .txt .html .htm .odt .ott .sxw .stw .odp .otp .sxi .sti .ods .ots .sxc .stc), pero ojito... ¡no te pases!

Artful storytelling Longform books won't appear in Explore or Search for a few weeks. Hang tight. Featured Story Swipe New & Noted The art of persuasive presentations There’s a widespread view that you only need to persuade your audience when you’re making sales presentations. But the fact is that almost all presentations contain an element of persuasion – usually quite a large element. In the business world, if you’re giving a presentation you’re generally trying to suggest a course of action, taking a stand on an issue or promoting a view. The only presentations not doing this are those that are providing objective information to inform their audience.

7 Indispensable Apps for Creating Books with your Students Today in this post, I am updating a list of iPad apps ideal for creating books with your students and which I have published a year ago. The list comprises some really practical apps every teacher intent on using iPads in classroom should consider trying them. 1- Book Writer You can use it anywhere, including at work, school or home. With it, you can produce various kinds of books, such as photo books, video books, art books, fairy tales, cook books, PR books, manuals or PDF documents on your own. 2- Book Creator

Presentation Tips - The Art of Communicating Effectively Check out our new projector section click here. You will find reviews on the latest LCD projectors and DLP projectors for business presentations. Tips from all aspects of pulling off the successful presentation! Presentation Zen Shortly after he returned to Apple in 1997, Steve Jobs gave an internal presentation to employees from the Town Hall building on the Apple campus (YouTube link below). This was an important presentation to let employees know where the company stood and where it was heading. A typical CEO may have put together a slide deck and run through a kind of SWOT analysis. An Online Tool to Give Your Presentations a Personal Touch Most presentation tools online offer essentially the same service: letting you create PowerPoint-like presentations with each slide showing a chunk of information. “PresentMe” however offers that and lets you add a narrative to the presentation. PresentMe is a web service that lets you create effective presentations through your PowerPoint files. You start by creating an account on the website. Next you upload a PowerPoint presentation to your PresentMe account.

20+ Powerful Online Presentation Tools Online presentations are considered as one of the effective marketing and communication tools. Publishing value-added content on variety of presentation websites can help you in keeping your clients informed, updated, and aware of information that is important to them. It also provides a platform to reach out to your target audience by increasing brand loyalty and customer satisfaction.. With more long-distance meetings going on due to increasing travel costs and decreasing expense accounts, you need to be able to show your work to clients and co-workers so they can easily see your point. Everyone loves online presentations. Welcome and introduction to prezage (audio) All customisable features will require you to be signed in. And again, keep an eye out for these, and other new user-defined features as they go live. So far we’ve seen how most people will interact with prezage from the perspective of the student, or general visitor. But behind the scenes is a powerful set of producer tools for presentation creation and management, as well as system administration. We’ll discuss the system admin aspect shortly. Prezage “Producer”, however, is the secure area for registered content producers to easily create and manage their prezage presentations.

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