Lesson 3: Writing news - BBC News School Report Image copyright BBC SCHOOL REPORT This lesson explains how to write news reports for TV, Radio and Online. It introduces the three C's of scripting - being clear, concise and correct. Jim, from Radio 1's Newsbeat, explains the process involved in writing a good script, the importance of checking facts and researching the subject. 1 - Video: Writing News - Huw Edwards Media playback is unsupported on your device BBC newsreader Huw Edwards explains the 3 C's of news writing: being Clear, Concise and Correct. Writing scripts and news stories also means understanding that you need to get straight to the point! There's no point in having an amazing news story but leaving the most important fact to the last sentence! You can recap the key points from the video with this accompanying worksheet, or read a transcript of the video: Key points: Writing news [27.13] Transcript: Writing news [22.90] 2 - Activity: Writing Concisely Remember to cover the 5 W's: What's happening? And be: 5 - Quiz: Writing News
Crossword Puzzle Maker | World Famous from The Teacher's Corner You must have an OLD browser. The old crossword maker doesn't allow all of the new features like cool fonts, adding images, shadows, special colors, and much more coming in the furture like saving, and being playable online. You can upgrade your browser to IE 9+ or better yet, get the Google Chrome browser and enjoy all of those great features. Not convinced? 2 reasons crosswords will not generate: 1. 1. Take the following example word list: "home, cat, dog". A slightly different impossible list: "home", "dog", "lizard" - all 3 have letters that they share! When you add a bunch of words, the chance for it being an impossible can increase (depending on many factors). 2.
Fake iPhone Text Generator CopyPasteDesign. Éditer et annoter vos captures d’écran Article mis à jour le 30 janvier 2018 par Fidel Navamuel CopyPasteDesign est un petit utilitaire en ligne qui permet d’éditer et d’annoter très facilement des images ou des captures d’écran depuis votre navigateur. Si vous n’utilisez pas de logiciels professionnels pour réaliser vos captures d’écran comme Snagit dont on a parlé ici, CopyPasteDesign va vous être d’une grande utilité. Si vous réalisez régulièrement des captures de votre écran, vous avez sans doute déjà eu besoin de les éditer ensuite pour ajouter à l’image du texte ou une flèche ou encore une icône. CopyPasteDesign va vous aider en cela. Une fois satisfait du résultat, un simple clic vous permettra de télécharger l’image annotée au format PNG. CopyPasteDesign est entièrement gratuit et sans publicité. Lien : CopyPasteDesign
S'CAPE-Réussir son escape game Concevoir un escape game, ce n’est pas uniquement créer une série d’énigmes, c’est aussi penser à son organisation et sa scénarisation pour plonger les participants dans votre univers et les inciter à collaborer entre eux. Les étapes indispensables Définir l’objectif pédagogique et le contenu (pluri)disciplinaire. Quelques conseils Définir l’objectif visé en tenant compte du public, du type d’escape game (révision / découverte / consolidation / cohésion / ludique) et des notions à dégager. Le document LES SECRETS D’UN ESCAPE GAME RÉUSSI détaille les conseils pour réussir un escape game pédagogique. Media Vocabulary for English Learners There is no doubt that the media plays an important role in everyone’s life. The vocabulary we associate with it is extremely rich and varied. Essentially, there are two main types of media-related vocabulary: vocabulary related to the printed word and vocabulary related to the spoken word, as used in broadcasts on radio, TV, or through the internet. You can study the vocabulary below and take the gap-fill quiz at the end to check your understanding of some of the terms. You’ll find the answers at the bottom of the article. Types of Print Media BannerBillboardBookJournalMagazineNewspaperTabloid Types of News Hard newsSoft newsFeatureArticleEditorialColumnReviewBreaking newsNews bulletin Newspaper / Magazine Sections InternationalPoliticsBusinessOpinionTechnologyScienceHealthSportsArtsStyleFoodTravel Types of Advertising CommercialNative AdvertisementAdSpotAdvertainmentBillboardSponsored People in Print ColumnistEditorJournalistEditorialistCopy editorPaparazzi People on Television Media Type
QR Code Generator - készítsen QR kódokat itt mensus.net - logic puzzles Logic Puzzles To solve the logic puzzles on this page you have to find out who lives in which house, and what hobbies, plants and animals live in the same house. A very famous puzzle of this type is known as "Einstein's puzzle" or the zebra puzzle. Supposedly it was invented by Albert Einstein as a boy. Another famous logic puzzle of this type can be found at the end of the book Harry Potter and the Sorcerers/Philosophers Stone, although there you have to find the bottles that contain magic potions. Here a version created especially for you, you can create a different one using the form further down. Comments regarding this page Use this feature to comment on this page, to suggest features, ask question or propose changes.
5 Web Tools to create the best website for your school Children born in the late 90’s and in the 2000’s are experiencing a significantly different process of learning and development. Technology has affected and reshaped the learning process in the XXI Century, since the aggressive emergence of the digital media traditional classrooms with paper-based lectures, talks, and physical practices are no longer in use. According to Statista, the worldwide e-learning market will surpass 243 billion dollars by 2022. With Ning, you can build your online presence from the ground up. If you want to use free and cheap solution to create website for students then Wix is the right tool for you. Duda’s philosophy is that the core of everything is personalization. We are all familiar with WordPress. Weebly has a rich library of themes and templates to choose from. Final Thoughts All of the above-mentioned solutions will do the trick. Sponsored post by Veronika Porobanyuk
Morfo dans l’App Store Wardman - Making the News: A Motivating Writing Skills Project for ESL Students The Internet TESL Journal Clare Wardmanc.wardman1 {at} yorksj.ac.ukYork St John University (York, UK) Rationale Many ESL students, children and adults alike, dislike or even dread writing tasks in the ESL classroom, finding them boring or difficult (Winer,1992: Cimcoz, 1999). This can lead teachers to avoid all but the shortest of writing tasks in the classroom, for fear of not being able to motivate or support their students highly enough. The project described below has been used to good effect with two different groups of students studying on short courses at a university in northern England and can be adapted to suit different levels with relative ease. Introduction to the Project The goal of the project is for small groups (between three and five students) to produce a newspaper, or the front page of a newspaper within the timescales decided. Technological Requirements There are, of course, a number of ways in which the students could present the final ‘newspaper’. The Process Day One
Meme Generator The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. Easily add text to images or memes. My I Bet He's Thinking About Other Women ← Background color. Click to change. Font Outline Width Max Font Size (px) Text Align Vertical Align Generate meme text with AI. Note: font can be customized per-textbox by clicking the gear icon. Tip: If you , your memes will be saved in your account What is the Meme Generator? It's a free online image maker that lets you add custom resizable text, images, and much more to templates. How to make a meme Choose a template. How can I customize my meme? You can move and resize the text boxes by dragging them around. Can I use the generator for more than just memes? Yes! Can I make animated or video memes? Yes! Do you have a wacky AI that can write memes for me? Funny you ask. 4.95 / month 3.95 / month
mal-den-code.de Crea animaciones con GifCam Una aplicación que captura nuestras acciones y las convierte en Gifs animados. Muy a menudo nos vemos en la situación de explicar a nuestros alumnos o compañeros cómo realizar alguna acción en sus ordenadores. Si nuestra audiencia es real, lo más fácil es mostrarles como hacerlo en una pantalla o proyector, pero en muchas veces tenemos que explicarlo virtualmente. En esos casos, es muy útil recurrir a capturas de pantalla, indicando los botones o opciones de menú... o bien, a grabar un vídeo, con todo lo que ello conlleva: planificarlo, grabarlo (a mi nunca me sale a la primera ni a la segunda...), subirlos a youtube, poner títulos, música... Para estos casos, cosas sencillas que debemos explicar a una audiencia virtual, GifCam es una herramienta fantástica. El proceso es sencillo y rápido: Descargamos GifCam y lo descomprimimos. Una de las cosa que sorprende es que los gif conseguidos tienen un tamaño muy contenido, incluso los de pantalla completa. Os dejo aquí un ejemplo: