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Go (game)

Go originated in ancient China. Archaeological evidence shows that the early game was played on a board with a 17×17 grid, but by the time the game had spread to Korea and Japan, in about the 5th and 7th centuries AD respectively, boards with a 19×19 grid had become standard.[6] The first 60 moves of a Go game, animated. This particular game quickly developed into a complicated fight in the lower left and bottom. Go is an adversarial game with the objective of surrounding more territory than one's opponent.[2] As the game progresses, the board gets divided up into areas of territory, as outlined by groups of stones. These areas are then contested in local battles, which are often complicated, and may result in the expansion, reduction, or wholesale capture and loss of the contested area. The four liberties (adjacent empty points) of a single black stone (A), as White reduces those liberties by one (B, C, and D). If White plays at A, the black chain loses its last liberty. Related:  Occupy HK 2.0

20 Obsolete English Words that Should Make a Comeback Photo: Katherine Hodgson If we all start using them, these words can be resurrected. DURING MY UNDERGRADUATE studies as a Linguistics major, one of the things that struck me most is the amazing fluidity of language. New words are created; older words go out of style. The following words have sadly disappeared from modern English, but it’s easy to see how they could be incorporated into everyday conversation. Words are from Erin McKean’s two-volume series: Weird and Wonderful Words and Totally Weird and Wonderful Words. 1. Verb trans. – “To confuse, jumble” – First of all this word is just fun to say in its various forms. 2. Verb intr. – “To take one’s pleasure, enjoy oneself, revel, luxuriate” – Often I feel the word “enjoy” just isn’t enough to describe an experience, and “revel” tends to conjure up images of people dancing and spinning around in circles – at least in my head. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. For 10 more interesting obsolete words, go to the next page.

Federazione Italiana Giuoco Go The Hong Kong government must listen to its people It is not wholly true to say that the eyes of the entire world are on Hong Kong. They would be, of course, if people in mainland China were allowed to know what is happening in their country's most successful city. But China's government has tried to block any news about the Hong Kong democracy demonstrations from reaching the rest of the country - not exactly a sign of confidence on the part of China's rulers in their system of authoritarian government. Before suggesting a way forward for Hong Kong's ham-fisted authorities, three things need to be made clear. Second, others outside Hong Kong have a legitimate interest in what happens in the city. So it is ridiculous to suggest that British ministers and parliamentarians should keep their noses out of Hong Kong's affairs. But, third, the biggest problems have arisen because of a dispute about where Hong Kong's promised path to democracy should take it, and when. In fact, that is not what China had in mind. So, what next?

Report: Japanese Internet User A new cross-media survey of 1,176 Japanese internet users from the ages of 10 to 65 has been conducted by Japanese marketing research firm service Nikkei Research, and questioned participants regarding their usage of various media formats such as television, newspapers, magazines, free papers, radio, internet, mobile phones (excluding phone calls and e-mail) and gaming platforms. The survey results, which were translated by consumer website GameSpot, found that of those surveyed, 42.4 percent indicated that they are spending more time using the internet, mostly at the expense of other media use. By comparison, a nearly equal amount – 42.6 percent – noted less time playing games. This is particularly interesting given recent news that found that the Nintendo DS has become the fastest console or handheld ever to sell 10 million units in Japan, taking just 20 months to reach the milestone.

The Lindy Chamberlain (Dingo) Trial of 1981-82. On August 17, 1980, at a campsite near Australia's famous Ayer's Rock, a mother's cry came out of the dark: "My God, my God, the dingo's got my baby!" Soon the people of an entire continent would be choosing sides in a debate over whether the cry heard that night marked an astonishing and rare human fatality caused by Australia's wild dogs or was, rather, in the words of the man who would eventually prosecute her for murder, "a calculated, fanciful lie." A jury of nine men and three women came to believe the latter story and convicted Lindy Chamberlain for the murder of her ten-week-old daughter, Azaria. Three years later, while Lindy dealt with daily life in a Darwin prison, police investigating the death of a fallen climber discovered Azaria's matinee jacket near a dingo den, and the Australian public confronted the reality that its justice system had failed.

Big Lychee, Various Sectors The Linux Gamers' HOWTO Peter Jay Salzman Frédéric Delanoy Copyright © 2001, 2002 Peter Jay Salzman Copyright © 2003, 2004 Peter Jay Salzman, Frédéric Delanoy 2004-11-13 v.1.0.6 Abstract The same questions get asked repeatedly on Linux related mailing lists and news groups. This document is a stepping stone to get the most common problems resolved and to give people the knowledge to begin thinking intelligently about what is going on with their games. I assume a working knowledge of Linux, so I use some topics like runlevels and modules without defining them. 1.1. If you want to create a derivative work or publish this HOWTO for commercial purposes, I would appreciate it if you contact me first. 1.2. Thanks goes out to these people for extensive comments, corrections, and diffs. I would also like to thank the following people for sending in comments and corrections. Michael McDonnell 2.1. Although arcade games had their heydey in the 80's, they are nonetheless very popular. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9.

Atheist's Wager One formulation of the Atheist's Wager suggests that one should live a good life without religion, since Martin writes that a loving and kind god would reward good deeds, and if no gods exist, a good person will leave behind a positive legacy.[1][2] The second formulation suggests that, instead of rewarding belief as in Pascal's wager, a god may reward disbelief, in which case one would risk losing infinite happiness by believing in a god unjustly, rather than disbelieving justly.[3] Explanation[edit] The Wager states that if you were to analyze your options in regard to how to live your life, you would come out with the following possibilities:[1][4][5] The following table shows the values assigned to each possible outcome: A benevolent god exists No benevolent god exists References[edit]

Advice for the #UmbrellaRevolution, from Tiananmen protest veterans Please support our site by enabling javascript to view ads. BANGKOK — Much of the world is captivated by protest scenes in Hong Kong, where massive crowds risk Beijing’s wrath. But perhaps no foreign observers are as riveted as veterans of China’s 1989 uprising, which ended in bloodshed near Beijing’s Tiananmen Square. That youth-led movement has been widely regarded as the most formidable challenge in history to the Chinese Communist Party’s iron rule. They are now pushing 50, but many have never dropped their pursuit of a freer, less authoritarian China. Hong Kong’s protesters demand the right to elect the island’s top official. Veterans of the Tiananmen movement have expertise in this rare field of rising up against the Chinese state. Wu’er Kaixi was once No. 2 on China’s list of most-wanted student leaders. Zhou Fengsuo was once No. 5 on China’s most-wanted list. Both said Hong Kong’s current student leaders are ideal heirs to their struggle. 1) Never underestimate Beijing

Venture Beat Contributors » Investing time and money in virtual [We asked Raph Koster, an expert on virtual worlds, to comment on the recent controversy at Second Life. He writes a popular blog at In the last month something happened that shook the world to its core. It was the sudden appearance of the capability to instantly replicate three-dimensional objects, suddenly in the hands of the common people. Everyone’s intellectual property was up for grabs, and the very notion of manufacturing under attack. These events, of course, happened within Second Life, not in the real world: a virtual place, not a physical place, suffered these upheavals. SL is, of course, a virtual world on the Internet, which users can connect to. Its users, however, are increasingly mainstream, and they make their living creating content: they make their virtual living off of creating the very content that the hacker ethic assumes will be free. Why does this matter?

Djambi Djambi (also described as "Machiavelli's chessboard") is a board game and a chess variant for four players, invented by Jean Anesto in 1975. Board of Djambi, with the pieces in their start position. Each piece is identified by the first letter of its name as well as a symbol. Rules[edit] Material[edit] The game is played on a 9×9 board whose central square (called "the maze") is marked with a different color or a sign. 1 Chief1 Assassin1 Reporter1 Troublemaker (also called Provocateur, or Diplomat)1 Necromobile4 Militants. Objective[edit] The objective of the game is to capture the chiefs of the other players before they capture yours. Start position[edit] The pieces are placed in each corner of the board as shown in the picture above. Movements[edit] Each player, at his/her turn, moves one of his/her pieces, and can possibly capture a piece in this way. Captures[edit] The troublemaker and the necromobile cannot kill the other pieces but can move them. Death and surrounding of a chief[edit]

HONG KONG • Occupy Central : une révolution ou un mouvement ? Au cinquième jour de l'occupation des rues de Hong Kong pour demander à Pékin un mode de scrutin démocratique afin d'élire l'exécutif, retour sur l'hésitation des manifestants quant au meilleur terme pour désigner le mouvement. "Comment qualifier ce qui se passe dans la cité : vivons-nous une révolution ? ou seulement un mouvement ?" "Est-ce le 'mouvement des parapluies' ou la 'révolution des parapluies' ? "Les gens contestent l'appellation 'révolution des parapluies'. "Je suis d'accord – techniquement Occupy Central n'est pas une 'révolution', mais le terme 'révolution des parapluies' est ce qui est utilisé partout dans le monde.” "Effectivement, on parle de 'révolution des parapluies', mais certains manifestants préfèrent 'mouvement des parapluies', car ils ne veulent pas l'anarchie. "Puisque des médias comme Time parlent de 'révolution des parapluies', nous devrions nous tenir à cela, non ?" Et le fil d'être finalement renommé ainsi : Des cours dans la rue et des ordures bien triées

Game Tycoon»Blog Archive » Using Games to Tap Collective Intelli I’ve been mulling over an idea for several months now. It goes something like this: Nowadays, everyone is talking about the broad potential applications of video games. Combating obesity. Managing chronic disease. Basis of the Idea: Wisdom of Crowds First, a bit of background. However, despite a lasting surge in media, business, and academic interest, proven mechanisms via which to harness the wisdom of crowds remain in short supply. Idea markets use real or virtual currency to give participants a vested interest in the outcome of their predictions. Games are Wonderful Incentive Systems There is, however, one well-known mechanism that does an amazing job of incentivizing people to think seriously and passionately about a given set of problems. For many years now, developers have been creating games that revolve around real-world problems such as resource development, political maneuvering, etc. Give Me An Example Sound like something that governments would never even consider? Like this:

List of common misconceptions From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Each entry on this list of common misconceptions is worded as a correction; the misconceptions themselves are implied rather than stated. These entries are concise summaries; the main subject articles can be consulted for more detail. A common misconception is a viewpoint or factoid that is often accepted as true but which is actually false. Arts and culture[edit] Business[edit] Federal legal tender laws in the United States do not require that private businesses, persons, or organizations accept cash for payment, though it must be treated as valid payment for debts when tendered to a creditor.[1] Food and cooking[edit] Food and drink history[edit] Microwave ovens[edit] Film and television[edit] Language[edit] English language[edit] Law, crime, and military[edit] United States[edit] Twinkies were not claimed to be the cause of San Francisco mayor George Moscone's and supervisor Harvey Milk's murders. Literature[edit] Fine arts[edit] Music[edit] Popular music[edit]
