Learning English - Home 37 Ways Teachers Should Use Pinterest Posted on Sunday February 5, 2012 by Staff Writers There are a lot of great technology tools out there for teachers that can make it easier to connect with other educators, get ideas for classroom activities, and find inspiration. One of the newest and best of these online tools is Pinterest, which has quickly become a favorite among educators. Using online “pinboards” teachers can save everything from photos to blog posts in one easily accessible and usable place. Educators who are curious about Pinterest should sign up for an invitation today (it’s still invite only, but it doesn’t take long to get an invitation) and start creating their own amazing collections of pins. Inspiration Pinterest is ideal for getting inspired on a wide range of topics. Get inspiration for decorating your classroom. Lessons You’ll find a wealth of lessons and ideas on Pinterest to look through. Swap lesson plans. Professional Collaborate with other teachers and educators. Fun Find inspiration.
5 Inspiring TED Talks To Transform Your English Class - The Teaching Cove It’s no secret that TED talks are all the rage in the English classroom. So, why write a teaching tips post about them if everyone uses them anyway? Well, I really believe that it’s not just about turning on Youtube or TED and letting your students listen. It’s the activities they do that make or break the lesson. I LOVE speaking activities. No surprise there – that’s what my PhD research is on! So, how do you do it right then, you ask? 3 Tips for Teaching TED 1. Controversy in my English class? You’ll be surprised by the passion some students (even teenagers) have for certain topics! 2. Personal relevance is especially important in teaching TED talks in private tutoring lessons! Make sure you consider your students’ ages to ensure it is personally relevant for them. 3. What’s that, you say? Not sure how to create one? I have an example coming up for you in December Printables Package, which will be out shortly! Now, the inspiring part! 5 Inspiring TED Talks 1. Kio Stark thinks so. 2. 3.
Web Search Strategies The Web may seem like a vast ocean when it comes to finding something you need. Thankfully, search engines can help turn oceans of information into small pools that make finding information easier. Before we dive in, let’s talk a bit about how search works on the Web. Search engines go out and try to account for every word on every webpage. When you search for a word, the search engine finds all the pages where the word appears, and displays them in the search results. The problem is that there are often too many results. Say you’re looking for a specific kind of fish, and these represent all the websites on the Web. Try to imagine the exact fish and describe it in the search box. But to be a smart searcher, you should know some basic shortcuts. Here’s another shortcut. To remove the results about hair, place a hyphen or minus sign just before the word you want to exclude, which means “show me the pages about mullet, but take away results relating to hair.”
Vocabulaire des soins infirmiers - OQLF - Les soins infirmiers sont dispensés, au Québec, par du personnel spécialisé qui offre des services de qualité dans des centres hospitaliers, des centres de santé ou des centres d’hébergement et de soins de longue durée. Dans l’exercice de leur profession, ces spécialistes de la santé (infirmières et infirmiers, ou infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires) doivent, selon les responsabilités qui leur sont confiées, communiquer des résultats, donner des consignes et s’entretenir avec les patients. Ces derniers doivent, à leur tour, être en mesure de bien définir leurs besoins et de répondre adéquatement aux questions du personnel soignant. L’emploi d’une terminologie uniforme et juste est donc primordial. L’Office québécois de la langue française vous propose un vocabulaire regroupant les termes les plus couramment utilisés au Québec dans le domaine des soins infirmiers. Les liens ci-dessous s'ouvriront dans une nouvelle fenêtre.
A Resourceful Guide to Teaching Students with Dyslexia written by: Janelle Cox • edited by: Elizabeth Stannard Gromisch • updated: 9/24/2012 Teachers must have a firm grasp of how dyslexia affects their students. Use these resources to help you learn strategies, tips and lessons that will provide your students with the knowledge they need to succeed. Dyslexia is a learning disability that makes it hard for students to decipher reading and spelling words. Luke’s ENGLISH Podcast | Learn British English with Luke Thompson Listen to English and learn English with podcasts in English ► Level 1 For elementary and pre-intermediate students ► Level 2 For intermediate students ► Level 3 For upper intermediate students and above ► For teachers Lesson plans, teachers' information worksheets, how to find a podcast and much more! ► Pie plus Our monthly magazine with news, videos, information worksheets and our monthly competition. ► Extras Extra worksheet activities to support the podcasts ► Freebies Free sample worksheets for each of the three levels ► Travelogues Follow the pie team on their travels and learn English along the way Podcasts in English are not just listening activities for efl and esl students to improve their conversation. Many thanks to partnersinrhyme for the jingle on our podcasts and Philip Halling for the banner photo. Our partner sites: Do your homework with DoMyEssay and forget about tedious assignments once and for all! best app that writes essays for you hire PaperWriter to write a paper for me Try writers per hour when you need help with English essay writing.
PlayPhrase. Améliorer sa prononciation en anglais Article mis à jour le 10 février 2015 par Fidel Navamuel Comment améliorer sa prononciation en Anglais ? PlayPhrase vous propose une solution assez originale avec un système basé sur les dialogues des séries tv. PlayPhrase ressemble un peu à Fleex dont je parlais ici il y a quelque temps de cela et lui permet d’apprendre l’anglais en regardant des séries ou des films. L’idée est ultra simple PlayPhrase vous propose en boucle des répliques extraites de séries populaires. Même si nos sympathiques héros télévisés ont parfois un accent à couper au couteau, le système a l’avantage d’être suffisamment ludique pour inciter l’apprenant à l’utiliser régulièrement. Pas besoin de mode d’emploi pour prendre en main PlayPhrase. On peut revenir sur les phrases précédentes ou sur celles qui vont s’afficher façon playlist. Playphrase joue des répliques de façon aléatoire mais l’outil vous propose aussi un moteur de recherche intégré. Lien: Playphrase
English Club Larry Ferlazzo - Online tools These include The Best Web Tools For English Language Learners (In Other Words, The Ones My Students Regularly Use) and The Best Beginner, Intermediate & Advanced English Language Learner Sites. Now, though, I think it's time to narrow them down to my choices for the "best of the best" or, in other words, an "All-Time Best" list. Here are my choices, and I hope readers will let me know if they agree, disagree, and/or think I've missed some (one key requirement is that they are all free to use). Obviously, The British Council has tons of great resources. I'm obviously biased, but I think the weekly student interactives I create for The New York Times are very useful to English Language Learners. The Reading and Everyday Life activities from GCF LearnFree are excellent. ESL-Bits has good exercised for Intermediate English Language Learners. Kiz Klub has many simple interactive books to read with audio support for the text. Mrs. Duolingo has got to be number one in this category.
ESL English Listening & Adult Literacy - News - Audiobooks - Songs - Radio Dramas Laurie by Stephen King Part One (25 min. at normal speed - Various speeds available) Part Two (28 min. at normal speed - Various speeds available) Laurie is a beautiful and heartwarming story.