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Visualizing the customer experience using customer experience journey maps

Visualizing the customer experience using customer experience journey maps
Too often when we think of a customer, our view is filtered through the lens of our job, profession, department, or specialty. Think of how patients are treated in most hospitals. They are viewed as a disease, an illness, a collection of parts – each with its own specialist. The hospital system is designed for the convenience of the specialists, not for the needs of the patient. Specialists in a hospital are much like the silos in an organization, each viewing a customer from their own departmental lens. Bringing the outside in using customer experience journey maps Customer experience journey maps are a tool to help bring the outside world into an organization. And as we map out the customer’s story, our organization’s own story becomes visible. Below are a few examples of different types of customer experience journey maps. [updated September 28, 2011 & May 22 2012 with additional examples] Social Gamer created by nForm Lego’s WOW map for an executive’s experience visiting LEGO

Why service design is the next big thing in cultural innovation | Culture professionals network | Guardian Professional Here at the Edinburgh Festivals Innovation Lab, we explore how to best use new thinking and new tools to make the experience of the twelve major Edinburgh festivals even better – for audiences, performers and the festivals organisations themselves. As part of this ongoing work, this week saw the launch of Festivals Design DNA, a project which began life as a simple question: what happens if we approached innovation through the eyes of a designer, and in particular a service designer? Working together with Glasgow-based service design agency Snook, we have created a set of practical tools to help cultural organisations use the principles and approaches of service design to improve the experiences they produce – supporting the innovation process all the way from ideation to delivery. But before I tell you why I think service design is the next big thing in the cultural sector, let's just back up a wee bit and do the definition thing. 1. 2. 3. 4.

IAT 333 Team djK presents +Download the Cultural Probe PDF file +Download the Cultural Probe Result PDF file +Download the Interview Analysis Reflection This was the first time for us to understand the concept of cultural probe and to apply it to our design process. We were struggling on designing the probe items in the beginning and we wanted to explore the different aspects of the radio hosts' lives. The results from our social group showed some of the items worked and some didn't; to write secretly, to guess the appearances of the audiences, and Handy Notes were the most favorable within the cultural probe as they love to express their thoughts or creativities secretly; these items did capture their expressions through the moments.

The Visual Leap - About Visual Thinking >> Home • About Visual Thinking About Visual Thinking Visual thinking, also called visual learning, is a proven method of organizing ideas graphically - with concept maps, mind maps and webs. Visual thinking is an intuitive and easy-to-learn strategy that works for many academic and professional projects. Visual Leap programs use visual thinking software as a learning tool, and this software accelerates the learning process. According to studies conducted by the Institute for the Advancement of Research in Education, visual learning techniques improve: Test scores Writing Proficiency Long-term Retention Reading Comprehension Thinking and Learning Skills Visual thinking is intuitive. Visual thinking is easy to learn. "Concept mapping has been shown to help learners learn, researchers create new knowledge, administrators to better structure and manage organizations, writers to write, and evaluators assess learning." Joseph D. 37% of people are visual-spatial learners.

Service Innovation » Blog Archive » Touch-point cards now available Quite a lot of people have liked the touch-point cards and have been spreading the word about how useful they are in service innovation projects. I have received several emails requesting sets, but have been unable to deliver. The first two print runs of the cards went very quickly. Now, I’m pleased to say that we have just received a third set of cards. The third set includes some new cards and now all cards are together. If you would like a set, please send me a mail at simon (dot) clatworthy (at) aho (dot) no, including a full post address, and we will send them off to you. If you are totally confused about what I am talking about, and have missed out on the touch-point interest, then take a look at this article (link) in the International Journal of Design.

Repository Design activities Co-designing Envisioning Testing & Prototyping Implementing Representations Texts Graphs Narratives Games Models Stakeholders Professionals Service staff Users Context System Offering Interaction Actors map Affinity diagram Blueprint Character profile Cognitive walkthrough Constructive interaction Customer Journey Map Design games Evidencing Experience prototype Group sketching Heuristic evaluation Issue cards Lego serious play Mind map Mock up Moodboard Motivation matrix Offering map Personas Poster Role playing Role script Rough prototyping Service prototype Service specification Storyboard Storytelling System map Tomorrow headlines Usability testing Use cases Wizard of Oz / message box for suggestions about tools and case studies / all contents by Roberta Tassi / nc-by-nd cc licence / 2009

Firms Push Visual Note Taking to Spark Creativity, Sharpen Focus Developers: ES5 builds are disabled during development to take advantage of 2x faster build times. Please see the example below or our config docs if you would like to develop on a browser that does not fully support ES2017 and custom elements. Note that as of Stencil v2, ES5 builds and polyfills are disabled during production builds. You can enable these in your stencil.config.ts file. When testing browsers it is recommended to always test in production mode, and ES5 builds should always be enabled during production builds. Enabling ES5 builds during development: npm run dev --es5 For stencil-component-starter, use: npm start --es5 Enabling full production builds during development: npm run dev --prod npm start --prod Current Browser's Support: Current Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0

How to tell managers they're wrong about UX research and still get hired I was meeting with a potential client a few weeks back who wanted a usability test. “Tell me about your users,” I asked, hoping that I could then use this information as the basis for a recruitment screener. “Well, it’s aimed at everyone really, so you don’t need to recruit any special kind of user,” came the reply. Red flag. I was just formulating a response when he said: “Anyway, that’s good news for you as you’ll need quite a few users!” Putting on my best ‘actually-you’ll-be-surprised-by-this’ face, I said, “Often, we find we can get lots of insight with as few as five people.” He laughed. It turned into a long meeting. Just sprinkle some UX magic on it Has this happened to you? The problem with these kinds of discussion is that, if you’re not careful, you end up giving your internal or external client what they ask for rather than what they need. It doesn’t have to be this way. Market research uses hundreds of people. Market research is based on opinions. Users don’t know what they want

Design de Services, la ressource francophone et collaborative d'une discipline innovante New Graphic: The Borrower’s Customer Journey Map « Designing The P2P Carsharing Experience Hot off the presses! A new visual that tries to capture the customer journey of the ‘borrower’ during their P2P car sharing experience. It’s a generalized and simplified Customer Journey Map depicting the Borrower’s service experience. Click to enlarge the JPEG above. Please feel free to comment and suggest improvements! Thanks Mark. Tags: autonetzer, buzzcar, cafore, car sharing, carsharing, citizen car, collaborative consumption, communauto, creative commons, customer journey map, drive my car rentals, flexidrive, Getaround, go-op, icons, infographic, livop, my wheels, p2p car sharing, peer-to-peer, Relay Rides, rent-n-roll, snapp car, social car, tamyca, user experience, visualization, voiturelib, wheelz, whip car, zilok

What The 3 Stages Of Love Teach You About Crafting Great Services Digital services, such as Google Maps and Foursquare, are a fast-growing part of our daily lives. These services can be beneficial and much loved, like Amazon Prime, but poorly designed services can revile, causing customers to terminate brand relationships. Designing living entities So what is service design all about? •In response to people’s evolving needs and expectations. It’s not that the design of services is inherently better or more important than other forms of design. Designing for love Instead of getting stuck in industry jargon, we like to compare services to human relationships. At Fjord, we aim to design services that people fall in love with. The same logic goes for digital solutions. When the iPhone first came out in 2007, it wasn’t the most feature-rich phone, and an over-burdened AT&T network made voice calling a real pain. At its best, digital service design helps create a strong bond between a company and its customers. Three stages to true love
