Listen and Write - Dictation What is NaNoWriMo? NaNoWriMo (El Mes Nacional de la Escritura de Novela) es un enfoque divertido y lleno de improvisación en la escritura de novelas. Los participantes comienzan a escribir el primero de noviembre y la meta es escribir una novela de aproximadamente 175 páginas (50,000 palabras) antes de la edianoche del 30 de noviembre. Valorando el entusiasmo y la perseverancia más que la artesanía meticulosa, NaNoWriMo es un programa de escritura de novelas para todos aquellos que han pensado vagamente en escribir una novela pero se han amedrentado por el tiempo y el esfuerzo envueltos. Debido al tiempo limitado para escribir, lo ÚNICO que importa en NaNoWriMo es la producción. Es cantidad sobre calidad. Este enfoque suicida te obliga a bajar tus expectativas, tomar riesgos y a escribir sobre la marcha. No te engañes: vas a escribir mucha basura y eso es algo positivo. En el año 2008 tuvimos 120,000 participantes. En resumen: ¿Qué? ¿Quién? ¿Por qué? ¿Cuándo? ¿Dudas?
REVERBERAÇÕES Rethinking Grammar: How We Talk Rethinking Grammar - How We Talk We judge people by the way they speak and the grammar they use. Listen to several Americans from different regions speak. Fran Drescher: What’s this about? James Earl Jones: “I feel wonderful to be back on Broadway.” Sarah Palin: “The difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull? Dolly Parton: “You know I’ll wake up sometimes from a dream and think I’d better get up and write that down or I’ll forget it.” Surfer: “Dude you got the best barrels ever dude.” John F. Tom Brokaw: “A moment that will live forever. Wendy Williams: “How is it getting up and being there and getting your hair fried and the eye lashes and all that stuff.” Rosie Perez: “I’m exhausted.” Rhett Buetler: “Everybody kind of relates rodeo with kind of a wild energizing experience…something that gets out of control.” As you listened to these different speakers, you probably started to form ideas about them. Non-standard dialects Linguists call these non-standard dialects. Dr. Presidential Grammar
Mental muscle: six ways to boost your brain - life - 04 October 2010 Editorial: Time for teachers to take another look at neuroscience Brain training games won't make you smarter – but a dose of blue light or an electrical shock just might BREATHE in, breathe out. A few months ago I would probably have bought a brain-training game, but alas, it turns out they are probably useless. Our ... Ônibus Hacker Business English learning and teaching with podcasts in English for students learning business English page. 56 The Panama papers. While many benefit from offshore finances, there are also those who are victims. (level 3) (27 Apr 16) ► Download (7.2MB, 4min 18sec) ► Transcript (pdf 53KB)► Worksheet & Answers (pdf 94KB)► Vocabulary tasks (pdf 86KB) The podcast goes with this video from the ICIJ: ◼ Stop video 55 Brexit. ► Download (1.94MB, 4min 13sec) ► Transcript (pdf 53KB)► Worksheet & Answers (pdf 70KB)► Vocabulary tasks (pdf 78KB) The podcast goes with this video from Michael Hobbes: 54 Going down. ► Download (1.9MB, 3min 52sec) ► Transcript (pdf 53KB)► Worksheet & Answers (pdf 74KB)► Vocabulary tasks (pdf 74KB) 53 Selling nostalgia. ► Download (1.86MB, 4min 04sec) ► Transcript (pdf 52KB)► Worksheet & Answers (pdf 115KB)► Vocabulary tasks (pdf 78KB) It's become 'traditional' to have KFC for Christmas in Japan: 52 The VW scandal. ► Download (1.78MB, 3min 54sec) ► Transcript (pdf 52KB)► Worksheet & Answers (pdf 67KB)► Vocabulary tasks (pdf 72KB) 51 Crowdfunding part 2. 50 The amalgamation.
KPI Library Ecopolitica Learning From Lyrics ©1996-2012 next 5 minutes :: festival of tactical media About next 5 minutes What is Next 5 Minutes? Next 5 Minutes is a festival that brings together media, art and politics. Next 5 Minutes revolves around the notion of tactical media, the fusion of art, politics and media. The festival is organised irregularly, when the urgency is felt to bring a new edition of the festival together. About next 5 minutes 4 How did this particular edition of the festival come about? The fourth edition of the Next 5 Minutes festival is the result of a collaborative effort of a variety of organisations, initiatives and individuals dispersed world-wide. What are the main themes of N5M4? The program of Next 5 Minutes 4 is structured along four core thematic threads, bringing together a host of projects and debates. Formats Questions?