La fabrique des garçons : sanctions et genre au collège
J'ai reçu en cadeau le livre La fabrique des garçons. Sanctions et genre au collège dont je vais vous proposer le résumé. Sylvie Ayral a étudié le nombre de sanctions dans 5 collèges très différents et a constaté que 75.7% à 84.2% des élèves punis ou sanctionnés étaient des garçons. 84.2% à 97.6% des élèves punis pour violences sur autrui étaient des garçons. Plein d'éléments ont déjà été étudiés afin d'estimer pourquoi des élèves sont punis et sanctionnés mais la sanction ne l'a jamais été par le prisme du genre. Dans une première partie, l'auteure explique ce qu'est le système de punitions et de sanctions. L'effet pervers de la sanction est que pour arrêter la violence, on fait soi même preuve de violence. Daniel Welzer-Lang dit que la virilité est "apprise et imposée aux garçons par le groupe des hommes au cours de leur socialisation pour qu'ils se distinguent hiérarchiquement des femmes. Dans les collèges, le principe de proportionnalité est souvent non respecté.
Male and female brains wired differently, scans reveal | Science
Scientists have drawn on nearly 1,000 brain scans to confirm what many had surely concluded long ago: that stark differences exist in the wiring of male and female brains. Maps of neural circuitry showed that on average women's brains were highly connected across the left and right hemispheres, in contrast to men's brains, where the connections were typically stronger between the front and back regions. Ragini Verma, a researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, said the greatest surprise was how much the findings supported old stereotypes, with men's brains apparently wired more for perception and co-ordinated actions, and women's for social skills and memory, making them better equipped for multitasking. "If you look at functional studies, the left of the brain is more for logical thinking, the right of the brain is for more intuitive thinking. So if there's a task that involves doing both of those things, it would seem that women are hardwired to do those better," Verma said.
Les stéréotypes de genre sont dangereux pour la santé
Le 16 janvier 2014, rediffusé dans le cadre d’un partenariat avec le Centre Hubertine Auclert (notre Manifeste) Les stéréotypes de genre, #OnEnParle ! madmoiZelle est la fière partenaire de la campagne #OnEnParle, pour déconstruire les stéréotypes de genre. Aux côtés du Centre Hubertine Auclert, qui lutte pour l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes en Île de France, nous nous engageons pour un avenir sans injonctions à la masculinité ni à la féminité. Si tu veux en savoir plus, rends-toi sur le minisite du Centre Hubertine Auclert ou participe au quizz sur l’Instagram de Rose Carpet. Et en attendant, découvre cet article qui témoigne des débats autour des stéréotypes de genre en 2014, et surtout de pourquoi ils sont mauvais pour la santé… Littéralement. En 2018, les stéréotypes de genre sont (encore) dangereux pour la santé Lutter contre les stéréotypes filles — garçons est un enjeu d’égalité et de mixité, selon le rapport du Commissariat général à la stratégie et à la prospective.
Penis envy
Penis envy (German: Penisneid) is a stage theorized by Sigmund Freud regarding female psychosexual development, in which female adolescents experience anxiety upon realization that they do not have a penis. Freud considered this realization a defining moment in a series of transitions toward a mature female sexuality and gender identity. In Freudian theory, the penis envy stage begins the transition from an attachment to the mother to competition with the mother for the attention, recognition and affection of the father.[1] The parallel reaction of a boy's realization that women do not have a penis is castration anxiety. Freud's theories regarding psychosexual development, and in particular the phallic stage, were criticized and refined by other psychoanalysts, such as Karen Horney, Otto Fenichel, Ernest Jones, Erik Erikson, Jean Piaget, Juliet Mitchell, Clara Thompson. Freud's theory[edit] Psychosexual development: child[edit] Freud thought girls: Psychosexual development: adult[edit]
Détruire la virilité
Beaucoup d'hommes semblent très occupés à tenter de définir leur place dans le féminisme. C'est pour moi un phénomène assez curieux que de voir des hommes, qui ont déjà une place immense dans la société, venir encore en réclamer une dans le féminisme, perdre du temps à débattre de ce sujet alors qu'il y a d'autres urgences. Discuter de sa place c'est toujours un temps qui ne sera pas passé à discuter des inégalités subies par les femmes. Alors puisque certains cherchent leur place dans le féminisme, que même là il faut se préoccuper d'eux sinon ils passent leur temps à solliciter notre attention pour en réclamer une, attribuons leur en une. Qu'est ce que la virilité ? Dans son livre, Stoltenberg dit qu'il faut détruire la virilité. Soit on part du principe que 90% de détenus masculins c'est une coïncidence. 98% de violeurs c'est une coïncidence. 99% agresseurs sexuels c'est une coïncidence. On a coutume de dire que seuls les vrais hommes ne violent pas.
What's the problem if a boy wants to put on a dress or girls act masculine? | Jill Filipovic
A few weeks back, I went to my first baby shower. My friends have only recently started getting married and having babies – although not necessarily in that order – and I was psyched to pick out a set of adorable baby clothes for the twins to whom my friend had only weeks earlier given birth. I popped into a cutesy Brooklyn baby shop and said I was looking for a baby shower gift for new twins. Her first question: "Girls or boys?" One of each, I said. I said: It's a little weird how all the clothes are pink for girls and blue for boys, isn't it? She agreed, and said they had one yellow outfit, but then said that nearly everyone who comes in demands the gender color-coding. Gendering kids starts immediately after birth, when we wrap a baby in a pink blanket or a blue one. The boy/girl divide gets even more pronounced as kids get older, but there's more of a stigma for boys who cross it than for girls.
The Dangerous Dynamic of Gender
By Sally Raskoff Have you noticed the demographics of the people who tend to perpetrate mass shootings in public spaces? I’ve noticed they tend to be young, male, from middle class backgrounds, and socially isolated. These are not trivial factors. Gender is key to this pattern. The age, class, and lack of social networks link with gender to create a situation in which the person sees the public shooting as a viable option to express their frustration. Why is gender key? Young isolated men who are frustrated to the breaking point, with few around them to notice, can sometimes turn to violence to vent or express that powerful emotion. Looking at the research on gender and gender traits can help us understand how this works. Dr. Research illustrates consistently that persons with a full range of human traits at their disposal (androgynous) are less depressed and more flexible, especially when stressed, since they can access a range of coping skill sets without threat to their gender identity.
Crisis in South Africa: The shocking practice of 'corrective rape' - aimed at 'curing' lesbians - Africa - World
The next morning, Mvuleni came round, bleeding, battered, in shock, and taunted by one overriding memory – the last thing they said to her before she passed out: "After everything we're going to do to you, you're going to be a real woman, and you're never going to act like this again". Corrective rape is a hate crime wielded to convert lesbians to heterosexuality – an attempt to 'cure' them of being gay. The term was coined in South Africa in the early 2000s when charity workers first noticed an influx of such attacks. But despite recognition and international coverage, corrective rape in the region is escalating in severity, according to Clare Carter, the photographer behind these images. This is amid a backdrop of parts of the country "becoming more homophobic", as one recent victim asserts. Compared to many of South Africa's victims, Mvuleni was lucky: she survived. Loading gallery Clare Carter's photographs of the victims of 'corrective rape' 1 of 10 The man entered her bedroom.