الحقيقة الإفتراضية Virtual Reality ظهر مصطلح الحقيقة الإفتراضية (Virtual Reality)لأول مره في عالم 1989 م واستطاع أن يدخل ويؤثر في مجالات عده ,, فها هو يؤثر في مجال التعليم والهندسه والأحوال الجويه وصناعة الألعاب والتسوق والعقارات وعلاج الأمراض النفسيه وإجراء العمليات الجراحية و إنتاج المواقع التي تعتمد على مبدأ هذه التقنية ,, فما هي الحقيقة الإفتراضية أو ما يطلق عليها أحياناً (VR) ؟الحقيقة الإفتراضية عباره عن محاكاة للحقيقة ,, والتركيز هنا يكون على الحقيقة الواقعيه ,,, وذلك عن طريق برامج مصممه بطريقة تسمح بإشراك حواس الإنسان فيما تعرض ,, بالإعتماد على أجهزة خاصة يتم توفيرها للمستخدم حتى يتصل بجهاز الحاسب ,,ويدخل في أجواء الحقيقة .. من هذه الأدوات ,, خوذة الرأس ,, أو غطاء الرأس ,, بحيث يرتديها المستخدم ويستمع للأصوات التي تصدر من العالم الإفتراضي ,,, وفي الغالب يكون مع الخوذة نظارات تغطي العينين بشكل كامل وتعرض الصور بشكل ثلاثي الأبعاد يجعل المستخدم يراها وكأنها واقع أمامه ,, و هناك قفازات لليدين وحذاء خاص يرتديه المستخدم حتى يتم تحديد موقع اليدين في الفضاء ومكان الشخص من المحيط ,,,وكذلك عصا التحكم وغيرها من الأدوات ,,
Enabling Social Experiences Using Mixed Reality and the Open Web Today, Mozilla is sharing an early preview of an experiment we are calling “Hubs by Mozilla”. Hubs is an immersive social experience that is delivered through the browser. You simply click on a web link to begin interacting with others inside virtual reality. Late last year we announced the creation of a team focused on enabling social experiences using Mixed Reality and the open web. This is one of many experiments we’ll be sharing from that work. Using the web as a platform provides people with better choices and greater access. There are other teams and companies out there that are building social VR experiences. Built for the Browser When we announced Firefox Reality earlier this month, we reinforced our stance that the web provides the best future for virtual and augmented reality (or “Mixed Reality”). With Hubs, you can create a room with a single click. Built for Every Device Built for Privacy Built for Scaling Try Hubs – a WebVR experiment from Mozilla Mixed Reality
O1 Visa, O2 Visa: visas for artists, athletes, entertainers. The O visa category is suitable for highly talented or acclaimed foreign nationals and their support staff. The O visa classification is especially helpful to artists, athletes, entertainers, chefs, and business people lacking professional degrees. O-1 Visas (Individuals of Extraordinary Ability or Achievement): An O-1 visa beneficiary must have extraordinary ability "demonstrated by sustained national or international acclaim." Only alien scientists, educators, business persons, and athletes who can document the required level of ability will be admitted in the O-1 category, provided they seek entry in the United States to continue work in their area of expertise. O-2 Visas (Support Staff for O-1 Visa Holders): The O-2 visa category is suitable for aliens seeking to accompany O-1 visa holders in the arts, motion picture, television productions, and athletics as essential support staff. The LL.M. The LL.M. Please refer to the LL.M. The LL.M.
Unity’s XR Toolkit Aims to Improve VR Development Later this Year The Unite Europe 2017 conference is well underway in Amsterdam, Netherlands, with plenty of sessions focused on virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) development. VRFocus is at the event bringing you all the latest news and interviews, and caught up with Unity’s XR Evangelist Sarah Stumbo who revealed the company’s upcoming XR Foundation Toolkit should be ready later this year. Earlier this year Unity unveiled the XR Foundation Toolkit (XRFT) during the Game Developers Conference (GDC) 2017, a piece of software designed as ‘a framework for XR developers that allows anyone – not just programmers – but artists, and directors, random people who want to get into immersive design.’ The premise behind it is to speed up development of immersive content enabling more people to dive into the industry. And while no release date has been confirmed just yet, it’s not too far away. “XR Toolkit is something that we’re working on right now.
Designing for Real Feelings in a Virtual Reality – Designing for Virtual Reality I’m standing in the middle of a frozen lake when an animated white rabbit approaches me. She looks me in the eye and crouches, ready to play. I crouch too. The scene takes place inside Invasion, an interactive virtual reality film developed by California-based Baobab Studios. It’s not the climax of the film (that comes later, when a pair of aliens arrive), but it’s one of the most illustrative. Virtual reality, it turns out, is excellent at playing into our emotions. Virtual reality is still a new medium, but VR artists and developers are gradually learning how to design experiences around what extracts the largest response from a viewer. “VR allows you to have the empathy of films, the agency of games, and the motivation of real life,” says Maureen Fan, co-founder and CEO of Baobab. The Camera Perspective Across the continent, in Montreal, Felix & Paul Studios specializes in making experiential films for VR. That seamless switch from camera to viewer is by design. Morphing Identity
An AR/VR Primer for Godot — Godot Engine latest documentation This tutorial gives you a springboard into the world of AR and VR in the Godot game engine. A new architecture was introduced in Godot 3 called the AR/VR Server. On top of this architecture specific implementations are available as interfaces most of which are plugins based on GDNative. AR/VR Server¶ When Godot starts each available interface will make itself known to the AR/VR server. You can use the function get_interfaces to return a list of available interfaces but for this tutorial we’re going to use the native mobile VR interface in our examples. To enable an interface you execute the following code: var arvr_interface = ARVRServer.find_interface("Native mobile")if arvr_interface and arvr_interface.initialize(): get_viewport().arvr = true var arvrInterface = ARVRServer.FindInterface("Native mobile");if (arvrInterface ! This code finds the interface we wish to use, initializes it and if that is successful binds the main viewport to the interface. New AR/VR Nodes¶
Mastering Markdown · GitHub Guides Markdown is a lightweight and easy-to-use syntax for styling all forms of writing on the GitHub platform. What you will learn: How the Markdown format makes styled collaborative editing easy How Markdown differs from traditional formatting approaches How to use Markdown to format text How to leverage GitHub’s automatic Markdown rendering How to apply GitHub’s unique Markdown extensions What is Markdown? Markdown is a way to style text on the web. You can use Markdown most places around GitHub: Gists Comments in Issues and Pull Requests Files with the .md or .markdown extension For more information, see “Writing on GitHub” in the GitHub Help. Examples It's very easy to make some words **bold** and other words *italic* with Markdown. It's very easy to make some words bold and other words italic with Markdown. Sometimes you want numbered lists: 1. Sometimes you want numbered lists: One Two Three Sometimes you want bullet points: Start a line with a star Profit! Alternatively, And, of course emoji! 1. !
Qt for Python/GettingStarted/Windows - Qt Wiki The Qt library has to be built with the same version of MSVC as Python and PySide2, this can be selected when using the online installer. Requirements Qt package from or a custom build of Qt (preferably Qt 5.9) A Python interpreter (version Python 3.6 or Python 2.7). Building from sources on Windows 10 The following steps are performed on the command prompt (cmd) that is included with the MSVC2015 package, to include the proper compiler configuration. 7zip (7z1700-x64) Git (Git- CMake (cmake-3.10.2-win64-x64) Python (python-3.6.4-amd64) MSVC2015 (visualcppbuildtools_full) CLANG (libclang-release_39-windows-vs2015_64.7z) Qt 5.9.4 (qt-unified-windows-x86-3.0.2-online) Setting up CLANG Download libclang, e.g. Extract the files, e.g. using 7zip Move the directory libclang to any desired path, e.g c:\, and then set these two required environment variables: e.g.
Qt for Python EnArBgDeElEsFaFiFrHiHuItJaKnKoMsNlPlPtRuSqThTrUkZh Qt for Python Qt for Python official logo. The Qt for Python project aims to provide a complete port of the PySide module to Qt. The module was released mid June 2018 as a Technical Preview (supporting Qt 5.11), and it was officially released without the Technical Preview tag, in December 2018 for Qt 5.12. It doesn't support Python 2.7,Dropped support for Python 3.5, keeping 3.6+ only until PySide 6.3PySide 6.4 is the first version that support Python 3.7+ This wiki page tracks the progress of the Qt for Python project development and provides further information concerning the effort. Get PySide6 via pip by running: pip install pyside6 What does it look like? More examples can be found in the project's repository inside the examples directory. Getting Started Refer to the official documentation over the wiki for guides on getting started, tutorials, and more!. Community Development Status Contributing to the Qt for Python Wiki