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Management Methods | Management Models | Management Theories The European Business Review Conversations with Dale Clay Christensen's Milkshake Marketing When planning new products, companies often start by segmenting their markets and positioning their merchandise accordingly. This segmentation involves either dividing the market into product categories, such as function or price, or dividing the customer base into target demographics, such as age, gender, education, or income level. Unfortunately, neither way works very well, according to Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen, who notes that each year 30,000 new consumer products are launched—and 95 percent of them fail. “The jobs-to-be-done point of view causes you to crawl into the skin of your customer and go with her as she goes about her day, always asking the question as she does something: Why did she do it that way?” The problem is that consumers usually don't go about their shopping by conforming to particular segments. "The fact that you're 18 to 35 years old with a college degree does not cause you to buy a product," Christensen says. Hiring a milkshake

Your Frontline Managers Need These Critical Skills - Center for Creative Leadership Frontline managers are the managerial foot soldiers, responsible for many of an organization’s critical day-to-day operations. They supervise other contributors, yet they’re usually the least experienced tier of managers in a company, often newly promoted into their first leadership role. Despite their importance, organizations face big challenges when trying to make these managers more effective. According to a 2011 CareerBuilder survey: 20% of first-time managers are doing a poor job, according to their subordinates;26% of first-time managers say they felt they weren’t ready to lead others; and60% say they never received any training for their new role. Since these frontline managers may go on to middle- and even upper-management jobs, it’s little wonder that 50% of all managers in organizations are rated as ineffective. In order to succeed, frontline managers must possess 6 key skills: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. For most organizations, frontline managers comprise the largest group of leaders.

Pawel Brodzinski on Software Project Management — Dealing with software projects in real life Seven Management and Planning Tools The Seven Management and Planning Tools have their roots in Operations Research work done after World War II and the Japanese Total Quality Control (TQC) research. In 1979 the book Seven New Quality Tools for Managers and Staff was published and was translated into English in 1983. The Seven Tools[edit] Affinity Diagram (KJ Method)[edit] Affinity diagrams are a special kind of brainstorming tool that organize large amounts of disorganized data and information into groupings based on natural relationships. It was created in the 1960s by the Japanese anthropologist Jiro Kawakita. Interrelationship Digraph (ID)[edit] This tool displays all the interrelated cause-and-effect relationships and factors involved in a complex problem and describes desired outcomes. Tree Diagram[edit] This tool is used to break down broad categories into finer and finer levels of detail. Prioritization Matrix[edit] This tool is used to prioritize items and describe them in terms of weighted criteria. References[edit]

Los líderes son innovadores, positivos ¿y felices? Por Virginio Gallardo Desde la guardería hemos sido duramente entrenados para memorizar, para ser ordenados, para no cometer faltas de ortografía o resolver funciones matemáticas… Enseñanzas que más tarde se complementaron con una especialización técnica profesional. Pero se olvidaron de enseñarnos aspectos básicos sobre nuestra motivación y emociones, de cómo aprendemos de nuestra realidad en función del filtro de nuestro cerebro, de nuestras atribuciones, de nuestra capacidad de cambiar, de crear y adaptarnos a nuestro entorno cambiándolo. “Es tan importante saber que no sabemos.” La psicología (especialmente la denominada psicología positiva) en los últimos años nos está dando pistas sobre cómo estos aspectos tan relevantes para nuestro éxito profesional, como la creatividad y la innovación, extrañamente se relacionan con nuestro éxito personal y nuestra felicidad. El reto de nuestro siglo es reinventarse La psicología positiva Ser positivo es útil Publicado en Supervivencia Directiva.

Christopher Hawkins - Software development and Web development projects done effectively Apollo Root Cause Analysis | ARMS Reliability Apollo RCA Practical Tips: Preparing to Lead an RCA Investigation A facilitator plays a crucial role in conducting an investigation. Use these practical tips to make sure that you are set up for success when following the Apollo Root Cause Analysis methodology. Read Blog Post My Experience Applying RCA Teachings One way to stay on top of your game is to learn from the experiences of your industry peers. Read Blog Post The Anatomy of a Perfect Executive Summary for an RCA You've investigated the incident, and now it's time to write up your report. Read Blog Post

Coding Horror El poder de las expectativas | EXCELLENCE MANAGEMENT No funcionan por arte de magia. Pero sí está demostrado que quien afronta la vida con optimismo, confianza y perseverancia consiguen sus objetivos con más facilidad que quienes se acomodan en una actitud negativa o pasiva. Con el mito de Pigmalión en mente, Rosenthal y Jacobson se dispusieron a tratar de analizar cómo las expectativas de los docentes podrían influir en sus alumnos. Para ello tomaron 320 alumnos de seis cursos diferentes de una escuela de California, a los que pasaron una prueba de inteligencia. ¿Qué es lo que sucedió a lo largo de ese año para que esos alumnos, inicialmente iguales al resto, acabaran por despuntar en las pruebas de inteligencia? Las expectativas que sus maestros tenían sobre ellos acabaron convirtiéndose en realidad. Con el paso de los años, este mensaje ha ido calando en la cultura popular. El universo no va a hacer nada por nosotros si no nos movemos del sofá y generamos las condiciones necesarias para que se dé el cambio. Fuente: Alberto Soler. C.

A design and usability blog: Signal vs. Noise (by 37signals) Leadership Develops When You Escape Your Comfort Zone Successful leaders know that they must get out of their comfort zone to succeed. Great leaders from history are those who have spent a large amount of their time outside their comfort zone. Leaders who take risks and step into their learning zone are those that succeed. It’s only when you can give up what’s safe and familiar that you create opportunities and develop new capabilities. As you do, you expand your influence and gain the skills required to take on bigger and bigger challenges. In this sense, leaders are self-made and not born, they are developed, not promoted. The Three Zones of Leadership Leadership begins the moment you step outside your comfort zone. There are three zones of leadership that impact our development as leaders. The Comfort Zone. Let’s explore these three zones of leadership in more detail. The Comfort Zone The first zone leaders may find themselves in is the comfort zone. Your comfort zone is a psychological place where you feel safe and in control.
